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in my case, an army for a fleet. big change.


also, new round in; jayseven. can you all hop to it in other games too,please? this is going sllloooww

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Can I place units somwhere else then at my starting supply points?

Because It´s annoying me a bit that I can´t place units anywhere else put on Kiel, Munich and Berlin...

Can I place units somwhere else then at my starting supply points?

Because It´s annoying me a bit that I can´t place units anywhere else put on Kiel, Munich and Berlin...


That explains a lot... Its going to be harder to expand that way.


no you can't. the idea being that they're armies of your troops from your country, presumably.


Things are going swimmingly in my games, except for my Italy one in which I'm being pwnd/ can't move for shit.

Things are going swimmingly in my games, except for my Italy one in which I'm being pwnd/ can't move for shit.


My money is on a Turkish/German victory in that game. Still, Turkey is having trouble advancing against me...


Turkey looks stronger than they are. lots of yellow but not much of it is actually control points. Still, they're doing well.



if anyone's interested in a fastish game, i have a 12 hour turn game set up called fast non gun boat with 4 places in still. it's public, but feel free to join anyway.


*hopes to get England*.


yeah it's awesome.


wish people played at my speed though. Guess folks are at school etc but i'm at the library all day and i like to muse on my turns during essays. would be nice to do it more than once a day..bah.

Turkey looks stronger than they are. lots of yellow but not much of it is actually control points. Still, they're doing well.



if anyone's interested in a fastish game, i have a 12 hour turn game set up called fast non gun boat with 4 places in still. it's public, but feel free to join anyway.


*hopes to get England*.


Joined it, the ones going on now aren't going fast enough in my opinion :Þ

Shit is going down in jayseven´s game but things are going soooo slow....


exactly. It's a really fun game that one but it's going at 1 round a day, and alot of those are retreats etc, which take all of ten seconds to do. urrggh!


means the dumbass who took the italy slot sacked it off and the computer automatically puts their units on hold to keep things ticking over while we keep playing.


I knew this would happen, he only made 2 moves, took no territory and then just let the game run for ages while we waited. asshole...


apologies - I'm having a rather irritating lack-of-internetz over here. Check out my thread in tech for more info. I basically can't get on facebook at all on firefox, and only exceptionally rarely on IE. It may be frustrating for you but trust me, it's a lot worse for me.

Whatever happened to the lightning game? Bank holiday tomorrow, so I'd be up for it.


sadly I'm too busy for it now. I'm spending all my days in the library, and going to bed early.


after the 14th though, definitely.


Wtf, I've been following a French boat for 3 turns and it stills manages to capture something. I thought that when attacked you can capture?

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