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Have Nintendo exhausted...


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No, the thread title isn't a snide Wii Sports putdown but a look at Nintendo's core franchise usage.


Already we are seeing a large franchise prescence on Wii, and with Smash Bros and Mario Kart coming we then only have to look at major (recent) core franchises such as Pikmin, Starfox and F-Zero (and a few others) as the only titles we haven't seen on Wii.


Yet is that a good thing?

Does a console need an expected title to look forward to? (IE: MGS4 - PS3/HALO3 -360).


It could even be twistedly summised that Nintendo are getting these franchises out of the door as Wii will not be around for long! (For shame to think such a thing)! It's a strange yet welcome situation to be in for sure. And it's not like the quality isn't there. Zelda, Mario and Metroid have been hailed as the "best ever" and from such illustrious histories, that's a massive acheivement.

Are we just seeing the proof that Wii is indeed easier to develop for? And if Nintendo get the 'classic' franchises out of the door does this mean we will see new franchises or possbily the re-birth of many older ones? Or will we see the Mario Party effect in full swing?


There is no doubt it is an exciting time to be a Nintendo console owner, the Wii (ala DS) has possibly rejuvinated the company and development is rattling along so much they even have time to produce peripherals with far-reaching implications. I feel the Iwata management effect is in full swing and he probably knows that a franchise is to be treasured as it not only provides an identity to a console but lines the very pockets of those that produce it.


On a side note, we've seen project hammer well, hammered and Disaster: Day of Crisis seems to be made of vanish so how does this effect what the future holds?

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I would like some new info on new IP'S by Nintendo now to be honest. Something that can be turned into a series, something serious..dark..maybe? and something bright and colourful and not serious at all.


Overall, i would like to know what games we've got coming after April, because at the mo, NOTHING. We've known and been told of Galaxy, Brawl, Corruption for so long, that we've kinda forgot about anything else!

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There's some awesome third-party games coming up, and I have the utmost faith in WiiWare.


Yeah, sorry i failed to mention Third-Party's because the subject was on (First-Party) Nintendo. I agree with you though, WiiWare will rock espicially!

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I have faith that nintendo will bring some new stuff 2 us.


Although, my wii is not getting any play time at all at the moment. There is nothing out at the moment since xmas that interests me. Hense my PS3 getting all my play time. I am looking forward 2 mario kart though.

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They'll probably make:


Pikmen 3

Another Zelda

Another Pokemon game

A few more mario spin offs

Possibly another metroid

Some sort of DK game

Star fox



And possibly a 3rd kid icarus game


I bet we'll see at least one new game. Hopefully Nintendo make a proper console RPG.

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Sorry Owen, I'm exhausted this week. My mind has gone funny.


"Has Tellyn exhausted..."


Lol, so whats the question? Have Nintendo exhausted their franchises? I think they certainly have overkilled the Mario Party franchise. :wink:


There are plenty of other series that I want to get a Wii installment like the almighty F-Zero and DK needs to see a return to form. Then theres Waverace, Ten Eighty and many others that could be brought to the Wii and rejuvenated.


Galaxy could see a sequel and I sure hope we get another Fire Emblem.


When you said that "Nintendo are getting these franchises out of the door" I thought you were gonna say that it could mean that original series would be created next. I'm sure there will be new stuff but the thing is, we do buy Nintendo machines to play the established games we've been used to... but yeah, things shouldn't be done to the point of exhaustion.

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When I started reading this, I considered what IPs/franchises were left, and my mind turned to Donkey Kong, which I thought could be pretty brilliant on the Wii. However, I suddenly remembered what I probably consider Nintendo's biggest loss, the loss of Rareware. I think the Wii was practically made for Rare, and if they hadn't sold out, the Wii would be satisfying a core who are currently a little restless, such as myself. They made truly great games, and I think they could have made magic with the Wii.


Rare aside, the problem with the popular franchises is as you pointed out Tapedeck. They were hailed as best evers, they had enormous achievements, and I think it's a case that Nintendo's luck is coming to run out, could they honestly maintain that legendary momentum forever? No. I think it's coming to time being up, the target's shifting to the 'casual' and 'non-gamer' market as a result. When last was a new Nintendo exclusive IP born? Pikmin, granted, was a good one, but how far can it go? Nintendo needs a new Mario, something they can pimp all over the place in all styles of games, but it unforuntately appears that fat italian plumbers may be a rare and dying breed.


I just hope they don't go the same way as Sega, though it looks unlikely as I'm sure the DS and Wii are lining their pockets well, I just think it's Nintendo not putting it to some good use of getting some really good development on board! If Sega could recreate their former greatness on Wii, well, it could benefit both very much.



EDIT:What DID happen to H.A.M.M.E.R and Disaster Day of Crisis? They looked like two brilliant new games, that just disappeared. It seems that any glimpse of hope turns out to be a flop, or just doesn't turn out at all.

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Sorry Owen, I'm exhausted this week. My mind has gone funny.


I think there has to be some more new announcements at E3 from Nintendo. But I'm not worried about the Wii so much as the DS... They've left it to die.


Don't worry about it mate!


I just hope we get some more info on 'Disaster' soon, i reckon that could be a surprise hit! and this long awaited return of PilotWings perhaps?


I'm definately expecting Pikmin Wii to crop up somewhere!

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I might take back what I just said about new IPs being hard to come by actually, with the advent of such things such as wiiware, it may just be the platform for discovering the next big thing, and snapping them up to develop something bigger and better for Ninty on a proper wii disc and stuff. Odds might be slim though...

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I think Nintendo desperately need some new franchises tbh, i mean how much Mario can we take!?!?!?!


Mario Party

Mario Tennis

Mario Kart

Mario Golf

Mario Soccer

Smash Bros

Mario Platformers

DDR Mario Edition

Paper Mario


Whats next? Mario Rugby? Cricket? An FPS? An RTS?


I'd like to see them lay off the fat guy a bit, and tbh most of they're other established franchises too. Give us an FPS, and RTS, an RPG, and create new IPs while you're at it. Come off the beaten track a bit and do something different, something new, something a bit wierd. Please stop re-hashing the same games over and over again with prettier graphics and an extra couple of gameplay bonuses ;)

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Nintendo have a massive amount of franchises they can fall back on - including some which have been on hiatus - PilotWings (which can be repitched at a casual market), Kid Icarus (surely, surely its coming...) plus the rest mentioned here. Plus, its been hinted that Zelda and possibly Mario Galaxy could see sequels this generation. Miyamoto promised a new IP for Wii's launch - there's some contention as to wether this was WiiSports, but i'm hopeful he meant a new IP is a seperate game.

What are Retro working on? What are HAL working on? Zoonami's Nintendo exclusive? And they're off the top of my head!

Besides party games, there's plenty for Wii coming up. I'm sure we'll see a good handful of games at this years E3 - the date of which escapes me.

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I was saying to / nando / the other night about games that we are waiting for and I asked him if aside from Super Paper Mario, DK Jet and the eventual Kirby game, are there any other GC games we are still waiting to see? He couldn't think of anything (or really understand what I meant...) so do any of you boys know?

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I think this years E3 will be very exciting compared to last year where only Wii Fit was the big news.


The big 3 we've known about since 2005 (Metroid/Smash/Galaxy) is finally out (at least in Japan and US) and we're getting Fit and Mario Kart this April, so all the big games will be out prior to E3.


My expectations:


Zelda Wii trailer shown. It will be different, probably an easier, more accessible type of game with innovative use of the Wiimote. Think Zelda: Phantom Hourglass...


Retro shows of a new IP. A sci-fi action TPS/FPS with online multiplayer using Metroid Prime 3 engine.


New Starfox or Pilotwings game made by Factor 5.


Animal Crossing Wii will probably be the big Xmas 2008 game. Will be similar to the DS game. Pay-and-play online.


Wii Music. Microphone announced as well.


F-Zero Wii being made by inhouse.


A game pack with 5-10 minigames (think Wii Play) to be used with the Balance Board.


HAL shows off Kirby Wii, platformer of the year.

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Zelda Wii trailer shown. It will be different, probably an easier, more accessible type of game with innovative use of the Wiimote. Think Zelda: Phantom Hourglass...
I don't think we'll see a Zelda until next year. Aonuma has stated several times the team isn't working particularly hard on making a new Zelda game, and we'll probably only see a Zelda for Q4 2009 or some 2010 date.
Retro shows of a new IP. A sci-fi action TPS/FPS with online multiplayer using Metroid Prime 3 engine.
I really hope so, but I don't know whether they had time enough since Metroid Prime 3 to do so. I also don't see why they should reuse the MP3 engine, really, it's a GameCube engine with added bloom.
New Starfox or Pilotwings game made by Factor 5.
Yeah, Factor 5 are being quite promising.
Animal Crossing Wii will probably be the big Xmas 2008 game. Will be similar to the DS game. Pay-and-play online.
Nintendo will not make a casual game like Animal Crossing be pay only. I wouldn't be surprised to have in-game advertisements though.
Wii Music. Microphone announced as well.
Probably. And a hard drive, too.
F-Zero Wii being made by inhouse.
Yeah let's hope so. Maybe Amusement Vision could make it again though, they did an amazing job with GX.
A game pack with 5-10 minigames (think Wii Play) to be used with the Balance Board.
Inevitable. Hope they make a 1080 game with optional Balance Board support, too.
HAL shows off Kirby Wii, platformer of the year.
Yeah, they simply need to continue that game they showed for GameCube, it had such a positive vibe :smile:
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F-Zero GX was a classic game in all but music. The only real good piece in it was the suprise return and remix of the Red Canyon tune from the original Snes game. The best F-Zero for music (after the Snes game) is GP Legend on the GBA because it features alot of Snes tunes that had been overlooked for X and GX.


As for the next Zelda, I'm sure I read somewhere this week that Retro are rumoured to be doing a first person remake of the original Nes one. I can't see it happening.

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Nintendo have always relied on their franchises. They've probably used them to much, espcially Mario. Does he have to be in every game genre known to man?


Does anybody really expect Nintendo to create something new for hardcore gamers? I can only see them creating titles that have a broader appeal. Something for the masses. They've had big success going down this route with the Wii so far. Games such as Wii Sports have been huge hits with non gamers, as we all know. They even turned Zelda into a more casual game with Phantom Hourglass for DS.


I don't really blame Nintendo for going down this road. It's making them a ton of money right now. But what happens when/if these traditionaly non-gamers get bored of their new hobby? We'll probably get new installments of the same old game series. Not necessary a bad thing, as Nintendo's key franchises are awesome. But I would still like to see some new ones.

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Guys Nintendo has the second largest pool of studios in the world. The only ones who beat them out is Sony. Even though Nintendo hasn't announced anything that does not mean they don't have projects up the ass in creation. They operate much like Sony, they have projects lined up for years in advance and teams working on them to ensure they meet deadline (or close enough anyway). In that sense, the two are similiar.


Even the DS is something they are very much concetrating on and I am willing to put down money on it.


Wait till E3 and beyond, I'm sure we'll see many announcements from multiple franchises. I am even willing to wager one of them is a new IP.

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