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Rainbow six Vegas 2


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Guest Stefkov

Playing it through on the toughest difficulty. Not that hard, if you die find out where you got shot from, next time around aim there.

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Some more good times were just had on the T-hunts. Rob+Spudgun=OWNAGE!


Look just because I Pwn those terrorists. I love my scorpion auto-pistol.


Playing it through on the toughest difficulty. Not that hard, if you die find out where you got shot from, next time around aim there.


That was copyright rob

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Guest Stefkov

Free gun.


"To unlock the gun go to the main menu of the game and do the following:


(Hold RB) Down, Down, Up, Up, X, B, X, B, Y, Up, Up, Y"


I just done it. Use the D-pad: TAR21 unlocked. Shazam.

It's an assault rifle but it's no better than my beautiful G3KA4.

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Wow tonight was fun... would have been more awesome if i wasnt so crappedy crap crap


Yeah I really enjoyed it, thanks for the invite guys.


That last level was doing my head in and I couldnt believe that last guy killed me. I was ready to throw my pad at the TV and I may have woke up my dad when I started kicking off.


Many a good laughs were had again last night, especially when Chris or Stef ( cant remember who did it ) threw that grenade and the body just came flying past me and smacked into the wall :)


I have to say I cant get enough of playing the T-Hunts. I even started playing them with the A.I. yesterday, they are just so much fun to play.

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My suggestion: don't buy this game for a few months. It should be easy to get a copy for £15-20 then, which is far more in line with the game's patent lack of polish.


I do think it's better than the original Vegas, marginally, but it's carried over many of the problems with its predecessor: namely myriad technical issues — texture pop-in, horrible sound mixing, characters getting snagged on geometry — and a truly abysmal online interface. In the age of Halo 3 and CoD4 the latter is pretty unacceptable, especially seeing as the game is essentially a full-price expansion pack.


Hopefully they'll be able to patch a few of the problems, but as is the game's a huge disappointment for me. All it needed to be was more of the same with the original's issues smoothed over, but it's utterly failed on that latter point.

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Guest Stefkov

How I don't miss the online part of these games.

I go on and nearly everyone is a prepubescent little child with their voices so high it's a wonder how anyone manages to listen to them without going deaf.

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How I don't miss the online part of these games.

I go on and nearly everyone is a prepubescent little child with their voices so high it's a wonder how anyone manages to listen to them without going deaf.


Agreed. A kid was doing my head in screaming on the other day then I realised it was Rob :)

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Agreed. A kid was doing my head in screaming on the other day then I realised it was Rob :)


Wtf When was I doing that? The only time that might have occured is when Chris told me I had forgotten the song that I used to sing... He was wrong:awesome:

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Wtf When was I doing that? The only time that might have occured is when Chris told me I had forgotten the song that I used to sing... He was wrong:awesome:


"These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do,

one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you"



Aahhh get outta my head :shakehead

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Guest Stefkov
"These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do,

one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you"



Aahhh get outta my head :shakehead

Don't type it he'll only sing it more damnit!

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Wtf When was I doing that? The only time that might have occured is when Chris told me I had forgotten the song that I used to sing... He was wrong:awesome:


Just messing with ya, still love you mate :)


There was a kid screaming on though in one of our team leader games the other day, I think he was called 2 Amigos or something. He kept shouting "ARIBA ARIBA" idiot.

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Just messing with ya, still love you mate :)


There was a kid screaming on though in one of our team leader games the other day, I think he was called 2 Amigos or something. He kept shouting "ARIBA ARIBA" idiot.


oh yes i remember him... oh yes

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Guest Stefkov

I like the single player. The part where you get XP for playing it that is.

I've gotten up to the rank I was on the first game in less time than it took in the other game. Mucho less time.

My beautiful wasp camoflauge is mine once more

= ¦D

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Me and my mate tried playing some Team Leader games today and either we got booted because people were playing boosting games or the guys who were hosting wouldnt wait for the teams to level out so it would be us 2 Vs 7! Also the amount of screaming kids and yanks on the game is a joke.


One yank was bragging on how he was an Elite. That would be mighty impressive if it wasnt for the fact that you get EXP in the game for everything from shooting a guy in the head to taking a dump on the pot. Not to mention the EXP glitch in single player.

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