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  dwarf gourami said:
Cmon you are in denial - the portals are shite. And find me a youtube video of that, because all the clips I've seen the supposedly superior race just come sprinting towards you holding a 'shoot me' sign.


You've been watching the wrong vids, there's a relatively long one where it shows the aliens hiding and flanking the player.


What's this portals you're complaining about?

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The control complaint is irrelevant for obvious reasons.


The ASE wasn't really meant to have any sort of logic puzzles, and is for the most part optional according to a few interviews.


And FPS games in general tend to be quite repetitive.


So, basically he's saying they need to move some of the checkpoints and play with the difficulty a bit? Thats the sort of thing you would think they would be doing with month or and a half to release.


It'll be interesting to see Games Radar's impressions.

Posted (edited)
  Shino said:
You've been watching the wrong vids, there's a relatively long one where it shows the aliens hiding and flanking the player.


What's this portals you're complaining about?


The fact is that often they just run into you a hell of a lot. I'll show you the spawn portals, wait a sec.


Hmm Youtube doesn't seem to be working for me, but I remember in a trailer the video I posted 2 pages back as well as a trailer I saw a while back (featured a visually impressive lake as well as a temple like structure) there were portal things that enemies would jump out from.

Edited by dwarf

I've already explained on the previous page. They didn't work in Metroid Hunters and they didn't work in Ratchet and Clank (or any games I've seen it in).

It's just a flaw in design and a filler for stages to last longer.

  Goron_3 said:
though will probably buy it to support the cause (same reason i have Madworld and NMH, not that i've played either for more than an hour or so).


I'm sorry, but this sounds very silly, to put it mildly... :blank: You buy games you don't play just "to support the cause", whatever that means. Right... :indeed:

If the games aren't worth playing (obviously they aren't to you), then "the cause" isn't worth supporting.


Yeah I read that and thought it was a bit stupid. Even if there were 10,000 people that bought the game with that ideology in mind it still wouldn't affect the company in their decision to make another game.


Right, someone who's being a bit critical about a game has no right to just go out and buy it! No right at all!


The portals rule. Loved them in Brawl's SSE, gonna love them here. What would you suggest a game with the name "The Conduit" chose as enemy spawning mechanic then? Beats the crap out of every other FPS (slight overstatement).


And Kotaku have never been the place to read. Just like at Destructoid, a preview depends a whole lot on who did it. The contributors aren't all supporting the same cause (ie, objective reporting).


And come on, complaining about getting your ass handed to you by a game? Seriously? Just give it more time and get better. Numbskulls.


I've not read confirmation of Friendcodes since the unvielling, but i'm assuming since it was Nintendo's WFC servers that failed, it'll use FCs. Interesting that no-ones reporting FCs either way.


But if only there was someone we know who has played it... Someone trustworthy....


Someone like... like....






Now if only there was a place where this person's solid, first-hand views of the game could be collected for all to read...


Oh my!


Opening level:




Old school.


I love how 'advance AI' is just the enemy using cover. Because that hasn't been around for the last 9 years... :indeed:


I picked up ONM today and read their preview of the game and I think they summed it up nicely for me as its exactly how I fee.


While theres no doubt that it is well executed, attractive and for the most part great fun, The Conduit still seems a rather basic, old fashioned shooter. Indeed if youve played some of the more innovative FPS titles available on other next gen consoles you'd be forgiven for greeting The Conduits no frills action with something of a shrug.
  Daft said:
Old school.


I love how 'advance AI' is just the enemy using cover. Because that hasn't been around for the last 9 years... :indeed:


You do realise Wii isn't quite as powerful as the 360 or PS3?


The point is that, at a technical level, HVS have produced a great looking game, a standout title for Wii. Kudos to them.


With the resources available, AI was never going to compete with Modern Warfare. Perhaps if HVS had allocated more power to AI, we'd have something comparable- but we'd probably be shooting matchstick aliens (at least they'd be realisticaly ducking and weaving through the cardboard box environment, eh?)


While the art design isn't all that, its certainly better than the vast majority of toot on Wii at the moment. But what they're lacking in art, they're making up in with effects- many of which we've not seen in abundance on Wii. I'm a stickler for art design, and should i ever review The Conduit, i'd knoble its score down for it- but is it deal breaking? Doubt it. And lets face it there are examples of poor art design on all systems.


I'm sure this process has been an exercise in restraint for the team at High Voltage, nipping and tucking to get the absolute best performance from their engine on Wii (should they have chosen to, The Conduit could've been released months ago on the HD machines). But at the end of the day we've had some positive previews- including one from our good Ashley (lucky git)- admittedly a handful of less enthusiastic ones too. But doubtless at this stage the title shows promise, and i struggle to see how people can at this point be quite so critical- sit on the fence by all means, but until you've played it, why not take enjoyment from the fact that some developers still do have faith it Wii as a hardcore machine.


In reference to the ONM piece:


I can't comment on that, but I've completely understood that stance from day one. Even so, 99% of Wii owners supporting this game don't really try and indoctrinate all console gamers into admiring it, yet some gamers who play on other consoles decide to shit on it anyway. Everyone's entitled to express their opinions, but the unprovoked attacks from some people baffle me. Is it insecurity? Primative forum nature? I know I won't bother myself too much about it - it's just going to lead to another immature tangent.




The game itself has still grasped my interest; I can see myself whoring on the online for many moons to come. And despite some previews, those latest videos look pretty polished to me.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I picked up ONM today and read their preview of the game and I think they summed it up nicely for me as its exactly how I fee.


How did they mark New Super Mario Bros? Thats a well executed, fun but rather old fashioned platformer. And i doubt they sounded quite so negative.

Posted (edited)

In a way I see this game as the spiritual sequal to Timesplitters. A no frills, action shooting game with great, varied environments and objective based tasks. If the game delivers on that I'll be happy. If it's similar to Red Steel but improves on most aspects, which it seems to, I can't see how I personally will be dissapointed.

Edited by Nicktendo
  D_prOdigy said:
In reference to the ONM piece:


I can't comment on that, but I've completely understood that stance from day one. Even so, 99% of Wii owners supporting this game don't really try and indoctrinate all console gamers into admiring it, yet some gamers who play on other consoles decide to shit on it anyway. Everyone's entitled to express their opinions, but the unprovoked attacks from some people baffle me. Is it insecurity? Primative forum nature? I know I won't bother myself too much about it - it's just going to lead to another immature tangent.




The game itself has still grasped my interest; I can see myself whoring on the online for many moons to come. And despite some previews, those latest videos look pretty polished to me.



As I've said before, people are willing this to fail. It seems that the idea of the Wii having a good exclusive FPS actually worries some people.


^^ You've forgotten that Timesplitters had personality. I think the saving grace for this game will be controls and the online mode.

  dwarf gourami said:
^^ You've forgotten that Timesplitters had personality. I think the saving grace for this game will be controls and the online mode.


I think the Conduit does have some personality, Ok not as much as Timesplitters did, but the story is certainly interseting. I assume as the game progresses the enemies become bigger, darker and more powerful. It's sci-fi nature means that the game will probably start off in basic 'futuristic realism' before digressing much more into fiction, this in particular has me very interested. Watching the developers videos above and seeing some of the encoded hints that they have left throughout the game says to me that (if pulled off well) the story could be a huge plus point.


I'm remaining optimistic about this despite what all the naysayers believe and yes, the controls and online will be something to rave about and I can see this being the best FPS I've played since Perfect Dark. (I Hate Killzone, Halo and COD btw :))


Do you hate them or you just want to hate them? I'd just like to know because I find it hard that a shooter fan could not find enjoyment in either of those 3 online games. If you liked TS so much then surely you're just bitter that they aren't on Wii?


finally a Game i can Compare With the Current Gen Consoles i Compared some images with Halo From the 360 and it almost looked the same


i hope the online play for this Game turns out really Good


because the Story mode of Halo really sucked only the Online was Really Good


I really see not much of a difference between the Two Games


The Conduit




Halo 3


  dwarf gourami said:
Do you hate them or you just want to hate them? I'd just like to know because I find it hard that a shooter fan could not find enjoyment in either of those 3 online games. If you liked TS so much then surely you're just bitter that they aren't on Wii?


I despise war. Particularly in it's rawest form, as seen in all of the COD and MOH games. I enjoyed Halo 1 (the first 3 levels are amazing!) but found it too repetative and dull by the time I got to the library, the online multiplayer is OK in the other 2 but the single player games just dont interst me at all, bored after about 2 or 3 levels. I actually had timesplitters 2 on the Xbox and loved it, wasn't at all keen on Future Perfect, can't remember why. I'm not just saying this because I'm 'nintendo fanboy.' People mock me to this day for liking Red Steel, yes it had issues because it was a rushed launch title, but the potential was there and the setting and pace of the game was incredible.


I know the Conduit will probably have this and Red Steel did but I f**king HATE ressurecting health bars and checkpoints. Ever since Halo 1 it's become the norm. This is why Goldeneye and Perfect Dark stood out for me because the way you approached them was completely different and in my opinion better and more rewarding.


Yep. Miss the old GoldenEye/PD health and armour meter :(


Those walkthroughs look absolutely brilliant btw. How ze fok can you bitch on that?


My point about the advance AI is only about that they call it advance, when it really can't be that advance. AI is always going to relative.


  The-chosen-one said:
finally a Game i can Compare With the Current Gen Consoles i Compared some images with Halo From the 360 and it almost looked the same


i hope the online play for this Game turns out really Good


because the Story mode of Halo really sucked only the Online was Really Good


I really see not much of a difference between the Two Games


The Conduit




Halo 3



Yeah, they look totally the same.


The Conduit



Halo 3


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