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I knew I forgot something to do with this. But yeah I got it too, I was like what the heck. But its not the first time thing went belly up with these emails. I suppose all the spanish customers may have got the english version.


Here is the update:


Dear Ten10,


We would like to offer our apologies for sending you a newsletter that was only intended for our Spanish members. Due to a technical oversight it was accidentally sent to other European members as well.

We value our Club Nintendo members and hope this has not caused any inconvenience. We hope you accept our apology and thank you for your continued support,

Best regards,

Your Nintendo Team

Edited by Ten10
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Yeah I got both of those too.



I was playing the game and it got really good in the levels with the machine guns. But in that sewer level where i had to use that crappy bouncing drudge weapon, that was just annoying. This game is full of ups and downs.


On the online side, I waited for 15 minutes to find someone and then gave up.

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Finished the Single-Player today...


WTF is up with the ending? Holy chirst, the levels just got better and better and harder as they went on. Then you got the final level just a major gun fight, awesome, thought the enemies would never stop at one point.


Then went to "The Conduit" expecting a giant boss battle with whatever creature they showed the wireframe model of in the level intro when Adam was talking.




What was with that? When I reached that point that was where you "start" the game from, I was expecting a giant explosion that would knock me out and would have to go through a similar conversation as when you first start the game.


What happened there? I was all the way through wondering what happened that knocked Ford out? :heh:


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I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Online forums- but thought i'd leave those clear for meet up etc.


Has anyone had any strange occurences online? I've had quite a high number which is mildly concerning- last night was ridiculous (in an hour and a half i managed only two games).


It seems when i'm being dropped into an established worldwide or regional match- whether joining a friend or just random people, i'm having some weird glitch. I get the load screen, and all seems fine, then it pops of into the match with the full HUD displayed, an unmovable quarter-circle reticule and a level consisting of a single, usually brown, polygon. Oh, yeah, and i can't move around this single polygon world either, although i was able to wield a weapon which tracked the Wii remote only left and right but with a 2 second delay. Sound and Wii Speak voices come through, and the event ticker in the top left still updates. The only way out is a swift press of the off button.


I've had this a few times, but last night it was relentless, game after game refused to load correctly- everytime a game loaded (in mine or Lindseys profile) we ended up facing our Brown Wall. Just by chance, Lindsey joined a game which had the one minute left announcement- so we waited. After that match finished, we were took to the match vote screen and ended up playing the next match properly.


Its hideously irritating. Anyone else had this?

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I wasn't sure whether to put this in the Online forums- but thought i'd leave those clear for meet up etc.


Has anyone had any strange occurences online? I've had quite a high number which is mildly concerning- last night was ridiculous (in an hour and a half i managed only two games).


It seems when i'm being dropped into an established worldwide or regional match- whether joining a friend or just random people, i'm having some weird glitch. I get the load screen, and all seems fine, then it pops of into the match with the full HUD displayed, an unmovable quarter-circle reticule and a level consisting of a single, usually brown, polygon. Oh, yeah, and i can't move around this single polygon world either, although i was able to wield a weapon which tracked the Wii remote only left and right but with a 2 second delay. Sound and Wii Speak voices come through, and the event ticker in the top left still updates. The only way out is a swift press of the off button.


I've had this a few times, but last night it was relentless, game after game refused to load correctly- everytime a game loaded (in mine or Lindseys profile) we ended up facing our Brown Wall. Just by chance, Lindsey joined a game which had the one minute left announcement- so we waited. After that match finished, we were took to the match vote screen and ended up playing the next match properly.


Its hideously irritating. Anyone else had this?


Well I have a good few issues with the online. When it's up and working it's not bad at all, in fact I often find myself really enjoying it. But sometimes it takes me around 10 minutes and I still haven't got a match.


What's more, I've seen some horrendous lag, which is very annoying considering how simple the level designs are and how basic the graphics are on the multiplayer.


Also, I find that often you'll kill someone and die a second later, or you die then you get granted the kill of the person who killed you.


Still, I do enjoy it when it's right.

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Hmm, this sounds familiar.


I've tried some online matches, much to my dislike (Yes, still hate online shooters, but hey, atleast gotta try, right?), and had similar experiences. Waiting up to 10 minutes for a match to begin, odd choices of players (ignoring my preferences), and on a few occasions I was waiting for a game, and suddenly I see the end result of a match, and I'm included fort some reason. No kills obviously, but why get ranked (badly) for a match you didn't even participate in? And after that: joy, back to the lobby for another round of waiting! I don't know if this is supposed to happen but still... odd.


Haven't had the Brown Wall, though. Not yet.


Guess I'll never learn to like online shooters. :wink:


Still liking the single-player, though. Not loving, just liking. Picked up CoD:WaW too, and I think overall that game has the edge.

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It seems when i'm being dropped into an established worldwide or regional match- whether joining a friend or just random people, i'm having some weird glitch. I get the load screen, and all seems fine, then it pops of into the match with the full HUD displayed, an unmovable quarter-circle reticule and a level consisting of a single, usually brown, polygon. Oh, yeah, and i can't move around this single polygon world either, although i was able to wield a weapon which tracked the Wii remote only left and right but with a 2 second delay. Sound and Wii Speak voices come through, and the event ticker in the top left still updates. The only way out is a swift press of the off button.


No brown polygons for me, but I did get dropped into a game where I couldn't move. I was waiting for someone to kill me, as I was right in the middle of an open area. Though I could see them, I don't think they could see me, so I didn't die. I couldn't do anything apart from that weird thing you described with the floaty gun tracking left and right.


Happened on my first ever online match. It was fine after that, though I've only played it for one evening.

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The online for this game has been a major disappointment. We were all hoping for much more. The odd thing is, when there are games like Battlefield and Call of Duty this feels like a real step backward.


When COD:WAW has such a great, simple and speedy lobby system I don't know why you end up with such a slow and cumbersome one on The Conduit.


I played it again last night, and another huge issue I found with the game is that headshots don't seem to count! I takes about four shots to the head with the pistol to drop someone. Very odd indeed!


I also completed the single player game last night. It ended very abruptly. I did enjoy parts of the single player game - especially the Streets and Pentagon levels.


I actually didn't enjoy the last couple of levels in the Trust base as much as I'd hoped I would, I especially hated the first section of level 8 where you had to find and destroy the radio jammers or the large conduit kept spewing enemies - it took me ages to find them all and by the end I was sick of it.


By the end I felt a little like I was playing an FPS version of space invaders with just wave after wave of enemies attacking me until I either passed an invisible line on the ground or reached a magic number causing them to stop spawning.


Overall I think the reviews for this got it about right - between 70% and 80%, but certainly no more.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I actually didn't enjoy the last couple of levels in the Trust base as much as I'd hoped I would, I especially hated the first section of level 8 where you had to find and destroy the radio jammers or the large conduit kept spewing enemies - it took me ages to find them all and by the end I was sick of it.


You do know you can deactivate that conduit don't you?

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You do know you can deactivate that conduit don't you?


I thought you could only close it after you'd deactivated the jammers?


Also, we had a little N-Europe gaming session on The Conduit last night - I'd love to see more people there, as when it works, it works very well!

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No brown polygons for me, but I did get dropped into a game where I couldn't move. I was waiting for someone to kill me, as I was right in the middle of an open area. Though I could see them, I don't think they could see me, so I didn't die. I couldn't do anything apart from that weird thing you described with the floaty gun tracking left and right.


Happened on my first ever online match. It was fine after that, though I've only played it for one evening.


I've got this one many times. You can sometimes rotate the hud-gun, and you can sometimes see the stage, sometimes. If not, the skybox has always loaded. You also get this weird cursor like thing in the middle that you can't move.

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