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December 21st 2012- 5 years to live?


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I don't care what the Mayan Calendar says. Gregorian ftw. :indeed:


i had a dream last night that i saw one of the 4 horsemen from my living room window... then i called in to topgear (because it was on tv in my dream~) and richard hammond explained it away for me.. ^__^ *sigh* ahh, richard... :yay:


That's more weird than the dream I had last night. Plus you spoke to the Hamster! *jealous*

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Every end of the world prediction so far hasn't come true so this proberly wont but this seems to be the most Convincing.




Basically in exactly 5 years and 2 days time the world is supposed to end. This is down to a series of so called catastrophic events that will take place on December 21st 2012, both scientific and religious. The website I posted above explains evrything. You can also look at youtube videos and wikipedia too.

when I read the part I have made red, my attention was piqued. When I read the part I have made bold, I lol'd.


We get one of these every few months ¬_¬


I love how everyone on the "believer's list" has "USA" after their name.

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