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The Public Vote!


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I'll admit I'm in two minds about the Revolution controller. While it appears unique and provides endless opportunities, I don't know how gamers in the western world will take to it.


Still a 51/49 split towards Miss. Then again, isn't that what they said about the DS? ;)


I suppose we'll just have to wait and see...

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The press in general are morons when it comes to games. I remember watching CNN when they had a segment on E3 they sent a 50 year old grey hair dude to interview software companies n such. Boy did he memorize his cue cards. I bet that guy hasnt even touched a game pad for any system in his life.

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The UK press are a bunch of idiots... along with most of the UK gaming population :P



so why is the bbc the most trusted news company in the world??? CUBE magazine is the best (and funniest) ninty mag in the world by a long shot, and its based its from the UK.

and dont call me an idiot, just because a lot of guys in my country have bought a ps2 doesn't mean i have :mad:

sony are theving basteds (from nintendo mainly...) who should burn in hell

nintendo pwns sony any day :grin:

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I think the fact that the BBC are even bothered enough to cover the announcement shows they're actually not as bad as some of you seem to think.


I realise they haven't said "Best controller EVA!111", but that was never going to happen. Get the new Cube Magazine though and you'll be alright.

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so why is the bbc the most trusted news company in the world??? CUBE magazine is the best (and funniest) ninty mag in the world by a long shot, and its based its from the UK.

and dont call me an idiot, just because a lot of guys in my country have bought a ps2 doesn't mean i have :mad:

sony are theving basteds (from nintendo mainly...) who should burn in hell

nintendo pwns sony any day :grin:



he said most, so you can count yourself out of that population, as one of the least gamers ;). I agree whole heartedly with his statment. I strongly dislike the british press as a whole, as they are (sweeping generalisation here, I accept there are exceptions) heartless, selfish, ignorant, moronic and boring. I also hate it when you see them giving people "views" so dumb people can hold on to a view they've been fed, so in conversations with fellow morons they can all agree.

shame people are so unwilling to form their own views. although actually, perhaps its not.

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