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Rock Band


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Got this yesterday, played all night :D loved it.


Firstly, does anyone else have problems getting all the instruments to turn on? I've decided to just disregard that USB hub as I think it might be the problem. Often I couldn't get the instruments to turn on unless I unplugged them and plugged them back in, lame.


Anyway, onto the game. Played the World Tour, I was on guitar, jayseven on drums and my g/f doing vocals. Was a hell of a lot of fun. Although part way through I got a bit annoyed that I was basically playing a flashy guitar hero and everyone else was on something new, even though I was the one who paid :/ but, we had a little swap around and then I went back to guitar so it was all cool.


During the swap around I went on vocals and got 100% on Still Alive, earning an achievement for my g/f :heh: (because logging everyone in and out is annoying and slow and annoying).


Anyway, lots of fun :D the European songs that nobody's heard of were a bit tough vocally though.

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Still no game. I got the instruments on Tuesday, yet still no disc. They were bought in the same order but Play obviously like to piss their customers off.


I ordered both my Band in a Box and Rock Band from Play, at around 6PM, on Tuesday...


I recieved them both on Thursday...


If you ordered yours over the bank holiday I would assume that they lost the game in the post as things get well and truly clusterfucked in the post due to that one day of non-work.


It sucks I know but thats usually how it works when ordering over a Bank Holiday. :/

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Thats a point. What's everyone called their bands?


We went with "Barrs Cola" as it was the fuel for our pedal foot and strum thumbâ„¢. The empty glass bottle is now our mascot.


Me and Jordan's band is called 'Band of Gays'. Its appropriate.

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I ordered both my Band in a Box and Rock Band from Play, at around 6PM, on Tuesday...


I recieved them both on Thursday...


If you ordered yours over the bank holiday I would assume that they lost the game in the post as things get well and truly clusterfucked in the post due to that one day of non-work.


It sucks I know but thats usually how it works when ordering over a Bank Holiday. :/




I ordered both on Sunday so it may well be lost indeed.


Heads will roll for this.

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I was this | | close to buying it today. My brother said they were selling it for £120 in Asda, went down there and it was just the instruments. They then tried to convince me it was the cheapest price available (of which it isn't). I'm tempted to just buy it off play right now but I'm caught in two minds.


Edit -


Can someone tell me what songs are available on DLC. I've seen quite a few tracks I'd download on the American DLC, are they all out for the UK and Europe?


2nd Edit -


Checked myself on the market place saw that there was loads of DLC. Now ordered on play. ^^

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I completed the Guitar Solo Tour on Expert today, and unlocked the achievements for all 4 difficulties!

That's awesome, means I don't have to stroll through the other, less fun, difficulties. :grin:


Got some DLC as well, got Crushcrushcrush and two QOTSA songs. All very fun.


Anybody played "Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld" yet? It's hilarious on vocals! :bowdown:

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I'm now stuck on Green Grass And High Tides on Expert, specifically about 40 percent of the way through where there's a bunch of notes, something like YGRRYG, and it keeps repeating really fast.


I'm not sure when to save my overdrive, because if I don't use it earlier the stuff ahead I can't pick up (since my meter is full). But if I don't use the overdrive before that hard bit, I'm left with my audience love quite low! I'd always use it beforehand, but the if I miss the overdrive notes I'll have to restart (there's just no way I can complete the solo without it). Gah!

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Me and Jordan's band is called 'Band of Gays'. Its appropriate.
Our band is called 'Heroes in a Half Shell' :D


Unfortunately we can't use it on live because someone else has it... but we only play locally anyway. I feel a bit cheated, of course somebody else has it, the Americans got a 6 month head start!

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Guest Stefkov

Made the best ever logo. I want to use it for everything.


Anyone know if you can get a cape to wear in the game? I really want a cape.

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Made the best ever logo. I want to use it for everything.


Anyone know if you can get a cape to wear in the game? I really want a cape.



Yes you can, you can get Dr. Acula's cape from the Goth Garb store I believe. Quite pricey though.


(Love the blatant Scrubs usage though :D)

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Guest Stefkov
Yes you can, you can get Dr. Acula's cape from the Goth Garb store I believe. Quite pricey though.


(Love the blatant Scrubs usage though :D)


I'll go check it later. Dunno if I've got it. Hopefully you can wear it just as a cape though, nothing underneath.

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Guest Stefkov
Yep, you can. :D

You have made me a happy man.

Damn. There's a giant spider on the damn thing.

Do you know if there are triangle sunglassed. Much like the ones in my sig?

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Harmonix have a patch to make the GH3 controller work but Activision wont let them release it.


Jesus, thats great. :angry:


Know if their is any chance of them not being c*nts and letting Harmonix release it?

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Started Band World Tour last night. We're "Original Boosh", I'm the guitarist (obviously) and my brother is teh drummer. We are rather awesome.


Downloaded "More Than A Feeling" yesterday. It's great doing the solo and not have to strum every note. :grin:


Currently doing Drum Solo Tour on Medium. Flying through it. Went a bit mental on the character creation and made my drummer as a girl called Rose. :indeed:

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Anyone who has the PS3 version where did you get it from and how much. I want it but want it as cheap as possible


I got both of eBay, the game for £20, the drums for £85 (That included the £25 next day delivery).



...nice and cheap. :indeed:

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