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Nintendo Media Summit 2008


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Am I wrong? You're saying it was good?


Considering that it was more than obvious we weren't getting anything new, yet we got good impressions from Boom Blox, Samba de Amigo, GH DS, Lost Winds, World of Goo, My Life as a King, Pop, Rock Band and others, yes, I'm saying it was good.

I mean, honestly, every freaking conference is the same old thing, we know Nintendo won't use conferences to reveal a Megaton, everybody whines, waa, waa, I wanted to see the next Zelda, Nintendoomed, etc... Then we get tons of good games despite the conferences not showing them, so does it make a difference?

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^^ I think people are pissed off because they're wondering why Nintendo isn't showing us the games we'll be apparently playing in the last half of 08. We've got Wii fit this month then eventually Brawl, after that it's a bit dry. Nintendo are leaving it to the last minute to show us games we're not sure if they're coming or not or how long we'll have to wait for them.

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Here is a short summary of what went on:




1. “Rock Band” on Wii proved extremely popular. Even though almost everyone there had played it before. It was always packed — even singers.


2. No first-party WiiWare titles on display. Nintendo chose to highlight games outside their inner circle, made no mention of their upcoming works.


3. “Lost Winds” was the media’s WiiWare favorite. There was no way to avoid a 20 minute plus wait for the “Kirby: Cursed Canvas”-like platformer.


4. The guys behind ‘World of Goo” aren’t fans of Electronic Arts. They managed to sneak in a clever dig at their former employers in a presentation, cleverly capitalizing “E” and “A” in a slide, when speaking about their worst memories of working in the industry so far. I don’t think Nintendo knew.


5. “Boom Blox” is way better than you think. It doesn’t come across well in screens, impressions or even in-person demos. You need to play it yourself.


Bonus: Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime was nowhere to be seen.

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Did any of you actually expect ANY news, i mean comeon... this is hardly as popular as E3 in terms of revealing stuff for publicity... its just bad business sence if they did


Yeah I was expecting news. Nintendo have nothing coming out past brawl that's stopping me selling the Wii and buying a PS3 for metal gear. Nothing. 0. Not even something i'm remotely interested in. This is a worse drought then the 64 or GC ever saw.

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Yeah I was expecting news. Nintendo have nothing coming out past brawl that's stopping me selling the Wii and buying a PS3 for metal gear. Nothing. 0. Not even something i'm remotely interested in. This is a worse drought then the 64 or GC ever saw.


So, all the games displayed aren't coming out? Aaah I see that makes sense. I love it that people are clinging so much that there's a drought that even when a year filled with games passed and now we're gonna see more games, but because they didnt see a new one at a small conference, they think theres gonna be a drought.

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So, all the games displayed aren't coming out? Aaah I see that makes sense. I love it that people are clinging so much that there's a drought that even when a year filled with games passed and now we're gonna see more games, but because they didnt see a new one at a small conference, they think theres gonna be a drought.


1. Nothing at the conference interests me enough to hang on to the console.


2. It's not just the lack of Nintendo games that bug me, your quite right, they could be shown at E3. But I see nothing big coming from 3rd parties.


Seriously now, do you honestly think the Wii has a better line up of games for the rest of the year than the 360 and PS3?

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Completly depends on your taste in games, i mean with the Wii sales. im sure many 3rd partys by now have games underway as a few months back they were all announcing making Wii-specidfic developtment teams.... and it takes a while to make a game

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Drought, what the fuck are you talking about? There's no drought. Not many games YOU don't like? Fair enough, but to call it a game drought is idiocy!


And yes, the Wii has a WAY better game lineup then ps3/360 and already has a better library of games.

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Drought, what the fuck are you talking about? There's no drought. Not many games YOU don't like? Fair enough, but to call it a game drought is idiocy!


Fancy telling us about this flood then? We have had a good beginning to the year I think but now its all a bit.... ummm yeah. Guess there's Wiiware.


And don't call LazyBoy an idiot, he's stating his opinion. You make yourself a hypocrite by declaring the Wii to have a better line up than the 360/ps3 as that is your opinion.

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Seriously now, do you honestly think the Wii has a better line up of games for the rest of the year than the 360 and PS3?


Put quite simply, yes.


Yeah but what kind of games? The games I want to play or the games that are going to be cheap to make and easy to sell? Are they going to be passion projects or movie-tie-ins? I think I have a good idea.


What are these passion projects of yours? Gears of War 2? GTAIV? GT5 Prologue? Passion projects indeed. You know what passion projects are? Original games made by small teams like the WiiWare and XBLA ones, not generic sequels that add more guns, more bump mapping, shinier graphics and a bigger city. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think your definition of passion project is big budget, great graphics, millions of sales. But it really seems like you love to say there's a draught. If there's nothing that interests you that doesn't mean there's a draught, it means there's nothing for you. Now seeing, that it seems that this is always the case, despite the fact that we've been regularly getting great games, it's better to sell your Wii and stop crying.

Always the same thing after the conferece, then in the following months we get our games, people forget about it come next conference, ohh noes draught.

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Seems like it's my time to grab some popcorn and root for the team of the house against team "other-platform-games-are-better-than-Nintendo's-on-a-nintendo-forum"


Yep, Wii line-up for me; even if I also have games that interest me on other platforms; they don't warrant a purchase (sue me); this said I'll probably buy a PS3 this year despite not wanting any game in particular for it mainly because it's the first platform in story than within one year from launch has lost a bucketload of functions, hence, I'm buying a NTSC 60 GB one, for the Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthetizer (no PAL PS3 has them) to put in a box or something; and I'm not investing further on that for quite a while.


This said, so far we have a quite narrow Q3 and Q4 coming; drought? probably not, otherwise Nintendo wouldn't put Mario Kart Wii out now so soon and all that; the titles coming out since launch have been steady; even during the so called "drought"; they just didn't uncover it yet. It's far from it's maximum potential and sadly will be if the third party developers don't embrace it, but that doesn't mean Nintendo can't compete, they did for a lot of us during the N64 and GC era, and continue to do so.

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Ha, you know what's funny, i've never actually gone actively after Nintendo before, but I see now why some guys here stick to general chat and other consoles. I come in here and state an opinion you lot go freaking insane. I wouldn't mind if you simply argued against me, but the snide comments and swearing? Really? For example.


Drought, what the fuck are you talking about? There's no drought. Not many games YOU don't like? Fair enough, but to call it a game drought is idiocy!


And yes, the Wii has a WAY better game lineup then ps3/360 and already has a better library of games.


Like this. No forget reasoned argument and polite exchange. I'll swear and cast the title of idiocy on the other guy. Instead of, say, showing some games coming out this year that will warrant a purchase over GOW2, MGS4, GTA4 and Little Big Planet.



What are these passion projects of yours? Gears of War 2? GTAIV? GT5 Prologue? Passion projects indeed. You know what passion projects are? Original games made by small teams like the WiiWare and XBLA ones, not generic sequels that add more guns, more bump mapping, shinier graphics and a bigger city. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I think your definition of passion project is big budget, great graphics, millions of sales. But it really seems like you love to say there's a draught. If there's nothing that interests you that doesn't mean there's a draught, it means there's nothing for you. Now seeing, that it seems that this is always the case, despite the fact that we've been regularly getting great games, it's better to sell your Wii and stop crying.

Always the same thing after the conferece, then in the following months we get our games, people forget about it come next conference, ohh noes draught.


Ha, "stop crying". Couldn't finish it without a snide remark could you. Nice.


A passion project is simply project which the team are passionate about. Now you go and ask any gamer whether Kojima is passionate about MGS.


Seems like it's my time to grab some popcorn and root for the team of the house against team "other-platform-games-are-better-than-Nintendo's-on-a-nintendo-forum"


Yep, Wii line-up for me; even if I also have games that interest me on other platforms; they don't warrant a purchase (sue me); this said I'll probably buy a PS3 this year despite not wanting any game in particular for it mainly because it's the first platform in story than within one year from launch has lost a bucketload of functions, hence, I'm buying a NTSC 60 GB one, for the Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthetizer (no PAL PS3 has them) to put in a box or something; and I'm not investing further on that for quite a while.


This said, so far we have a quite narrow Q3 and Q4 coming; drought? probably not, otherwise Nintendo wouldn't put Mario Kart Wii out now so soon and all that; the titles coming out since launch have been steady; even during the so called "drought"; they just didn't uncover it yet. It's far from it's maximum potential and sadly will be if the third party developers don't embrace it, but that doesn't mean Nintendo can't compete, they did for a lot of us during the N64 and GC era, and continue to do so.



Thanks pedro. You answered the debate without having to attack me.


I like your part about Mario Kart, it does restore some faith that they'll be revealing something at E3. The point that worries me though is the N64 GC one at the end. Nintendo are a different company now. We're not their main customers anymore. If they're just about profit maximisation the clever move will be to ignore us and make games for the casuals.


Thanks for jumping in as well Jamba.

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Gone are the days where core gamers could rely on just one console to satisfy their gaming needs... Nintendo still make their handful of outstanding games a year but the rest of the release schedule is populated by mostly half decent titles, the odd outstanding third party effort and the rest which is sadly ported or poorly put together rubbish. :/


If you want to be truly and honestly satisfied as a gamer, you'll allready have or will be considering owning two or three of this generations home consoles as they all have decent games to offer.

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Aaand here we go, generic conference reactions.


Generic conference reactions for generic conferences. :wink:


Let's face it: Nintendo hasn't had a good PR-gettogether since E3'04. That was the first and only time Reginald "Reggie" Fils-Aimé had something to say. Ever since then, he's simply been a talking PowerPoint program.


Wasn't expecting much anyway. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. It just... was. My advice? If Nintendo holds a conference, make your expectations suitably low.


Ah, the days of Nintendo Space World...













Then came Nintendo World 2006...








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I personally thought it would have been a good idea to show at least two new Nintendo-made games which will be arriving before September 2008.


Now nothing will be shown till E3 in July, meaning no new Nintendo games from September 2008 except Wii Fit (which isn't really a game, more then a brilliant work-out application) and Brawl which has no-date (and alot of us have imported).


Also, it's now looking even more likely that the BIG games which will be released this year will not all be arriving in Europe in 2008, as Brawl will most certainly replace one of em! Which is extremely unfair.


Now, don't get me wrong, i'm loving my Wii and games. It's amazing!


BUT Microsoft and Sony have at least told us what to expect for the rest of the year, and lets be honest, the titles are excellent (gets ready for someone to say, there all sequels and shite, there not, end-of).




Banjo Kazooie

Gears Of War II

Ninja Gaiden II

Alan Wake

Fable II

Too Human




Motorstorm II

Resistance II


Singstar Vol 2


Killzone II



AND thats without the superb third-party titles coming to each console, like GTA IV, the new Soul Calibur etc..etc..


I'm sorry, but i believe both Sony and Microsoft have done the right thing. Buying a 360 or PS3 now will ensure you that the rest of the year is looking mighty fine, as for Nintendo, we've been left in the dark again, and gamers don't like that.


Overall, Nintendo HAS to blow us away at E3 in July...and i'm sure they will, thats my thoughts anyway...: peace:


EDIT: and as much as i love Animal Crossing, it will need to be even more then that! I want emotional, mature titles featuring new Nintendo characters. I want them to take even more chances with the Wii and surprise us with another new device and more channels. I also want more DS titles to be announced as that console has loads more life in it yet.

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But who knows they could be running shorter marketing cycles. Nintendo are number one at the moment, they can afford to drip feed games and announce them at short notice and then release them.


Very true, Nintendo did state exactly that. Mario Kart Wii, to me...was released very quickly from announcing it.

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4 titles I want from that 360 list... 1 from PS3... still it's more than anything that I want thats coming out on Wii, there probably will be stuff I want on it, I just don't know what it is yet because Nintendo haven't announced it >< frustrating...


In the meantime before Nintendo even announce what they have in store (if anything) I'll be allready playing games like GTA IV, Ninja Gaiden II and MGS4...


Oh well, at least I have Brawl and MK to sort of tide me over... :heh:

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