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I didn't really do much last night, though I got 4 bars of exp from doing quests in Outland, wait till it went live, handed them in. Then went to Northrend, looked for a little bit and logged off. Won't be questing till later on.

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The amount of people not in my class today because of wow made me lol. Even my tutor (who plays quite abit apprently, she's awesome) had it in her bag ready to play when she gets home!


I really need to play more to decide whether I get the expansions...hmm I can play now..

wut? I thought you just needed a level 55 to create DK?


you do, level 55+ to get a DK


*Watches install going* FASTER


Gonna make a quick DK, hope the name I want isn't taken, and then hopping onto my druid w00t


I'm Alliance (Naturine my main)


Going Tauren for Death Knight though, I wouldn't mind having a horde alt, but christ I ahte the starting levels of them, so getting one at 55 is all good.


27 minutes >>


Damn you, 387 ;-;


I have a feeling I ain't getting on for a looong time tonight


*reads some WoWhead stuff to pass the time*


Hells yeah, i'm online


I didn't skip one of my practicals at uni to get home earlier.. >_>


I'm level 71 now, must be almost finished with the quests in Borean Tundra.


Thats me finished for the night. The amount of people in the starting areas is unreal. The general chat is almost as bad as the barrens but, I guess thats what really happens when you get too many people in one area.


Me and ShadowV7 got half way through 70 and should make 71 tomorrow. We were thinking about doing Utgarde Keep in Howling Fjord. Anyone else know how long it roughly takes? I was gonna tank it but i'm using mainly green gear and don't know if it would be good enough. I'm a feral Druid.

Thats me finished for the night. The amount of people in the starting areas is unreal. The general chat is almost as bad as the barrens but, I guess thats what really happens when you get too many people in one area.


Me and ShadowV7 got half way through 70 and should make 71 tomorrow. We were thinking about doing Utgarde Keep in Howling Fjord. Anyone else know how long it roughly takes? I was gonna tank it but i'm using mainly green gear and don't know if it would be good enough. I'm a feral Druid.


We had a imba group so took us roughly around an hour, easy boss kills!


When I logged on last night I was the 1400th person in the Que....2 hours to get on :(


Got my Rogue to 60 but not enough gold for the riding skill, damn. Should have played more the other night, all the DK's have caught up with me now so going to have to put with that all the way to 80.


Anybody finding it a little easy? I've not been on much but in the time short time I've been on, I've never gone down more than 25% of my health. It's probably just because of being geared. I'm guessing it'll get hard the more levels that you go up and you have to ditch the epics for better gear.

Anybody finding it a little easy? I've not been on much but in the time short time I've been on, I've never gone down more than 25% of my health. It's probably just because of being geared. I'm guessing it'll get hard the more levels that you go up and you have to ditch the epics for better gear.


I've died a few times but only through stupidity of accidentilly pulling too many mobs, respawns when I'm resting or falling (one of my favourites that).


Did The Nexus today with possibly the worst group ever, tank couldn't hold aggro, healer just abused caps lock and swore, and mage just kept on about this quest in broken English. Either way its done now, I dinged 72 and have done all the quests in Borean Tundra, now off to Dragonblight.


Probably won't get much game time in from now until Monday :(.


Not really enjoying the new expansion. Just can't be bothered with all of the levelling again. Was on earlier and just spend the time messing around with an old friend. She's not enjoying it either. But then she does have like 3 lvl 70's and manhy other characters on the go.


The thing with questing at the minute is there is lots of other people trying to do it at the same time, once its all calmed down given a few weeks it should get better.

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