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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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Theres one reason why Microsoft can do and Sony can't and its not to do with the technical side...The PS2 is still a viable platform whereas Xbox is a dead console and was pretty much as soon as 360 hit and Microsoft dropped support. If Sony started offering PS2 downloads retail would be mighty annoyed that it was digging into their sales...PS2 has had its day as the most successful home console its about time it died for a number of reasons. (would stop the glut of Wii/PS2 joint developed titles)


Why would Sony pass up a chance to make more money? Older games like MGS2 would obviously get a sales boost from a rerelease. I'm not saying offer new games, I mean for god's sake, MGS2 came out 7 years ago!! You can't seriously think retail would do/hold anything against Sony for giving them a 7 year timed exclusive.:p

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Why would Sony pass up a chance to make more money? Older games like MGS2 would obviously get a sales boost from a rerelease. I'm not saying offer new games, I mean for god's sake, MGS2 came out 7 years ago!! You can't seriously think retail would do/hold anything against Sony for giving them a 7 year timed exclusive.:p


Well...whilst what you say makes sense, but I've heard definitly in US that retailers are really pissed at sony for releasing Warhawk (yes a new game I know) on PSN as well so to suddenly offer PS2 downloads and effectively eradicate the used games market (which is growing all the time) would really piss them off.

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Thats fair enough, but like you said Warhawk is a new game and that is definitely a major gripe for retailers. I'm not sure they even press new copies of MGS2.


Also its not like Sony, as much as I'd love it to happen, could release all their back catalog. They could maybe have just key title, like a platinum collection.


I'm certain this will happen pretty soon, maybe even with the PSN facelift. /dream :heh:


Daft when you fought Mantis did you do the controller switching trick? Just wondering how it works on the PS3 with the pad being wireless.


If you press the Playstation button you can change which number your controller is. I didn't even have to leave my seat. Its proof that the PS3 is more powerful than Psycho Mantis. :p

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Guest Stefkov
Damn, all that sheen on his face :/...Someone must of borrowed Mr Mugabe's vaseline...

So you don't ever get light shining off your face? Must live in the dark then I guess.

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So, is Snake old because of something to do with Foxdie or because he was cloned? I remember reading somewhere it was because of Foxdie, but...


I'm no scientist, but my girlfriend assumed Snake was old because he was cloned. It's something to do with once something's been cloned, the cells remain the same age as those they came from so Snake may be 40 odd, but his cells are as old as Big Boss, meaning they are dying off now. In fact, Liquid mentions it in the second one when he hijacks Ray, saying Solid only has a few years left but he can live on through Ocelot's arm.


The aging cells thing makes more sense, but why do I remember reading about the Foxdie thing?

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So, is Snake old because of something to do with Foxdie or because he was cloned? I remember reading somewhere it was because of Foxdie, but...



No idea why you remember it being Foxdie, but its definitely the aging. It's actually rooted in science to an extent, Dolly (the sheep that was cloned) got arthiritis at the age of 6 (I think) which is considered young leading people to believe that cloning may have caused the sheep to age faster than normal. Just incase you care:




Having said that, I think the revelation that Snake ages faster than normal may have come before the news of Dolly 's arthirits. So it could be a case of life imitating art, or Kojima is psychic. I prefer Kojima being psychic.

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Heres some hints to his aging process that I nicked from another site as they were discussing the same thing. It appears that there have been refrences to it in the other games.




Solid Snake[/b]-This is Snake. I'm in front of the disposal facility.


Colonel Campbell-Excellent Snake! Age hasn't slowed you down one bit!


Cyborg Ninja-You look terrible Snake, you haven't aged well.


Much less subtle hints were given to Solid Snake during the conclusion of the Tanker Chapter of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.


Liquid Ocelot- Not so young anymore eh Snake?


You're drowing in time! I know what it's like brother.


Big Boss was already in his fifties when they created


his copies.


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Just bought MGS3 for £5.50! MGS2 should hopefully arrive tomorrow.


Thats a total of about £15 for the trilogy. Good things DO come to those who wait! :p


Is that Subsistance or Snake Eater? I really really think it's worth paying extra for Subsistance. Nice one though :D

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