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Lost Odyssey

killer kirby

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Im at the point in the game now where I can go finish it off but I want to beat the sidequests first.


The side bosses are very easy to beat, well Persona kept beating me until I read that you could just throw Flarus bombs at it, killed it in 2 rounds :) All I need to do now is kill Holy Beast ( grabs Groundus bombs ) and the Blue Dragon before I set off for the hell that is the Temple of Enlightenment.

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I traded this is. It wallows in far too many genre clichés to warrant interest in the protagonists admittedly interesting plight. I found most of the supporting cast to be so teeth grindingly annoying that I wanted to hunt down those responsible and kneecap them.


the art was good, as was some of the writing (the dreams, really. the rest was less good) but the world felt sterile, lobbed together and boring.


Yup I gave up after about 6 hours in, I traded it in towards UT3, I needed some adrenaline fueled action.


I have a rather short attention span at the moment.

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Well I love the game, feels very much like Final Fantasy X with a vastly less annoying lead.


It's a good return to traditional turn based RPG's which are few and far between these days and it fills the gap that I've had since the release of FFX.


With Square-Enix heading more to the action RPG realm I'm hoping Mistwalker release more traditional RPG's.


Hopefully they'll dump Blue Dragon though, talk about annoying characters sheesh.

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I spent a few hours this morning getting 5 of my characters ( all the immortals and Sed ) to level 99 to take on the DLC boss. Apparently he is a bit of a nightmare to beat even at level 99!


I also beat the hell out of the Immortal in the Backyard this morning and after that I have been learning the skills for everyone. I thought my game had glitched as I didnt get the skills achievy but it seems im missing one which is a relief. Im about to pop out but I will attempt to get it once I return.


Overall its been a productive day on LO :)

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Yeah, alot of people miss the Treasure Trove achievement. Its crazy how you cant miss even 1 item during the whole game and then even if you do you dont know where it is! My mate didnt get it either and as soon as I got it I sent him a message on Live, needless to say a few savoury words got sent my way :)

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Yeah, alot of people miss the Treasure Trove achievement. Its crazy how you cant miss even 1 item during the whole game and then even if you do you dont know where it is! My mate didnt get it either and as soon as I got it I sent him a message on Live, needless to say a few savoury words got sent my way :)



Off topic and purely out of curioisty but how many hours, HoT, would you say you spend playing games a week on average?

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Just finished Disc 1. And I'm thoroughly enjoying the game so far. It's like a 'golden' era final fantasy games with better graphics. Each character I have so far are pretty cool, and the story is interesting.


A few less crashes and I'd be over the moon, hopefully Disc 2 doesn't hate me.

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I'm playing this now as well, I just finished disc 1 and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. No crashes yet although the frame rate stumbles occasionally but that doesn't really bother me. Oh those giant worms? *punches wall* fuckers took me like 15 tries.


I traded this is. It wallows in far too many genre clichés to warrant interest in the protagonists admittedly interesting plight. I found most of the supporting cast to be so teeth grindingly annoying that I wanted to hunt down those responsible and kneecap them.

Yes, I would agree but at the same time I feel it has a lot less of the annoying cliche's than the other games and I find it very bearable. So far the characters haven't really annoyed me except for Mack and the humour actually made me laugh sometimes (like when Jensen meets the queen and their interactions thereafter). At first I was a little dissapointed that Kaim wasn't the only immortal, I felt that it cheapened the effect but I was actually quite pleased with the turn it took later.


So, I'm pressing on and enjoying it along the way.


EDIT: Make that disc 3. That was a Saturday night well spent. :x

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