flameboy Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 I've got to say this games brings such a smile to my face. Stephen Fry's commentary is excellent as well - his freindly, inoffensive voice really fits in well with the whole ambience of the game. Agreed. Love it during tutorials when he just randomly waffles to himself. last beta chance on IGN now live; http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/916/916349p1.html ah no they are all gone.
Deathjam Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 Agreed. Love it during tutorials when he just randomly waffles to himself. last beta chance on IGN now live; http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/916/916349p1.html ah no they are all gone. ............... I keep going out at the wrong time.....
flameboy Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Bear in mind the story mode is just the beginning the full game has much more and as many create stuff too. We will go mad collecting items and judging by the beta each other creations. how many levels you got? will have to give them a look.
MATtheHAT Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 I was up most of the night creating my LittleBigPlanet opus. It is a light puzzle platformer with a slight 'Legend of Zelda' feel. Nearly finished the 'dungeon' Then got to do the forest, kakariko village and tidy up some of the puzzles. This is someof the best gaming I have ever had.
flameboy Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Hours somehow just go by while creating stuff. Working on a new level now. Yeah the hours do just vanish, I am making my first level now... Watched this today; http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/21812 from the 1up Show they show some truly amazing levels...played the Houston we have a problem one, amazing with its awesome design ideas... also had already played the Wipeout HD level, is amazing. One thing they mention on this preview is that the number of items in the beta is tiny compared to the final game. My favourite level so though has to be one I found this morning whilst playing; Takeshi's Castle, tis fantastic. Love how completing levels gives you whatever items the designer decides can be up for grabs.
tapedeck Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Takeshi's Castle is amazing Teacup bit in LBP was GENIUS!! I'm loving the level creation tool too. There are SO many tutorials and so much to learn though. But when you get into it it's sublime. I'm having trouble making arches work (to walk under) without them "jumping" up and down randomly - when it really should be ok. (Can't work it out tbh and it's annoying me.) But the sounds feature is brilliant. I stuck a good ten fart noises to objects and made them go up and down the scale from light fart to full on bear fart when you walked past. I then made 'Conkers bad fur day' trees (with eyes and sarcastic mouths) whom were all saying "scud" and "jeez!!" and "gas mask alert!" and "whoever smelt it dealt it" when you walked past. Toilet humour ftw!! Great game. Loving my little mario sackboy. Sticking stickers onto yourself in an aim to create clothes is a nice touch. This is Bernards Watch in videogame form :p
flameboy Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Takeshi's Castle is amazing Teacup bit in LBP was GENIUS!! I'm loving the level creation tool too. There are SO many tutorials and so much to learn though. But when you get into it it's sublime. I'm having trouble making arches work (to walk under) without them "jumping" up and down randomly - when it really should be ok. (Can't work it out tbh and it's annoying me.) But the sounds feature is brilliant. I stuck a good ten fart noises to objects and made them go up and down the scale from light fart to full on bear fart when you walked past. I then made 'Conkers bad fur day' trees (with eyes and sarcastic mouths) whom were all saying "scud" and "jeez!!" and "gas mask alert!" and "whoever smelt it dealt it" when you walked past. Toilet humour ftw!! Great game. Loving my little mario sackboy. Sticking stickers onto yourself in an aim to create clothes is a nice touch. This is Bernards Watch in videogame form :p I want to play that conkers bad fur level sounds awesome... I'm working on a level its taken me ages so far and there isn't much to it at all...
MATtheHAT Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Well my levels up, I aint no shigsy so its not the best design, or original. If you have go let me know what you think, good or bad, I am all grown up now so I can take criticism. Its slightly like a Zelda game - hit this switch, open that gate, push block onto pressure pad ect...
tapedeck Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Well my levels up, I aint no shigsy so its not the best design, or original. If you have go let me know what you think, good or bad, I am all grown up now so I can take criticism. Its slightly like a Zelda game - hit this switch, open that gate, push block onto pressure pad ect... How do I find it? Name?
Cookyman Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 In case you lot don't know - the little big planet beta is just under 1GB. The retail version will be around 40GB on the Blu Ray. Thats a hell of a lot more stuff for us to play with - cant wait. You think it's good right now - we ain't seen nothing yet!
LegoMan1031 Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Agreed. Love it during tutorials when he just randomly waffles to himself. last beta chance on IGN now live; http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/916/916349p1.html ah no they are all gone. *sigh* i was out at an assessment centre for a possible new job, didn't get in till just now. Oh well, no beta for me.
dwarf Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Hey, just think how awesome our first experience will be with the full game eh? Not long!
tapedeck Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 I can only see it's out on the 22nd of October...which is a wednesday. Can't be right surely. Should be the 24th perhaps? Which means it's out two weeks on Friday. AWESOME-O!
Hero-of-Time Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 *sigh* i was out at an assessment centre for a possible new job, didn't get in till just now. Oh well, no beta for me. Mike I cant be bothered to set up my PS3 so I will send you my beta code via PM.
LegoMan1031 Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 Mike I cant be bothered to set up my PS3 so I will send you my beta code via PM. Wow, cool, thanks mate! I'm downloading it now. Now i can see what all this talk is about.
MATtheHAT Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 How do I find it? Name? When you are in the cardboard box thing at the start, go to the left hand planet and click on 'my friends' find me (Matt_RN) then i think you press square to veiw my uploaded levels.
flameboy Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Well my levels up, I aint no shigsy so its not the best design, or original. If you have go let me know what you think, good or bad, I am all grown up now so I can take criticism. Its slightly like a Zelda game - hit this switch, open that gate, push block onto pressure pad ect... Well played the level with you and was pretty awesome, has inspired me for a level of my own. Going to nick a few ideas. We had quite a good session there was a bit laggy at first but things improved. We also played my craptastic story! It's so rough it unbelievable but it took me hours to do! I think the next step for me is to work out all this mechanical stuff I have watched the tutorials but need to put it into practice. Honestly i cant Wait!!! Check these out: Boss battle Quaz51 on neogaf made a calculator: I am just speechless. Just speechless! Incredible. Whilst I'm struggling to make a motor work properly to open and door people are creating wonders like this! amazing! I don't even get how a calculator can work but it does. Surely Media Molecule can't afford to just dump all this stuff in a waste land? Surely it should all stay there for the real game. I have heard rumblings a lot of levels that were there on day onee/two are in fact from the closed beta, so why not stretch out this stuff to the retail release? I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard. I'd like to think creations are tied to your PSN account as it's all server side so it should be straight forward. There are simply too many gems that can't be lost. For me my top 3 favourite levels I have played are; World of Colour Takeshi's Castle Houston we have a Problem All very different but all fantastic.
tapedeck Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 World of colour is fabulous. Some people seem to have so many different backgrounds/stickers etc that I feel like I'm missing out. I haven't got individual letters as stickers (Like NASA guy has in space level). Wonder where they are. I like how you can access any tutorial at any time, which really does help if you can't remember how to do things. But some of those levels will make me think "sod it!" lol.
flameboy Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 World of colour is fabulous. Some people seem to have so many different backgrounds/stickers etc that I feel like I'm missing out. I haven't got individual letters as stickers (Like NASA guy has in space level). Wonder where they are. I like how you can access any tutorial at any time, which really does help if you can't remember how to do things. But some of those levels will make me think "sod it!" lol. Yeah I have only acquired 5 letters of the alphabet so far sure more will appear.
MATtheHAT Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I played that calculater level last night, it is incredible. I know the theory behind it, having done a bit of electronics on a course. But applying that to a created level is genius. Must have took him ages to place all the on/off swiches and connect them up in such a way to make a calculator.
flameboy Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I played that calculater level last night, it is incredible. I know the theory behind it, having done a bit of electronics on a course. But applying that to a created level is genius. Must have took him ages to place all the on/off swiches and connect them up in such a way to make a calculator. So its all based on actual electronics? the thing that fascinates me is how the heck does it know which numbers are in each box, I'm guessing its more to do with how many times the switch is used? Incredible...anyway, I'm sat at work on a free period sketching little big planet level ideas...I think it has got its way into my head.
MATtheHAT Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 So its all based on actual electronics? the thing that fascinates me is how the heck does it know which numbers are in each box, I'm guessing its more to do with how many times the switch is used? Incredible...anyway, I'm sat at work on a free period sketching little big planet level ideas...I think it has got its way into my head. Yeah, electronics in its most basic form is on/off or up/down or 1/0. Using on/off switches to create things called AND/NAND/XOR/OR gates, These gates can then be used to create simple counting circuits or in this case, a calculator. I know what you mean about it getting into your head, I was laid awake last night conjuring up ideas for levels in my head. This game has got its hooks into me. EDIT: Look......I even changed my Avatar lol.
ReZourceman Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Can I....still get a beta? I feel rather left out.
flameboy Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 Yeah, electronics in its most basic form is on/off or up/down or 1/0. Using on/off switches to create things called AND/NAND/XOR/OR gates, These gates can then be used to create simple counting circuits or in this case, a calculator. I know what you mean about it getting into your head, I was laid awake last night conjuring up ideas for levels in my head. This game has got its hooks into me. EDIT: Look......I even changed my Avatar lol. I feel some flaming sackboy avatar love coming on...
EchoDesiato Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 So how does one go about obtaining a beta key?
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