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LittleBigPlanet Thread

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I just build for fun too.


You get a buzz just seeing other people playing your level and rating it.


Ofcourse most of the time i pop in to play other levels too. The ideas people display are great. Lots of naughty online players too though.

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The paintinator opens up a slew of new design opportunities. I keep meaning to get back into designing as I was overjoyed with my last two designs. More action from now on though...


Looking forward to playing some other levels from you guys. :) Nice to have some fellow designers amongst us :D

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I've been creating a level for a while now but I keep putting it off.

Also I'm having trouble creating a scary looking monster, any tips?

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My level is in a constant state of delay. Played naother persons train stage and wow!


I've been creating a level for a while now but I keep putting it off.

Also I'm having trouble creating a scary looking monster, any tips?


Make it big? Sharp teeth.


Use lights? Make it animated and use sounds.

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was deciding what else i need in my level, im adding two more floors, a creature fighting stage and a exlosive blast to the top floor. dont think i'll put a boss there, but im going to make it the first in a seise of conected levels, so once my level is finnished, i'll add in a little story, some decoration and im done, first level complete.




when i look at it, you can see it was bassicly a training ground for me as a designer, ive used alot of different tools to get similar effects, and a blatent over use of sting for swinging. i love swinging.

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wrong thread me thinks....


oops was meant for fl0wer.


Anyone been playing the challenge stages mentioned in the news sections? They are fantastic.

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Just got my first LBP level uploaded. :yay:


It's ok I think, although I probably wouldn't be that impressed if someone else made it.


Anyway, hit me up and have a play please. Tell me what you think but most of all, heart me! My PSN ID is in my sig.

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Just got my first LBP level uploaded. :yay:


It's ok I think, although I probably wouldn't be that impressed if someone else made it.


Anyway, hit me up and have a play please. Tell me what you think but most of all, heart me! My PSN ID is in my sig.


i'll check it in a bit, and put the finnisheing touches to my level, just asthetics now.



i'll add you later on today matey

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Well and truly fed up with this game now. I have bits in my level that keep breaking the entire thing. I have a jet pack that keeps falling off the wall and then the entire floor starts shaking and bits move and fall over. It's stuck down, I made sure of it. Then I moved it and the same happened to the floor. The I made sure the floor was stuck down to some dark matter. But when I moved it some fire stuff at the bottom of a slope has moved. Went to move that but for some reason trying to move that moves the entire fecking ground. I can't even be arsed with it anymore.

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^ Unlucky that sort of thing happens to me. Haven't played it in ages though. Basically don't stick objects too often, bolt them instead.

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Yeah keep objects seperate as possible using dark matter for example. Sticking things makes you run out of memory and complexity quickly too as it can lump objects as one.

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Yeah keep objects seperate as possible using dark matter for example. Sticking things makes you run out of memory and complexity quickly too as it can lump objects as one.




indeed, thats what i took as my big lesson from level design one, fo far through to fix it now thoughi think this is gonna be my free time game, one i play when ive got nothing new. creativity takes a back seat to new games :p.

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It's funny/sad to think how close so many creators may have come to creating something mindblowingly good, only to have it come unstuck with malfunctions or loss of data.


I feel sorry for them, because even when I make something below par and it goes wrong, I still get frustrated.

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Yeah when you run into kinks it hurts.


I dont have that problem now but when youmake a more complex level the time required is insane. I just think i am doing one little thing that could be done in 30 minutes and 4 hours pass...

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^ Yeah you just say to yourself that this is what you're going to do and at the end you realise that you haven't actually achieved anything or you have spent loads of time on it.


It's the drawback of a game mainly focused on creating - you realise why professionals have to make these games.

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I just played some of the Mario remakes again(showing to friend). Some levels have added Mario music! Its just brilliant stuff like this that keep impressing. :smile:


I will just rush my level now. Dont want to wait :heh:

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Out of interest, how long do User Generated levels take to download- say at a measly 1meg connection?

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Out of interest, how long do User Generated levels take to download- say at a measly 1meg connection?


Very quick can be near instant. Its not like a pc game. The whole experience is pretty much seamless.

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just put my first level up, im pretty pleased with it, it was only ever ment to be a test of the whole create function, but check it out if you get the chance, its called "temple adventure!"

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