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The entry for Boris Johnson in the book Is It Just Me or is Everything Shit?


The book "Is It Just Me Or Is Everything Shit" has an entry for Boris which raised a smile...


Cheeky chappy Boris Johnson: is he quite amusing / a bit of a 'cove' / basically a 'good egg'? Or is he a Tory?


The case for Boris Johnson being a Tory:


- He's editor of the Spectator

- He's a member of the Conservative Party

- He's Conservative MP for Henley.


The case against Boris Johnson being a Tory:


- He's got floppy hair and he rides a bike.


Hmm. Tricky. But, oh, hang on: Tory MP - doesn't like asylum seekers - Brussels, blah blah - cut back welfare state and give money to the rich, blah blah . . .


Got it! He's a Tory! He's Nicholas Soames on a bike! Fooled us all!

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Conservatives held my area with 105,162 votes compared with labours 29,925.


Boris was also favoured in my area winning 122,052 to Livingstones 40,670.


Happy with both results as it's who I voted for.


So happy Ken has FINALLY gone! 8 years of living under him in London is enough. Come on Boris!

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Some bits of trivia about Dave's all-new groovy tree logoed inclusive nu-tory party


Dave's shadow cabinet contains more people who went to Eton than any other school

Two-thirds of said cabinet attended fee-paying schools

The Conservative Party has more MPs called David (18) than it has women MPs (17).

The Conservative Party has more MPs called Philip (4) than it has MPs from a Black or Minority Ethnic group (3).

The Conservative Party has more MPs who are the sons of previous Conservative MPs (11) than it has MPs north of Chester (8).

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Call me immature, but the only reason I'd ever comtemplate voting Boris is that he is a pretty funny man. I mean, you laugh at him, not with him. But I'm glad he was elected, instead of Livingstone, who I was growing to despise more with each day.

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some treats to contemplate on in the basking glow of boris's election from the man himself.


'Let's go see some more pickerninnies shall we?' - Boris on black people.

'people with watermelon smiles'- same again'

'gay marriage can be nothing but a mockery of the real thing'

'I support section 28'.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. You just voted in a racist, homophobic wanker who's nothing more than a substanceless, vapid, reactionary moron with no credability. I hope he's still funny when he calls the chinese ambassador a chink or something.

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some treats to contemplate on in the basking glow of boris's election from the man himself.


'Let's go see some more pickerninnies shall we?' - Boris on black people.

'people with watermelon smiles'- same again'

'gay marriage can be nothing but a mockery of the real thing'

'I support section 28'.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. You just voted in a racist, homophobic wanker who's nothing more than a substanceless, vapid, reactionary moron with no credability. I hope he's still funny when he calls the chinese ambassador a chink or something.


I just laughed uncontrollably at the last line of your post. That would be the end of the Tory party if he did that, surely? He can't be that bad...right? But this just shows how utterly shit things are, the fact they thought voting in a racist, homophobic moron with floppy hair would actually be better than the current situation.


Labour really have dug themselves a hole haven't they, don't they know they need to stop digging?

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But the people cheating the system is so small, and again IT WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN!!!!!! Systems and laws are there to be broken and people will do it. People scamming disability allowance, people on here downloading games for the DS, or Music for the ipods - people do this shit all the time, I think it's hilarious and completely idiotic of people to use it against labour! Idiots!


And fees for education, which most people are against, but may I just add that under the old system my sister couldn't go to University because she couldn't afford to go, my family earnt the middle ground figure, not low enough to get the grant and not enough to afford to pay for my sister. My year was the last year of the old system and I couldn't go to University either, I had to wait for the new, lambasted system and get a loan to pay for my fees and living cost. I could actually go to Uni, the first in my family, I got a first class degree in Drama and Writing and now am a pretty succesful writer and director in theatre and film, something I wouldn't be if I didn't get the training.


Shit system? FUCK OFF!!! Now everyone can go to Uni! Not just the poor and the rich!

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That's fucking wicked man :)


more misery. 69,000 votes for the BNP. and Haggis, i think if Johnson did make that comment, most of the Tory MPs would probably just say 'raff raff!' and chortle. then go snort coke off a prostitutes arse.

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Funny. We did joke yesterday in school how all Britain needs right now is to be ruled by the radicalist policies of the BNP (ironically, of course). Now I feel we may have jinxed the votes, especially if those pig-headed twatfaces have actually gained a seat.


On the subject of the London Mayoral, I think you need to look at it from an average Joe's point of view. Regardless of whether you think Livingstone was good at his job or not (evidentally, there is a split), the mere association with Labour is enough nowadays to turn people away. The victory for Boris was probably a simple protest from voters.

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No. I'm just morally opposed to everything the tory party say, do, think and look like.


If you say that, you seem like one of those people who knows nothing about politics but goes with a general public ignorance hate feeling.

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But the people cheating the system is so small, and again IT WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN!!!!!! Systems and laws are there to be broken and people will do it. People scamming disability allowance, people on here downloading games for the DS, or Music for the ipods - people do this shit all the time, I think it's hilarious and completely idiotic of people to use it against labour! Idiots!


Believe me it isn't small. A lot of the people that are on benefits don't even have anything wrong with them. And even the ones that do could still get a job. Many people who are autistic get a job. Yet somebody who hurt his finger once gets paid shit loads by the government. And what about the muslim father of 12 who quit his £27k a year teaching job to get over £29k a year on benefits. And was planning on fathering a 3rd. He was also head of a political party who wanted to make Britain an Islamic state.

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Believe me it isn't small. A lot of the people that are on benefits don't even have anything wrong with them. And even the ones that do could still get a job. Many people who are autistic get a job. Yet somebody who hurt his finger once gets paid shit loads by the government. And what about the muslim father of 12 who quit his £27k a year teaching job to get over £29k a year on benefits. And was planning on fathering a 3rd. He was also head of a political party who wanted to make Britain an Islamic state.


I cannot agree more with this person. There's a huge amount of people claiming benefits falsely; a lot of them you would probably call chavs, to be honest. I've met quite a few families who have claimed benefits for no reason, and it's really quite infuriating.

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Put it this way, if the government scrapped 90% of benefits and jobseekers etc. and instead gave people council jobs like cleaning dog shit out of the local park or clearing the broken beer bottles and needles off of the streets then we'd see how many people are "disabled". Hey we're paying them anyway we may as well get something for our money.


Waste of space lowlifes should be shot.

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What I think is absolutely ridiculous is how you can consciously choose to not have a job, sign on and pretend to look for a couple of jobs each week and legally live paid for by other people. Even if nothing is wrong with you.


In the old days, if you didn't want to work you'd just die.

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If you say that, you seem like one of those people who knows nothing about politics but goes with a general public ignorance hate feeling.


No, i just recognise the tories as oppotunistic, say anything toffs who'll glady say just about anything to get in on popularity contests, no matter how groundless and empty their proposals are. They stand for little, and what they do stand for is bad, unless you're a silverspooned, upper % ****. They're agaisnt everything I stand for, politically, i hold them personally responsible for most of the bad things to happen to my city and most of my region, and the thought of them in power is so god damn depessing that i might just leave. They also have a party leader who looks like a shiny new potato with a smug grin scribbled on it by a stupid child.

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In the old days, if you didn't want to work you'd just die.


Exaclty the reason why I don't like the idea of a welfare state. I believe strongly in the NHS (I'd be happier if they would be a bit more strict: "No... 50 abortions is too much" or "cosmetic surgery on your boobs will not solve you psychological problems") but I really think that the welfare system is totally over inflated.


My friend is a paramedic in Sheffield and he did a talk in Bradford and he said that the kids have no aspirations and actually, genuinely wanted to become doll scum.

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Exaclty the reason why I don't like the idea of a welfare state. I believe strongly in the NHS (I'd be happier if they would be a bit more strict: "No... 50 abortions is too much" or "cosmetic surgery on your boobs will not solver you psychological problems") but I really think that the welfare system is totally over inflated.


My friend is a paramedic in Sheffield and he did a talk in Bradford and he said that the kids have no aspirations and actually, genuinely wanted to become doll scum.


The kid we are fostering comes from a mother who has 9 kids from numerous different dads. She's never worked a day in her life and all but 3 children have been taken away or given up by her. She has recently recieved a house free from the government. Her current boyfriend is a druggy and a thief who used to take the foster kid on raids as look out. Basically they are a **** to society and their children will grow up to be the same.


People like her should be shot.

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for me, the welfare state is one of the things that's actually good about this country. I beleive that the rich and prosperous should be taxed to help those at a genuine disadvantage in life, with the aim of helping them achieve an independent life. I dislike the idea of the system being abused as much as the next person, but the principal of a strong state is something I beleive in. If you want to see why it's good, just look at america and the massive problems of a captialist welfare system.

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