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Wii Beats Xbox360 In UK And DS Beaking Records Sales..


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I love the way these threads just repeat every week or so. Usually starting with Nintendo fans saying how nice it is that the Wii is selling well, only to then be shouted at by people who believe that the PS3 should be selling better.


The 360 is a great console. It has a lot going for it, great online, great graphics and a great catalogue filled with very good exclusives. The Wii also has a lot going for it, great exclusives, a wonderful VC full of Nintendo classics and a whole new way to play games.


Personally, if I had to just play one console, it would be the Wii. I wouldn't miss out on Nintendo exclusives for anything. But that's just me. I don't think anyone adds anything to the weight of their argument by coming on here and rubbishing the Wii after ignoring it's best games.


How could anyone say the 360 was poor and have ignored Halo 3, Bioshock and Ghost Recon? They couldn't.


Excellent post & right on the button, now that should be the end of it, but i doubt it.

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what I don't understand is that this is a nintendo website so why is there loads of people dissing the Wii. I personally think the Wii is great as is the 360, at the moment I don't wouldn't purchase a PS3 due to the lack of decent games and the price at the moment, and the decent games that are on it are out on the 360 anyway. The only game im interested in is Little Big Planet, which isnt out yet.

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I fail to see how people slamming the Wii in Wii Discussion is acceptable whilst someone in Other Consoles can be threatened with a ban for saying they agreed with Jeff Gerstermann getting sacked.


Thankyou, someone needed to say it. It's completely hypocritical.


Anyway, I've played a few games my 360 this year, and a few on the Wii. Because I don't paticularly like War games, shoot em ups etc I've had more enjoyment out of the Wii. I love both consoles, and am looking forward to some great games for both systems next year.

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I fail to see how people slamming the Wii in Wii Discussion is acceptable whilst someone in Other Consoles can be threatened with a ban for saying they agreed with Jeff Gerstermann getting sacked.


1. It's up to the Wii Discussion mods to decide what topics are acceptable in here.


2. All i objected to in the Jeff Gerstermann topic was the actual hate towards him, all because he didn't have the same opinion of Twilight Princess as some people on this forum.


3. If someone started firing hate comments in here i'd post a warning too. If it was directed towards a forum member i'd infract them for violation of the rules.


4. I never threatened to ban anyone. I jokingly said i'd kick his fanboy behind back to the Wii boards.


If you're going to try a start a witch hunt against me then at least get you're facts straight :indeed:

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I don't think it's fanboyism tbh, there's just a strong dislike towards the sudden shift in target demographic. Like it or not the Wii is made for the exact opposite audience that the Gamecube and N64 were targeted at, this has left a lot of fans wanting and as a result a big uptake of 360 users on forums like this one.


Nintendo basically shattered they're traditional fan-base in two, resulting in great threads like this one. It's blatant that the 2 groups just don't get on, neither is capable of seeing sense because the types of games on both formats are so far apart. Some like the new approach, others find it cheap. The responsibility falls to Nintendo to bring they're fan-base back in to a single unit, something which i doubt they can do this generation.


There is one thing everyone agrees on though; Nintendo still make great games :D

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The Wii doesn't give us 360 owners enough reasons to like it as much.


That's not called fanboyism, that's called having good taste.


Good taste preferring 360 over Wii? I was so excited when I got a 360 about the games and online play, but recently I've started to regret buying one.

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I don't think it's fanboyism tbh, there's just a strong dislike towards the sudden shift in target demographic. Like it or not the Wii is made for the exact opposite audience that the Gamecube and N64 were targeted at, this has left a lot of fans wanting and as a result a big uptake of 360 users on forums like this one.


Nintendo basically shattered they're traditional fan-base in two, resulting in great threads like this one. It's blatant that the 2 groups just don't get on, neither is capable of seeing sense because the types of games on both formats are so far apart. Some like the new approach, others find it cheap. The responsibility falls to Nintendo to bring they're fan-base back in to a single unit, something which i doubt they can do this generation.


There is one thing everyone agrees on though; Nintendo still make great games :D


Quoted for truth. I'd say this is a winning post. :heh:

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Good taste preferring 360 over Wii? I was so excited when I got a 360 about the games and online play, but recently I've started to regret buying one.


Go on then.


Tell me what is so great about your Wii and what is not so great about your 360.

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The responsibility falls to Nintendo to bring they're fan-base back in to a single unit, something which i doubt they can do this generation.


I can't be arsed to argue with the rest of your post, but this part seemed worth quoting. Nintendo have already done exactly what you just said they had to do, but on the DS. It took 2 years for it to kick off properly though, but there's no doubt since the launch of the DS it had the exact same questions thrown at it until it finally silenced it's critics.


I think 2008 is going to be where we really see how things are going to develope. Most publishers started putting resources into the Wii mid-2007, and their games will be ready for release in 2008. Time shall tell what type of games they're focusing on making, and what are the best sellers.

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I don't think it's fanboyism tbh, there's just a strong dislike towards the sudden shift in target demographic. Like it or not the Wii is made for the exact opposite audience that the Gamecube and N64 were targeted at, this has left a lot of fans wanting and as a result a big uptake of 360 users on forums like this one.


Nintendo basically shattered they're traditional fan-base in two, resulting in great threads like this one. It's blatant that the 2 groups just don't get on, neither is capable of seeing sense because the types of games on both formats are so far apart. Some like the new approach, others find it cheap. The responsibility falls to Nintendo to bring they're fan-base back in to a single unit, something which i doubt they can do this generation.


There is one thing everyone agrees on though; Nintendo still make great games :D


Excellent post McPhee!

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How could anyone say the 360 was poor and have ignored Halo 3, Bioshock and Ghost Recon? They couldn't.

Anyone who's into PC gaming could say that easily.


Granted, Halo 3 has yet to arrive on PC. But it's not like there isn't plenty of other (and better) FPS's to play instead.

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At the end of the day the success of the wii has made this Gen a 3 horse race and brought the price of PS3 & xbox 360 down sooner than if it was still a 2 horse race like last time so we can all enjoy, if we want multi platform gaming.

I have a 360 & Wii and enjoy them both. There is only one game i fancy on PS3 (Uncharted) so i don't want one, but i may change my mind in the future if there are enough exclusives (that are worth bothering with) and the console is cheaper. or i may have enough games to keep me happy on what i have.

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I don't think it's fanboyism tbh, there's just a strong dislike towards the sudden shift in target demographic. Like it or not the Wii is made for the exact opposite audience that the Gamecube and N64 were targeted at, this has left a lot of fans wanting and as a result a big uptake of 360 users on forums like this one.


Nintendo basically shattered they're traditional fan-base in two, resulting in great threads like this one. It's blatant that the 2 groups just don't get on, neither is capable of seeing sense because the types of games on both formats are so far apart. Some like the new approach, others find it cheap. The responsibility falls to Nintendo to bring they're fan-base back in to a single unit, something which i doubt they can do this generation.


There is one thing everyone agrees on though; Nintendo still make great games :D


Brilliant post, i'm pointing out the bit in bold for a reason.

When i came here, i was a bloody massive nintendo fanboy, worse than some of you guys here in the Wii boards (i don't mean that offensively).

I dissed sony & M$, i bought a Wii on launch, i was like Zechs in that i hoped Sony would go bust and LOL about it.

Then things changed, i'd had the Wii, i'd been on here, the Wii was starting to lack in the games department, i'd just had Wario & Excite Truck, while ET was an awesome game, Wario was sold within a week.. serious dry spell going on, and the future looked bad, so i bought a 360 finally after saying i would like.. 3 other times.

Loved it, i did not even plug the Wii in once after i got the 360, and i'm being serious here. So i sold it (a week before Mario, crazy eh?) i don't regret it, i played it to test before i sold it, and i do not regret selling.


The point and fact is, Nintendo are losing fans, everyone is on here because they at least liked Nintendo at one point, though the point is not that i dislike Nintendo, i dislike the Wii (and Nintendo's attitude/choice of path they've taken).


They're not like the old times that i liked from GC/N64 era. It's not like i came here as an Xbox fan to diss the Wii, i came as a Nintendo fan doing the opposite, but Nintendo put me off.

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But how did they put you off after LESS than twelve months - what the fuck is wrong with peoples perspectives? Again, please tell me what 360 had in the first twelve months, I'm dying for someone to tell me and not resort to "well Zelda is actually a gamecube game moved to wii" bullshit because that is a fucking retarded point. What did it have that competes with what the wii has?


Also, what has the PS3 got the wii doesnt?


Fuck it what did the gamecube have in the first 12 months? The playstation 2? The n64, ds, snes? I could really go on!!!!


The Wii has a lot of quality titles, a lot! It has the best or at least one of the best versions of three of the biggest franchises in Mario, Zelda and Metroid, it has more 3rd party support than its had since the snes. WHAT THE FUCK IS PEOPLES PROBLEM!!!!


All I hear is bitching about the lack of games but dont point to any facts just say 360 is better - GET A FUCKING FORESIGHT and see what is obviously going to happen over the next 12 months!


Also, what is the problem with loads of new wii owners? Why do you care so much that the wii has games like Carnival games or wii play? Why do you give a shit? Dont buy them! Thats not all there is!!!!


"I sold my wii before mario galaxy came out and im gald I did it because the wii has no good games" - WTF are you talking about!!!! Galaxy is so much better than anything on the 360, and even if you dont agree with that it's still a game any of you oh so precious and serious and amazing self proclaimed hardcore gamers should play, but you slag the wii off for no fucking reason and giving it no time to prove itself and decide to leave SHIT games like metroid and mario and olympics, and resident evil and trauma centre and zack and wicki to us casual gamers you have so much fucking disdain for.

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Dude, you're taking stuff i never actually said.


Also, who's talking about the PS3? Why do people keep asying we're sticking up for the PS3 here?

My problem is the games don't appeal to me.


I really never actually said half the stuff you said i said.

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But how did they put you off after LESS than twelve months - what the fuck is wrong with peoples perspectives? Again, please tell me what 360 had in the first twelve months, I'm dying for someone to tell me and not resort to "well Zelda is actually a gamecube game moved to wii" bullshit because that is a fucking retarded point. What did it have that competes with what the wii has?


Also, what has the PS3 got the wii doesnt?


Fuck it what did the gamecube have in the first 12 months? The playstation 2? The n64, ds, snes? I could really go on!!!!


The Wii has a lot of quality titles, a lot! It has the best or at least one of the best versions of three of the biggest franchises in Mario, Zelda and Metroid, it has more 3rd party support than its had since the snes. WHAT THE FUCK IS PEOPLES PROBLEM!!!!


All I hear is bitching about the lack of games but dont point to any facts just say 360 is better - GET A FUCKING FORESIGHT and see what is obviously going to happen over the next 12 months!


Also, what is the problem with loads of new wii owners? Why do you care so much that the wii has games like Carnival games or wii play? Why do you give a shit? Dont buy them! Thats not all there is!!!!


"I sold my wii before mario galaxy came out and im gald I did it because the wii has no good games" - WTF are you talking about!!!! Galaxy is so much better than anything on the 360, and even if you dont agree with that it's still a game any of you oh so precious and serious and amazing self proclaimed hardcore gamers should play, but you slag the wii off for no fucking reason and giving it no time to prove itself and decide to leave SHIT games like metroid and mario and olympics, and resident evil and trauma centre and zack and wicki to us casual gamers you have so much fucking disdain for.


Wow!! great post, sums it up really, game, set & match.

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