ipaul Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Didn't really know where else to put this query so I thought I would ask in here. Is it worth getting a PSP? I'd quite like a portable gaming device and I have tried and do not like the DS. I also have a PS3, so I would get all of the connectivity stuff that comes with having both. Thing is, would it be wiser to go for the PSP GO or the 3000? Also, I have an iPod touch. There are so many games on it, would it be pointless to get a PSP when I have this already?
flameboy Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Didn't really know where else to put this query so I thought I would ask in here. Is it worth getting a PSP? I'd quite like a portable gaming device and I have tried and do not like the DS. I also have a PS3, so I would get all of the connectivity stuff that comes with having both. Thing is, would it be wiser to go for the PSP GO or the 3000? Also, I have an iPod touch. There are so many games on it, would it be pointless to get a PSP when I have this already? I'd say its not pointless at all...You'll find your PSP offers very different gaming experiences to the iPod touch. Much more fuller console type experiences are to be had, this can be viewed as a good or bad thing and it has been an issue about how you approach fuller experiences where a player may only have 10 mins to play. Personally I'd say go for the 3000 then you can get the full library at decent prices. There are tons of back catalogue titles that are not on PSN and also third parties do not have to put digital versions of their games out there (Sonys laid back approach proving to be a hindrance in this instance) so you could potentially be missing out on new releases (plus they are sometimes stupidly priced Football Manager 2010 £35.99 WTF?!)
Guest Stefkov Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 I'd say just go for the 3000. I got one not too long ago and I'm loving it. God of War downloadable is some ridiculous price I believe whereas I bought it for 7.99 brand new UMD online. There are plenty of games I've missed out on which I'm getting, plus there are a few new games that have come out and will be coming out that I really needed a PSP for.
LegoMan1031 Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Funnily enough the Postal Strike looks like it has helped the repuatation of Royal Mail as private companies are not delivering. Making Businesses and people appreciate the service more. Was talking to people at other workplaces and they were syaing the same. The most important document sending off is ok provided you spend a crapton on delivery (DHL) but for other medium and cheaper services they dont do the job that Royal Mail does. Plus funnily enoughs oem companies dont deliver to certain addresses for odd reasons. You dont know till its too late. *Checks thread title* Whats that got to do with Playstation?
Daft Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Have they upped the quality of BBC iPlayer? I'm watching Defying Gravity (don't ask why) and I think it looks better than usual. I'm on a big 40" HDTV.
flameboy Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 woohooo! Did anyone else get the GoW III demo email?!!!
Daft Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Overlord II - £9.99 Well worth it for that price.
LegoMan1031 Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 woohooo! Did anyone else get the GoW III demo email?!!! *sigh* Nope I take it u have?
flameboy Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Overlord II - £9.99 Well worth it for that price. sigh tht is a good price but I'm really too skint...
Chris the great Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 woohooo! Did anyone else get the GoW III demo email?!!! me:) will check it out in a bit. im making a halloween level for LBP, should be finnished tongith, final touches in the morning then up. im pretty pleased so far, its less complext then my outher efforts (still got my westen level on hold due to the level of complexity.)
LegoMan1031 Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 Does anyone know if it's the same demo as the one at the eurogamer expo? If it is i will feel better knowing i have already played it and not got this e-mail!
flameboy Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 Does anyone know if it's the same demo as the one at the eurogamer expo? If it is i will feel better knowing i have already played it and not got this e-mail! Yeah it is...its the E3 demo which is the same we played at Eurogamer...still nice to play it again and see if I can do that bloody shooting bit that took me about 20 goes at the Expo.
Deathjam Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 The demo was pretty awesome but really, it's just more of the same. Funny thing though, your thinking, 'yep, more of the same' then the bloody thing ends and you think to yourself, DAMN I was just getting into that! I want more! Lucky that I have the compilation pre-ordered from VGP. Cannot wait.
LegoMan1031 Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 Yeah it is...its the E3 demo which is the same we played at Eurogamer...still nice to play it again and see if I can do that bloody shooting bit that took me about 20 goes at the Expo. lol, that bit was rather annoying!!
Daft Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 Just completed InFamous (Finally, I know). I really liked the ending but I can't help thinking that it would have been a much better game had I played as Kessler. Also, the ending credits are fucking slick! Just like the Killzone end credits.
Chris the great Posted October 31, 2009 Posted October 31, 2009 spent most of my day finnishing that level on LBP, any one who fancies a go give it a shot, im pretty pleased with it, its pretty much just a normal level, had to be clever in a couple of places, more then youd think looking at it.
ipaul Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 After playing on my PS3 for a few days again I realised I prefer it so much to the 360. I'm actually quite tempted to sell the 360 (despite just getting it sorted again) because it's beginning to seem quite pointless. Plus I could use the money to buy more PS3 games! The only thing I play on it is Halo and even then my friends are barely online nowadays =/.
flameboy Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 After playing on my PS3 for a few days again I realised I prefer it so much to the 360. I'm actually quite tempted to sell the 360 (despite just getting it sorted again) because it's beginning to seem quite pointless. Plus I could use the money to buy more PS3 games! The only thing I play on it is Halo and even then my friends are barely online nowadays =/. DO IT DO IT DO IT....says the man who constantly thinks of buying a 360 because there are a couple of exclusives and most of my mates at work are on Live...
Chuck Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 After playing on my PS3 for a few days again I realised I prefer it so much to the 360. I'm actually quite tempted to sell the 360 (despite just getting it sorted again) because it's beginning to seem quite pointless. Plus I could use the money to buy more PS3 games! The only thing I play on it is Halo and even then my friends are barely online nowadays =/. Didn't you just buy an elite? I am starting to prefer the PS3 aswell, maybe because there is the beginnings of a transition between alot of my friends on Live to PSN. I like trophies too. I can only be on one or the other at Uni, and I watch alot of shows on PS3 despite getting Sky on my Xbox. Mainly because my 360 sounds like a hoover. The people I play with have headsets and the online can only get better on PSN. You should keep one for exclusives and the other for multiplatform when you know people that are playing that game online. I think you should keep both. I am.
Ryan Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Taken from: http://www.Playstationlifestyle.com SkyTV just recently launched exclusive to the Xbox 360 but it seems like the exclusivity might be short lived as recent documents point towards other systems, specifically the PS3. According to PaidContent and C21 Media, Sky released a 277 page public document and forgot to edit out the following footnote. "The deal to provide Sky's channels on the PS3 platform has not yet been made public and is confidential to Sky." The document has since been edited by Sky and the line has been taken out. Though there are plenty of other lines in the document that suggest that Sky TV could be jumping to other platforms. The document can be viewed here. "The channels will also soon be available via [CONFIDENTIAL] the Xbox360 [CONFIDENTIAL] via the internet." "They are also likely shortly to become available via the [CONFIDENTIAL] Xbox 360 platform [CONFIDENTIAL]." The service may never hit the PS3, though its looking more and more like it will go the route of Netflix and eventually make its way to the PS3. As always stay connected to PlayStation LifeStyle for all your PS3 news. Sony and Sky did something on PSP, didn't they? I see it happening, and with PSN access being free, there'd be less hidden costs then on Xbox.
flameboy Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Well just completed Rachet and Clank Tools of Destruction...nice little game, good palette cleanser for the all the browns and greys we see in games its so bright and refreshing to play. Good mix of shooting, platforming and puzzling. Know I'm mostly preaching to the converted as plenty of people have played it but if you havn't get it, I got it for £7.99 new from GAME.
dwarf Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 I would barely reccomend it at that price. The original PS2 game is better by far. I won't be buying the CiT but the hover boots look like a good addition to make things a it faster paced. Too combat heavy, especially seeing as the formula is quite basic with minimal depth.
Ryan Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 Well just completed Rachet and Clank Tools of Destruction...nice little game, good palette cleanser for the all the browns and greys we see in games its so bright and refreshing to play. Good mix of shooting, platforming and puzzling. Know I'm mostly preaching to the converted as plenty of people have played it but if you havn't get it, I got it for £7.99 new from GAME. Ah, my first PS3 game. Did you pull a 'Burger King' when you bought it new for £8? I'd of ran for the hills. Buying Crack in Time on friday?
The Lillster Posted November 1, 2009 Posted November 1, 2009 DO IT DO IT DO IT....says the man who constantly thinks of buying a 360 because there are a couple of exclusives and most of my mates at work are on Live... LOL! Pretty much all off my mates have an Xbox and are relectant to get a PS3. There must be some way to persuade them to buy a PS3!
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