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Wii Freeloader Thread - FAQ & Info in First Post


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Right, caved in. I aint waiting 3+ more months for this. Ordered from 365 games. Great deal. Thanks to Rummy for his delicious find :)


I'l be brawlin' online soon.


Whoop Whoop!


Credit isn't due to me, I got it from a post Serebii quoted in this thread, so credit to him and the guy he was quoting. I'm so close to caving too :D

On the display issue, is it just the RGB cable having problems? I'm not sure if I asked that yet.

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Credit isn't due to me, I got it from a post Serebii quoted in this thread, so credit to him and the guy he was quoting. I'm so close to caving too :D


Just get it in, life's too short. Get some early practice on the rest of the UK too :p.


Anyhoo, is an FAQ being put in place about this whole RGB/Component thing?

I'm sure it will stop this thread from becoming a vast repeat.


So yeah, 365 looks excellent. Top-man to whoever saw that badboy.

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Did somebody test out Rummy's question? It was to test the GC Freeloader/AR after using the Wii Freeloader?


Apologies if it has been answered already, but I have been keeping a watch on this topic and can't remember reading it.

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Did somebody test out Rummy's question? It was to test the GC Freeloader/AR after using the Wii Freeloader?


Apologies if it has been answered already, but I have been keeping a watch on this topic and can't remember reading it.


I would test it. But, i'm not gonna lie. Brawl has taken over me. When i'm done i'll give it a try.

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Alright, I think I'm going to cave in and buy it. >.>;


Anyone know where would be the best place to order the freeloader? Shipping to Belgium of course.

And are VGP the cheapest/most reliable to use for Brawl? =3

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Gonna pimp 365games a little bit here, though I've not had any experience with them, you can get the game and Wiiloader for £40 from them, and for delivery(though I dunno what kind of delivery) to the EU it's only £3, so you're looking at £43 delivered from them, but as I said I have no idea what their EU delivery will be like as there's no estimates for EU and that. It appears they ship from the UK though. The other more overseas(like VG+) companies might offer a better deal for you though. Yes Asia offer 'Free Shipping to Anywhere in the World' but they only sell Brawl and not the Freeloader, with Brawl current sitting at ~£29 from them. They estimate 6-12 business days for shipping, though there's some issue with Tax with them that I don't understand. Apparently they'll pay UK and German tax, but I don't see where it crops up, I think it's only if you get charged tax by customs?


To put it simply though, some of the other guys probably know better than me.


EDIT:You know, I wrote this the other night but then stopped as I saw Ashley say he was gonna do one, and hence I don't have the GC section done, but regardless, I decided I might as well post it cos...well, cos I already made the effort to do it! I might as well not waste that. So, for anyone who cares, a short guide to the Wiiloader by a man who doesn't have one...yet.



Wiiloader Guide


First things first, where to buy? The Wiiloader should cost £9.99, and can be bought from CodeJunkies direct(not recommended, as they seemed to do a crap job of getting them out compared to other companies, and their shipping isn’t the best price). GameSeek, VG+, 365games(Can get in a package with brawl for £40, free 3-5 day shipping to variety of regions AND claimed same day dispatch too). 365games offer other postage, such as 1st class for £2, Recorded for £4, and Next Day for £6. Free delivery to Aus, USA, Canada, or NZ, £3 to EU/NI, £4 rest of world. When buying a Wiiloader, ensure that it is one designed for PAL consoles, as there is a different version for each console region. I keep pimping 365games, but I’ve not used them, it’s just that they seem to offer the best deal I’ve seen.



Before you consider the Wiiloader, make important note of this overlooked fact – your games will be designed to play in 60Hz. As a result, you MUST go into the Wii settings and change the display to 480i or 480p, if your TV can’t display 60Hz, forget get a Wiiloader, or get a new TV. Most TVs since the late 90s are 60Hz capable. It should be easy to test regardless, set the setting in your wii and if a game plays fine, it should be fine. Alternatively, load up SSBM and hold down B while it’s loading up, and you’ll get a prompt to run in 60Hz. If you select yes and the picture goes funny, your TV can’t handle 60Hz. If you don't have SSBM or another 60Hz compatible GC game, I can't offer much other advise on how to test your TV, go ask at a tech forum or read the manual.

The next issue with display is your wii’s AV cable, there’s reports it does not work correctly with an RGB cable(displaying with red tint), but is fine with composite. THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED AS AN ISSUE. Nobody seems to know why it happens, but there’s a few supposed solutions;


  1. Composite is reported to work fine, so just get out your original cable that came with the Wii(the one with Yellow Red and White RCAs and a scart block) and use that.
  2. Apparently if you stick the RGB scart into a non-RGB scart capable socket, it acts as composite and will work fine. If your TV has more than one socket, apparently only one is usually RGB/can be set to RGB. I’ll be honest though, this is way out of my territory, and I don’t guarantee any of the other sockets definitely working/not working.
  3. If you’ve got a nice shiny newish TV and want that slightly crisper picture and all that, get yourself a component cable(it’s got like 5 RCAs on it, RGB and L/R audio, I believe). I’ve heard this works fine too.



So, you’ve ordered your wiiloader and a shiny new wii game due to the other regions getting a better version than you/getting the game before you even have a release date eh? I’m writing this without my own, but collecting info reported by those that have it. Probably, you’re wanting to play Brawl, and I don’t blame you one bit! The Wiiloader is simple to use, the delightful Domstercool of N-Europe

of Freeloader and NMH to help you all out. For reference though, you should proceed as follows for Wii games(the standard bootup method).


  1. Turn on Wii, insert Wiiloader. ‘Bars’ roll across the screen from the right hand side, they aren’t really bars though, more a visual smudge of your Wii menu.
  2. Eject the Wiiloader.
  3. Insert Disc you wish to play, the disc channel should register it and you should be able to play it. With Brawl at least, however, this will not necessarily be enough…


Brawl(and numerous other Wii discs) come with firmware updates on the Disc, and the Wiiloader totally bypasses the automatic update of the console from the disc, one can assume this was in order to prevent discs forcing anti-wiiloader firmware upon you. However, it has been confirmed that the update on a US brawl disc will not do a 3.2E Firmware Wii any harm(in the majority of cases that is, see disclaimer at end of guide before following anything here). If you wish to check your wii’s current firmware version, go into the settings. As said, this is confirmed to work from 3.2E, but I do not know if updating from an older version will work. It may be worth updating your wii to 3.2E before letting the wii take things over, if you haven’t already. Note that this bit’ll become redundant after the next official firmware release. Anyhoo, I digress, To re-allow import discs to update your wii(such as Brawl, in order to play), proceed as follows.


  1. Turn on Wii, insert Wiiloader. ‘Bars’ roll across.
  2. Eject Wiiloader.
  3. RE-INSERT Wiiloader disc, ‘bars’ roll twice once more.
  4. Eject Wiiloader once more.
  5. Insert Brawl disc. Allow it to update Wii, once done, turnoff/reset Wii.
  6. Insert Wiiloader, Bars roll.
  7. Insert Brawl and have an experience you will never forget.


When playing Brawl in future, you only have to use the first method of inserting the Wiiloader once. If you’re having problems with Brawl, check your display settings and make sure it’s set to 480i or 480p, and that your TV doesn’t suck.


Wiiloader and Gamecube games

This is where the Wiiloader falls short. It currently seems a bit unpredictable around gamecube games, in that it plays some, half plays others, and doesn’t play any at all. Games reported to not play so far are gonna be listed if and when I can stop being lazy/someone else doesn't do it.



As anyone who read it can see, it isn't perfect, as I don't have a Wiiloader, and I also suck when it comes to the display differences, but if anyone sees something incorrect in it, do please let me know! Also, thanks to everyone in this thread despite my earlier irrateness, as it's you guys who helped provide the info.

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There is hope for those Brawlers , my copy of MLB Power Pros which was shipped on Monday from VGP has just dropped through my letterbox , yay.


*rushes to test it , and prays for no red-mist RGB related shit*


EDIT - didn't pray hard enough , confirms re-mist crap. A quick switch of cables has sorted it though so I suppose I should be grateful that I can finally play this much awaited (for me , anyway) game.


This red mist lark will limit the amount of games I import though , unless I can convince my card company to give me a credit extention for a new telly :p

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There is hope for those Brawlers , my copy of MLB Power Pros which was shipped on Monday from VGP has just dropped through my letterbox , yay.


*rushes to test it , and prays for no red-mist RGB related shit*

You bastard:heh: My Brawl never came:(

But that does give me hope for it coming tomorrow...Though I have to wait 'til about 5:30 to find out >_< And that'll make the day go slower too...

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Guest Jordan

Tonight is the only night i'll get off this weekend. I'm moving stuff on Saturday (joy oh joy) and Sunday i'll be going swimming. So... Pleeeeease come today, if you guys get it i should probably. I don't think theres that much delay as long as it got into the country last night.

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I know someone who ordered from VGP. There Brawl came today, works no probs.

I'm getting excited now :D Come on postman


Hopefully it'll be Lunch...Postman...Quantum Leap...Brawl Brawl Brawl then maybe go out, then tomorrow after evil family thing Brawl Brawl Brawl

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