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The Animafia


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Really? Please explain, because I'm obviously not 100% that my power was what resulted in the write-up. Any info would help us, especially if that means sending a good person down.


To Clarify: I targetted Mr-Paul last night, not Coolness.

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Well, all i know, is that kero targetted gizmo, that gizmo's good and that the interview was cancelled. anywhoots, i'll wait till C bears talks...


From what my "sources" tell me, Kero did indeed target Gizmo. No idea about his goodness, but for now, we'll presume...

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Last thing he posted was at 1PM ish so he won't have seen any of this. He's usually on all the time though :/


On a seperate note: What do we think of this big monster character? Anyone got any ideas on him? He sounds dangerous and quick to act and now the head of the mafia. There cant be that many maifa left can there? What are the Good: Neutral:Bad ratios usually in a game of this size?

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Oh hey! sorry for not being in this thread and such... (does this every maifa game)


I'm probably not going to take part in other mafia game because i've never really understood it but i really want to that's why i keep playing! :D (I also forget to play sometimes :heh:) I don't want annoy people :/


Your on the wrong tracks here i'm afraid as i am good like usual and the two times i have Pm'd Jonnas with my power i have protected two people Eenuh and Ellmeister!


I haven't got much of an idea of there roles and they were randomly selected and so i don't know whether i'm protecting someone good or bad! :)


Oh yeah sorry i haven't been on much today! Revision sucks up a lot of my time at the moment!!!


(And i have been catching up with South Park :p)

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When Maase was kidnapped the kidnapper demanded my favourite Superman Comic Book collection as a ransom!


So i gave it to them on the second night! :)


I'm not sure what any of that means but it could help prove i am good! :D


That's about it with out saying who i am!



wait a minute, are you the nerd(comic book nerd) from the simpsons


He is technically a Blob if you want to go there


Still, in the x-men animation shows the Blob does own comics, a lot of them to I think.


I'm not convinced, is there a investigator out there

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Hehe! no worries Jamba! :heart:


Well as i had forgotten to send in my Pm i got one from Jonnas Reminding me to use my power that night if i wanted to! so on the first night i chose to Protect Eenuh because she is the first person i thougt of! :)


and then the 2nd Night Ellmeister as he was the first person i thought of again! :D


So both were quickly selected as i didn't want to delay the game as i have forgotten to before!


That is it there was no previous background information or anything!

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When Maase was kidnapped the kidnapper demanded my favourite Superman Comic Book collection as a ransom!


So i gave it to them on the second night! :)


That sounds extremely unbelievable :/


Ransoms usually involve getting your vote or power and what-not

Your ransom is just... absurd

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That sounds extremely unbelievable :/


Ransoms usually involve getting your vote or power and what-not

Your ransom is just... absurd


It is a bit odd unless i read wrong that was the ransom! i doesn't point towards who my character is though i don't think I haven't seen the thin they are in though! :)


Well, your protection didn't work very well on the 2nd night cos Ellmeister got some kind of curse forcing him to vote for Domjcg all day.


Doesn't look good dude, sorry...


Oh dear that doesn't look good for me...


Looks like i chose the wrong person to protect!

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Well, your protection didn't work very well on the 2nd night cos Ellmeister got some kind of curse forcing him to vote for Domjcg all day.


Doesn't look good dude, sorry...


He didn't say what nights though did he? and personally, as for that voting matter, i suspect the fish of it, not anyone else, especially C bears.

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