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Get off your arse and go demand she be with you, you have the opportunity to be with someone really special and if that means being selfish then your going to have to be.




Hmmm...I dunno, man...That would be like defiling 'the' code of honour, or something. Just imagine if you, Flink, were the guy she was oh so willing to leave to be with another guy. Some people just love the 'feeling' of young love and some are prepared to give up everything just to feel that way again.

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I used to believe... Ok I still kinda want to believe in teh whole "one person" thing.. except it seems more likely that there's one type of person out there that is perfect for you. Everyone holds onto love in different ways, some people let it go easier, some people throw themselves headfirst into 'love' and don't hold anything back, thus losing everything...


I'd like to say that i'm settled now, waiting for the right one, but in reality (as in, not some made-up rubbish in my head) there's nobody queuing, there's nobody coming along and there won't be, because I do nothing to try and find them myself. I'm probably just going to fall for the first person that pays me any attention. Worked before. Just gotta wait for that to happen!


This is what I think is true and why I dont think anyone should ever dispear about not finding anyone again.

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This is where you're being toooo nice. She obviously wants you to say something! I agree with Nightwolf and think you should talk to her about being together.


Good luck :)


We've talked about it a lot, about just being together, and it makes me feel gutted that I didn't meet her years ago.


Hmmm...I dunno, man...That would be like defiling 'the' code of honour, or something. Just imagine if you, Flink, were the guy she was oh so willing to leave to be with another guy.


That's the thing, I've been in that position (ish) before, on the opposite end, so I know how it feels, and I think her guy is good for her, and thats why I can't take that away from her.


Ahh, it's fucked.

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This is what I think is true and why I dont think anyone should ever dispear about not finding anyone again.


People despair if they don't go out much, or go out on the town, you need to be outside to find them, unless your other half happens to be online.


Which even then is quite alot of people to search through. :indeed:


EDIT: I'm no man, thanks. Maybe but if link doesn't at least try he'll be kicking himself about it.

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Well just found that singleness makes me feel lonely. I've been talking to my mate and he thinks there could be something going on between me and this girl who i was chattin 2 last night and all of last week


Half of the people in the pub last night thought that me and this girl were an item and were going out but really we are mates.


Well, i shall see what happens

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People despair if they don't go out much, or go out on the town, you need to be outside to find them, unless your other half happens to be online.


Which even then is quite alot of people to search through. :indeed:


EDIT: I'm no man, thanks. Maybe but if link doesn't at least try he'll be kicking himself about it.


lol lol sorry that made me think of like dawn of the dead. The outsiders! Anyway yes im pretty much not gonna find anyone at the moment I would guess. But im not crying about it because heres the way I see single life and couple life. Whenever ive not been with someone and then I meet somoene im like omg im so happy im single! On the other hand when im with somoene I think oh wow what good timing I could have got with someone else before that wasnt as nice as this person. I guess its like kinda I feel something might be round the corner and I shouldnt rush into anything.


Anyway thats my view but its a bit odd it kinda matches up with why I quoted j7 I feel theres more than one person out there for everyone.

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Hmmm...I dunno, man...That would be like defiling 'the' code of honour, or something. Just imagine if you, Flink, were the guy she was oh so willing to leave to be with another guy. Some people just love the 'feeling' of young love and some are prepared to give up everything just to feel that way again.

This is pretty hypocritical of me as I'm sure I'd be just as hesitant as Flink is being, but it should be pointed out that she's said she would leave the other guy if asked. Instead of thinking like her dad and about what's the 'right' choice for her, let the girl decide on her own. So, don't ask her to leave her boyfriend, but lay your cards on the table: "This is how I feel, the choice is yours."


I'm a recurring offender when it comes to misguided chivalry, and all I can say is that whilst being nice has helped other people it has never bought me any happiness. This is her decision, Flink: give her the option of making her own mistakes, as you already have one life to make decisions for. You can't be responsible for everyone.

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You are wise beyond your years, Less of the Aim.


Ahh, this is flamin' typical. There's always some obstacle or factor or something or other that comes between me and getting what I want.


*big sigh* :(


Then remove the obstacle, you can do what aim said and tell her exactly how you feel and then tell her she has to decide or you take the bull by the horns and tell her you want to be with her and ask her out. :indeed:

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Then remove the obstacle, you can do what aim said and tell her exactly how you feel and then tell her she has to decide or you take the bull by the horns and tell her you want to be with her and ask her out. :indeed:


When it's written like that, it sounds so simple. There's really more than one factor in this case.


She's been going out with this guy for a few years now, and he travels down every weekend to see her. She'll be finished at the end of this academic year, and she'll be moving back to Norfolk with him.


It's not really a case of her being with me, but her giving up on her future...in a sense. I dunno if I could ask somebody to do that for me.

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When it's written like that, it sounds so simple. There's really more than one factor in this case.


She's been going out with this guy for a few years now, and he travels down every weekend to see her. She'll be finished at the end of this academic year, and she'll be moving back to Norfolk with him.


It's not really a case of her being with me, but her giving up on her future...in a sense. I dunno if I could ask somebody to do that for me.


No from what you have said it is actually as simple as it is written, the hard bit is putting that into practise, I know, I've had to be the girl your wanting to be with and it's a right pain.


People seem to believe that just because somebody has been with another person for a long time that they automatically are chained to them and therefore cannot love anybody else. Bollocks, :indeed:

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When it's written like that, it sounds so simple. There's really more than one factor in this case.


She's been going out with this guy for a few years now, and he travels down every weekend to see her. She'll be finished at the end of this academic year, and she'll be moving back to Norfolk with him.


It's not really a case of her being with me, but her giving up on her future...in a sense. I dunno if I could ask somebody to do that for me.


Ah god flinky dont do it thats well bad :(


If she breaks up with him thats different but if she still likes him then ah god.

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No from what you have said it is actually as simple as it is written, the hard bit is putting that into practise, I know, I've had to be the girl your wanting to be with and it's a right pain.


People seem to believe that just because somebody has been with another person for a long time that they automatically are chained to them and therefore cannot love anybody else. Bollocks, :indeed:


I know, I've just never been in this position before, and I've never or rarely (as far as I know) hurted somebody else to get what I wanted.



Wait, you're not going to try and "steal" this girl from the guy are you Flink?


That's why I'm so confused. It's like resisting temptation. Reading back over my last post, I think that the answer to your question is no.


Ah god flinky dont do it thats well bad :(


If she breaks up with him thats different but if she still likes him then ah god.


Help me, Haden. :(


Nightwolf: Why so mad? :(

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For the record Flink, I think you should at least go down swinging. If I were you the very least I'd do is tell her how you feel and what you want. If you don't, well you might be making a massive mistake. If it doesn't work out, so be it but at least you'll have tried and been honest.


it's like what Aimless said- in the end, it's her decision to make but it should be a genuine one.

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I know, I've just never been in this position before, and I've never or rarely (as far as I know) hurted somebody else to get what I wanted.




That's why I'm so confused. It's like resisting temptation. Reading back over my last post, I think that the answer to your question is no.




Help me, Haden. :(


You need to sit down with her and seriously take into account of what you both want, considering the future not just now.


I'm just thinking Link, I've been in that situation and because of a man I ended up very alone. So when they don't make up their minds, it drives me abit nuts ;), nothing too major

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I know, I've just never been in this position before, and I've never or rarely (as far as I know) hurted somebody else to get what I wanted.




That's why I'm so confused. It's like resisting temptation. Reading back over my last post, I think that the answer to your question is no.




Help me, Haden. :(


In my opinion its a real toughie I think whats happened is shes gorwn towards you cause you guys spend so much time together and your feeligns have become quite intense on both sides. I would just think of your feelings and more importantly concerns in a objective manner and then appraoch her with them. Whatever you do wait until she has seen her bf again that will reveal a lot. Has she seen him since all this happened?

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To me it sounds like he's going out with this girl, that you like, andm you're going to try and get with her.

Especially when he travels to see her all the time that's kinda bad.


on the other hand, she told The Flink (can we make that formal btw?) she loved him first, so it's not like we're talking to a rake, knave and despoiler of the divine institution or anything.

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This is pretty hypocritical of me as I'm sure I'd be just as hesitant as Flink is being, but it should be pointed out that she's said she would leave the other guy if asked. Instead of thinking like her dad and about what's the 'right' choice for her, let the girl decide on her own. So, don't ask her to leave her boyfriend, but lay your cards on the table: "This is how I feel, the choice is yours."


I'm a recurring offender when it comes to misguided chivalry, and all I can say is that whilst being nice has helped other people it has never bought me any happiness. This is her decision, Flink: give her the option of making her own mistakes, as you already have one life to make decisions for. You can't be responsible for everyone.


...I've learnt a lesson today. :bowdown:



Indeed she did.

I take back what i said.


Also if i was the guy, i'd be pissed if i knew what was going on.


Yeah LOL, my ears would be burning. IMO tho she should have left that guy if she felt that way towards F Link before giving him the option.

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You need to sit down with her and seriously take into account of what you both want, considering the future not just now.


I'm just thinking Link, I've been in that situation and because of a man I ended up very alone. So when they don't make up their minds, it drives me abit nuts ;), nothing too major


It's not really about me making up my mind though, since it's her who has to make a decision...if there even is a decision to be made.


To me it sounds like he's going out with this girl, that you like, andm you're going to try and get with her.

Especially when he travels to see her all the time that's kinda bad.


That's one side of it, but that is only if I make the decision to...I dunno, ask her to do something about the way things are.


In my opinion its a real toughie I think whats happened is shes gorwn towards you cause you guys spend so much time together and your feeligns have become quite intense on both sides. I would just think of your feelings and more importantly concerns in a objective manner and then appraoch her with them. Whatever you do wait until she has seen her bf again that will reveal a lot. Has she seen him since all this happened?


Yeah, he's been down, and that's when me and her were sat next together when she typed that stuff on the computer for only the two of us to see.


on the other hand, she told The Flink (can we make that formal btw?) she loved him first, so it's not like we're talking to a rake, knave and despoiler of the divine institution or anything.


That's the other side of things, I guess.

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