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I think Sony can prevent online games and patches but not much else.


Obviously this will benefit pirates but having the ability to store your games to the HDD means faster load times, which is good for legitimate customers too.


Not quite. It will be much slower than the internal HDD as its via USB not SATA(about 3x slower). So it will have the opposite effect funnily enough. Abit like the USB1 Slim PS2 exploit.


edit: Seems like i could be wrong if you can rip to internal SATA.

Edited by Choze

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NextGen Boards

After examining the PSJailBreak Manager .PKG File below, RichDevX determined that it was hardcoded not to boot on Test consoles, and he has now made available a patch for PS3 Debug users who can decrypt the selfs to run PS3 game back-ups with it!



EuroGamer Boards

Someone has effectively sold Sony down the river.


There will be implications for developers. They will be asked to re-register and the keys will be changed. There will be a patch that modifies the PS3's boot sequence. No functionality should be lost, but it will be an ongoing battle.


Sony will also include code on retail discs that requires the new FW for them to run. They'll easilly have that sorted by the time GT5 releases.


Hmm just after Sony started making money on PS3 after losing all the money earn from PS2 sales.

Edited by Dante

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Intersting. So it's not a real hack as it's running Sony code? Suposedly the people behind this have done the whole thing to make as much cash as possible before other modders and hackers do this free.

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Shaving a couple of seconds off load times at the cost of mass piracy doesn't seem like a particularly even deal to me.


It is a good deal when it enables region free gaming on PS1 and PS2 games.


Also, it will probably allow region free DVD and Bluray movies too (hopefully).


If this unlocks region free bluray and dvd's, I might have to buy a second ps3.


One as my main console, the other as a media centre.




So I was playing MW2 earlier and the game freezes, I turn the console back on and guess what...




My PS3 is fucked yet again. This is the third time this has happened!


Looks like i'm getting a xbox, Sony can fuck off if they think I am paying God know's how much to get a refurbished one and then have it break, eight months down the line.

Edited by The Lillster
To express my anger

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This mod is basically a RETAIL TO DEBUG convertor, using a JIGCARD from SONY services.

If you look at VHS, it has some DEBUG things.

This JIG CARD(aka USB DONGLE) is used for devs and technicians from sony to launch BOOT INI from DEV_USB0.

Combining some buttons you can change the SYSCON status, who launch as a primary boot this dongle.


BOOTSTRAP is read and the files from dongle are launched and the RAM is making a false REBOOT.

The whole thing its an SYSCON FIRMWARE EMULATOR.

TRM "thinks" we have a debug unit and KERNEL DEBUG is loaded.


This way a DEBUG VSHMAIN (temporarily) allows unsigned code load.

Now you can launch PKGs from USB (that has an explorer to do that)


To launch BDEMU you need a disc to activate MEDIATYPE BD.

When you launch LOADER(from usb) BDDRIVE CHANNEL is closed(they cant share the same channel).

To eliminate LAYER, it needs a CELLFTP to extract decrypted files(no layer) and to convert those to DEBUG MODE.

Executer files can be created with SDK,and generated by the same loader that extract the LAYER, and using PS3GEN to create signed isos(patched).

Same way a 360 works(using a core debug)


The LOADER is executed via APP.


Its using stolen Sony code and counterfeit Sony hardware. So its wholly illegal unlike a hack. You will be dealing with the Police before Sony in this scenario so places already not selling it. All it allows is to run unsigned code. It wont allow other OS , region free or anything like that. Its purely a way to run stuff without security checks. So not much use till some people develop apps for it. But they need a Sony SDK. Which is also illegal for this. So good luck getting apps from pirates.


Its nothing like the Team Twizzers, Geohot or Dark Alex's work which were legit hacks. This seems like cash and grab scenario by some quite dodgy types. Opens the door to a new level of piracy on the consoles.


So I was playing MW2 earlier and the game freezes, I turn the console back on and guess what...




My PS3 is fucked yet again. This is the third time this has happened!


Looks like i'm getting a xbox, Sony can fuck off if they think I am paying God know's how much to get a refurbished one and then have it break, eight months down the line.


Normally i would say ring up and see. Ussualy the second PS3 is free. But in your case its good news if you just forget it. Also dont you already have afew xbox? ;) You seem to just poke your head in PS3 topics and just say any good game is meh in a vague manner then run away. I think its a good thing for you find all the games are bad on PS3.

Edited by Choze

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Its using stolen Sony code and counterfeit Sony hardware. So its wholly illegal unlike a hack. You will be dealing with the Police before Sony in this scenario so places already not selling it. All it allows is to run unsigned code. It wont allow other OS , region free or anything like that. Its purely a way to run stuff without security checks. So not much use till some people develop apps for it. But they need a Sony SDK. Which is also illegal for this. So good luck getting apps from pirates.


Its nothing like the Team Twizzers, Geohot or Dark Alex's work which were legit hacks. This seems like cash and grab scenario by some quite dodgy types. Opens the door to a new level of piracy on the consoles.




Normally i would say ring up and see. Ussualy the second PS3 is free. But in your case its good news if you just forget it. Also dont you already have afew xbox? ;)You seem to just poke your head in PS3 topics and just say any good game is meh in a vague manner then run away. I think its a good thing for you find all the games are bad on PS3.


I've never owned an Xbox in my life, the only reason I am contemplating on buying one, is because my friends keep nagging me to get one.


Which PS3 game(s) did I say were bad?


You must have dreamt it, everyone knows PS3 games are free from and immune to ridicule.

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I've never owned an Xbox in my life, the only reason I am contemplating on buying one, is because my friends keep nagging me to get one.


Which PS3 game(s) did I say were bad?


You must have dreamt it, everyone knows PS3 games are free from and immune to ridicule.


We have been posting here for years. Dont try it.


Could be i mixed you up for Ganepark or something...


edit: yep

Edited by Choze

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I'm trying to think of an inventive way of dismissing you with a 'no'

If you realised there was a good game on the 360, would you have brought one by now?

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I know this may seem like a bit of a daft question, but is there any way to organise the Playstation Store so that it shows all the demos available in one place?


I go on it at the moment, and it allows me to browse by genre, or by system (PS3, PSP, PSOne) some games have demos, others don't. But I can't find the option that lets you browse through all the available demos.


I only found out that Uncharted 2 had a demo today, even though it's been out ages. If I browse by the action genre, I see Uncharted 1 which has a demo showing from the first "button" as it were, but Uncharted 2 shows some DLC as the first "button" The demo is hidden away.


Hope this makes sense!

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I didn't know there was a Uncharted 2 demo!


Gr... *switches on Playstation*

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I didn't know there was a Uncharted 2 demo!


Gr... *switches on Playstation*


This proves my point then!

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The Playstation store to be is really not that great...


To be honest I don't enjoy the whole cross media bar in general... it's so slow and for some reason I have to pause for it to load up all the icons?


Why can't they just be there?!

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Did you find the demo then?


I've found loads of demos now that I know that you have to look a little deeper for them. Getting the inFAMOUS one now

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Aye it's downloading now.


I also saw that on the main menu if you hit up PS3 Games A-Z, second option on the new block menu is PS3 Demos AZ.


Which is what we were after I guess!

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In the North American store there's actually a demo tab on the main page. I'm surprised the UK one doesn't have this.

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We have been posting here for years. Dont try it.


Could be i mixed you up for Ganepark or something...


edit: yep


The only PS3 I've outright called bad was Killzone 2 at the time of playing. Looking back on it now, it wasn't as bad as I thought but it still was nowhere near worthy of the undying praise you heaped upon it. And in general, I tend to stay away from PS3 related topics cause god knows any slight flaw that is mentioned will get you lynched by the likes of yourself.

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Oh man, don't remind me how shit Killzone 2 was.


To be fair, I only played the demo.


But Jesus Christ that thing was shitty...

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The single player wasn't great. Multiplayer was good looking back on it. Wasn't a fan of the map design though. Hopefully that gets fixed in the third one.


But really, I don't get time to play my PS3 much so I've missed out on loads of first party titles. I would love to be able to get some time to play the games I've missed (been interested in Infamous and GoW3 amongst others for some time now) but instead I have to sit around and review shovelware for the Wii and DS. :nono: Ah the joy.

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I've just bought Scott Pilgrim. Gonna play it soon.


Anybody played one of the Gundemonium games? They all look very interesting. I want a bullet hell game but don't know whether they are worth buying.

X-Söldner 1 and 2 I already have.

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I know this may seem like a bit of a daft question, but is there any way to organise the Playstation Store so that it shows all the demos available in one place?


I go on it at the moment, and it allows me to browse by genre, or by system (PS3, PSP, PSOne) some games have demos, others don't. But I can't find the option that lets you browse through all the available demos.


I only found out that Uncharted 2 had a demo today, even though it's been out ages. If I browse by the action genre, I see Uncharted 1 which has a demo showing from the first "button" as it were, but Uncharted 2 shows some DLC as the first "button" The demo is hidden away.


Hope this makes sense!


Browse by Games A-Z you'll have a demo section too.


The only PS3 I've outright called bad was Killzone 2 at the time of playing. Looking back on it now, it wasn't as bad as I thought but it still was nowhere near worthy of the undying praise you heaped upon it. And in general, I tend to stay away from PS3 related topics cause god knows any slight flaw that is mentioned will get you lynched by the likes of yourself.


You didnt like Uncharted, LBP or anything remotely exclusive. Easy to ignore everything you say.

Edited by Choze
Automerged Doublepost

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I've just bought Scott Pilgrim. Gonna play it soon.


Anybody played one of the Gundemonium games? They all look very interesting. I want a bullet hell game but don't know whether they are worth buying.

X-Söldner 1 and 2 I already have.


I've bought a bullet hell game on the Wii called Castle of Shikigami iii.


I want a HD Bullet Hell game, I suppose Super Stardust HD on Endless mode, could be classified as bullet hell.


Are there even any bullet hell games on PS3?


Browse by Games A-Z you'll have a demo section too.




You didnt like Uncharted, LBP or anything remotely exclusive. Easy to ignore everything you say.


Who cares if he doesn't like the games you just listed.


I don't understand how something so trivial, bothers you so much?

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Who cares if he doesn't like the games you just listed.


I don't understand how something so trivial, bothers you so much?


You seem bothered. I personally just find it a funny observation either way.

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Meh... the fact that he explained where the demo section was, when me and the dog(amoto) already found it, shows that he doesn't actually read stuff.


Or that he reiterates things so they can be fact in his world.

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