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Sorry mate!


Yeah, those were some great online games. With headsets is better though just so you can laugh at each other :p


I prefer playing through the single player with you all. Some of the self-made ones are awesome but I'm a completionist. Best level for me is the emitter one known as "Great Magicians Palace". Utterly amazing. It had more ideas in that one level than most 2D platformers I've ever played. Brilliant. And the ending was like something out of an onstage play. Brilliant. Magical. Amazing!


What. A. Game.


Yeah I will have to try and wear my headset next time round...

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Hes frowning.....







....Lets put a smile on that face...


When I made him smile he just looked a little too happy and cute. :heh:

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He looks wicked anyway. :)


Erm, so to import images that I have myself, I need an Eye Camera Playstation Toy? Is that right? How much are they?

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He looks wicked anyway. :)


Erm, so to import images that I have myself, I need an Eye Camera Playstation Toy? Is that right? How much are they?


Yeah thats they only way I think you can do it...don't think it will work with any other webcams. They retail at about £30m can be cheaper like at play;




I really want 1 for a level idea I have, but can't justify paying for one, for that sole purpose...




Servers down for maintenance today, explains why I had problems connecting before;


LittleBigServer Maintenance - Thursday, 11/6

By SackBoy103 Posted on : 05/11/2008 12:42


Please note the LittleBigPlanet online servers will be down for essential maintenance on Thursday November 6th between 12am and 9am PST. During this period the offline game will be unaffected as we work to improve online performance. So keep playing or creating and we'll have some shiny new servers ready for when we get back.


This is getting crazy...it seems they can't handle it all, I heard it was the sheer amount of level uploads that was causing the problems.


Anyone else had a wierd little thing, when I am offline if I record high scores in single player levels it puts my real name up rather than the usual PSN account name...wierd.

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...Can't connect to servers...lame.


I started to attempt my Daft Punk level. I have a kind of music box thing. It's a spinning wheel and as the board goes round the notes play as they hit a point at the bottom. The notes are a bit wrong though and I' having a fair amount of trouble sorting it out...

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...Can't connect to servers...lame.


I started to attempt my Daft Punk level. I have a kind of music box thing. It's a spinning wheel and as the board goes round the notes play as they hit a point at the bottom. The notes are a bit wrong though and I' having a fair amount of trouble sorting it out...


yeah is lame they seem down more than up at the moment...


I've been thinking of great level ideas at work, need a camera for them though

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Some free DLC up today.


Two packs are free. (The better two it seems) and the other two look pretty extortionate...especially since one is a promotional thing.

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Some free DLC up today.


Two packs are free. (The better two it seems) and the other two look pretty extortionate...especially since one is a promotional thing.


yeah the rare tshirt is a rip off...£3.99....Plus the motorstorm one shows they will likely be releasing them for all the 1st party titles. Will pick up the free ones.


Servers back up yet? fancy playing some when I get in from work....

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Yeah i brought the motorstorm one as well as Theme Park ofcourse! :smile: best ps1 game in a while. Though iw ish they do a PSN version sometime with 3d like Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. Cant say the Motorstorm stuff is that interesting as Kratos or Nariko. Right now it more fun to create your own takes!


Speaking of rollercoasters my level is ready but i cant publish it! Hurry up and sort out the servers Media Molecule! :smile:


My Mirror's Edge level is doing very good though. Pretty satisfying for a quickie job. The rollercoaster was a nightmare though. So many builing issues and players getting stuck in testing. The end result is so so. The next level will be special though and i will devote my time to that.

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The servers were fine at around 7/8.


I've started making a snow level. I have a pretty cool idea I want to put in.


Thanks for the game Matt! Sorry I couldn't stick around a bit more. Next time I'll use my mic. Need to charge it.


That lightsaber level was awesome.


Also that arcade shooter one was... I have no idea how it was even done. t was pretty amazing.


What did you think of my first created level...what little of it had been created anyway? :p

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The servers were fine at around 7/8.


I've started making a snow level. I have a pretty cool idea I want to put in.


Thanks for the game Matt! Sorry I couldn't stick around a bit more. Next time I'll use my mic. Need to charge it.


That lightsaber level was awesome.


Also that arcade shooter one was... I have no idea how it was even done. t was pretty amazing.


What did you think of my first created level...what little of it had been created anyway? :p


I heart the lightsaber, so funny. Some people are really clever, that arcade style was genius.


I did not realize that was your level at first, was loving the platform bouncing. Should turn out great.


I reckon we should have a get together in create mode, 4 of us in there going wild. Should be interesting. Plus theres a trophy for it as well.

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Yeah i brought the motorstorm one as well as Theme Park ofcourse! :smile: best ps1 game in a while. Though iw ish they do a PSN version sometime with 3d like Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. Cant say the Motorstorm stuff is that interesting as Kratos or Nariko. Right now it more fun to create your own takes!


Speaking of rollercoasters my level is ready but i cant publish it! Hurry up and sort out the servers Media Molecule! :smile:


My Mirror's Edge level is doing very good though. Pretty satisfying for a quickie job. The rollercoaster was a nightmare though. So many builing issues and players getting stuck in testing. The end result is so so. The next level will be special though and i will devote my time to that.


Yeah I am probably going to pick up Theme Park...I got the freebie ones and also bought the Tshirt...what a sucker I know...but I quite liked it.


The servers were fine at around 7/8.


I've started making a snow level. I have a pretty cool idea I want to put in.


Thanks for the game Matt! Sorry I couldn't stick around a bit more. Next time I'll use my mic. Need to charge it.


That lightsaber level was awesome.


Also that arcade shooter one was... I have no idea how it was even done. t was pretty amazing.


What did you think of my first created level...what little of it had been created anyway? :p


What's this lightsaber level?


I heart the lightsaber, so funny. Some people are really clever, that arcade style was genius.


I did not realize that was your level at first, was loving the platform bouncing. Should turn out great.


I reckon we should have a get together in create mode, 4 of us in there going wild. Should be interesting. Plus theres a trophy for it as well.


You can't do that yet can you? There is going to be a patch for online creation...


My flaming hot level is coming along nicely, just taking ages to go through the tutorials again...its annoying as have items in the level but not yet done the tutorials for them...so can't have another one of them for example.

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What's this lightsaber level?




You can't do that yet can you? There is going to be a patch for online creation...


Ah right, I was just in Daft's unpublished level so just thought it was possible to go into create mode. They need to bring out the patch soon, I will be going for 100% trophy's on this (Although the last 3 will be difficult)


Mate, you have to get 2 sackboys in the lightsaber level and have a fight. It is soooo funny. Its basically 2 huge lightsabers that you pick up with a jetpack on, they are both electrified.

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RollerCoaster level is published. Look for it under my name or 'Rollercoaster Mayhem Theme Park'.


Give me some feedback. its not really a platform level but just an amusing level. Going tobe on/off got afew things to do.


My next level is called Dream. Its still in the early stages.

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Trying to make a Star Trek space race level...got trouble with my Enterprise object as the front keeps toppling over :p

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Can someone tell me which tutorial you have to do to get the letter stickers?


Edit: Just published my first level. It's called 'Climb or Ski?'. Please check it out and tell me what you think!! :D

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Can someone tell me which tutorial you have to do to get the letter stickers?


Edit: Just published my first level. It's called 'Climb or Ski?'. Please check it out and tell me what you think!! :D


Thanks i will check it in the morning! :smile:


Been playing afew other N-europe member levels. Some nice ones.

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Damn it, I'm so jealous! I hate the end of the week as never get to play any games! As I am on long days at work, weekends are my only time and the inlaws are coming to visit today GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.....I wanna play LBP!!!

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Just put my second level up. It's called 'SackCube: Into Hyperspace'....don't ask. :heh:


Try it and tell me what you think!! :D

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Just put my second level up. It's called 'SackCube: Into Hyperspace'....don't ask. :heh:


Try it and tell me what you think!! :D


I'll give it a blast soon.


I see you've just tried my first level from the Beta, compared to the one i'm making at the moment that's crap.

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I am writing a list of recommended levels to try, it just keeps getting longer and longer...

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I'll give it a blast soon.


I see you've just tried my first level from the Beta, compared to the one i'm making at the moment that's crap.


I quite liked it. Had some pretty cool ideas. The ringwraith was cool. Took my head right off. :heh:

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