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Lost Odyssey

killer kirby

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It is a good rpg, there's no doubt about it there. It also feels very Final Fantasyish, which for me I don't mind as I like that series anyway. The problem I thought with the game was the story was too slow. The first disc isn't much going on in the action, it seems to be alot more about gaining memories, getting to know kaim and some of the other characters. After then it does start to get alot more interesting.


As the game progresses you really do start to get into the characters and feel for them. I felt sad when certain things happen, oh and the Thousand Year Dreams are some of the best written short stories out there. I didn't know you could feel this emotional from text. :o


8/10 seems perfect for it.

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Yeah, that probably is a good way of saying it. Especially when meeting the first boss, you might find it seems a little difficulty, but it isn't really. You just have to find the right magic and punish it. After that the game starts a get a little easier and doesn't require as much once you click with it.

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My copy was dispached from GAME this morning. Sould be here by Friday.

I've been on youtube and stuff watching random gameplay clips and this looks great, can't wait for this to arrive.


EDIT: it arrived a day early, and yes....we did get shafted on the packaging. The forth disk is in some sort of flimsy paper sleve under the manual.

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Having played up to Disc 4 I'm just forcing myself to play cos it just reached a new height of ridiculous lack of direction.

Disc 2 was bad enough with it's dungeon crawling questing with no plot behind it wondering around because it took me there.

Disc 3 was much better it has it's best moments in the game despite being cliche but things in there could of been done alot better.


The dreams are probably the one thing keeping you distracted from the poor storytelling in the main plot.

The battle system is fun but nothing interesting behind it's minus the flashy moves like Limit breaks. The aim ring is a good idea they've used but needs a bit more especially with magic users, a bit more customization too would of been great with the limited skill/skill link system.

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Got this today, and am about 5 hours through. Stuck on the second boss atm - may need to level grind a bit to progress.


Some good and bad impressions: Art, music and storytelling are impressively refined. I'm getting to know the chracters quite quickly; and with the help of the short stories, I'm beginning to piece together snippets of Kaim's past.


Also, I'm really loving the game's fully realised world, with it's own unique magicpunk(?) architecture and populace. The FMV sequences show this off best - the dramatic camera angles and extravagant bloom effects e.t.c give the game an epic, interactive-movie like feel. The art direction - i feel - is extremely polished, (the Uhran(sp?) capital is the best example). The level of graphical fidelity, however, does drop considerably when your questing. I noticed blurry textures and just a lack of variety in the environments.


There's also alot of plot holes at the moment and a lack of substantial content - but I guess all will become revealed in due time.


The battle system imo is a bit flaky. I mean, it's adeqaute, but I find the targeting-ring mechanic a bit tedious and trvial. There's also a bit of a lack of variety in physical attacks. The magical component is fleshed out; but I would have liked a myriad of blade techniques for Kaim to employ, to spice things up a bit.


All in all, i'm really enjoying this game, thus far. There's plenty of time to expand on the plot; and when the combat front starts to heat up, it will feel a more rounded RPG to me - maybe a bit too much tarting about in the first few hours, but I guess it's necessary to introduce the story.


Can't wait to play more!

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Theres some points in this game where there should be a huge warning across the screen that says "DONT PLAY ANY MORE UNLESS YOU HAVE A SPARE 3 HOURS" cos some points have cut scenes that go on forever then no save only to have another cut scene.


other than that tho.. im loving this game :smile:

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The first time i put the first disk in and started playing, i went for a full 10 or 11 hours straight. I remember loosing my colour vision near the end during one of those thousand year dream sequences and panicing quite a bit, but it came back eventually.

I will never play another game for that long in one sitting again...

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Theres some points in this game where there should be a huge warning across the screen that says "DONT PLAY ANY MORE UNLESS YOU HAVE A SPARE 3 HOURS" cos some points have cut scenes that go on forever then no save only to have another cut scene.


other than that tho.. im loving this game :smile:

Yer like that bit after the bastard worms.


Also when the funeral happens, it goes on forever...took me an hour to get through the FMV and tasks. So tight with the save points...what's the point in them anyway?


Loving this game though. Stories heating up and it's provoking stong emotions in me - I didn't think VG's could.:heh:

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