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Just checked my profile, turns out I have 500 trophies. Yeaahhhh. Doesn't seem like there have been that many dings since I started collecting them, really surprising how they have tallied that high.

Miles off the 1337 status of 'Hat but still, here's to the next 500, probably starting with Heavy Rain or whichever one of the 4 games I want in Q1 comes out first. On the other hand I might receive a copy of MW2 for Christmas, not actually looking forward to it though. From mid-October to the end of the year I haven't seen anything that's grabbed me by the balls.

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Just checked my profile, turns out I have 500 trophies. Yeaahhhh. Doesn't seem like there have been that many dings since I started collecting them, really surprising how they have tallied that high.

Miles off the 1337 status of 'Hat but still, here's to the next 500, probably starting with Heavy Rain or whichever one of the 4 games I want in Q1 comes out first. On the other hand I might receive a copy of MW2 for Christmas, not actually looking forward to it though. From mid-October to the end of the year I haven't seen anything that's grabbed me by the balls.


Its funny you mention that, I've just done my pre-orders for the first few months of 2010. Its not definitive, as there are other games that may get purchased. But these are the ones I will be buying regardless....


Heavy Rain

Final Fantasy XIII

The Last Guardian

God of War III

Super Street Fighter IV

Gran Turismo 5


Thats a couple of hundred pounds worth of games, and thats not including any sleeper hits that may get released and a couple of Xbox exclusives I am interested in.


Also, with regards to the Trophies thing, this guy is world number 1. 100 Platinums!! Although there is a rumour he has other people farming Trophies on the same profile.



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Its funny you mention that, I've just done my pre-orders for the first few months of 2010. Its not definitive, as there are other games that may get purchased. But these are the ones I will be buying regardless....


Heavy Rain

Final Fantasy XIII

The Last Guardian

God of War III

Super Street Fighter IV

Gran Turismo 5


Thats a couple of hundred pounds worth of games, and thats not including any sleeper hits that may get released and a couple of Xbox exclusives I am interested in.


Also, with regards to the Trophies thing, this guy is world number 1. 100 Platinums!! Although there is a rumour he has other people farming Trophies on the same profile.




Not out until September I thought...

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...and he's only level 27...







I think Sony have judged the leveling system slightly wrong. Since getting to level 13, I have earned 2 Platinums and probably around 100 Trophies, and I'm still level 13. I shouldn't be hitting the wall so soon.


Not out until September I thought...


Ah right, I was just going off my ShopTo pre-orders, which state 26/03/2010. Which does seem a little early for it.

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Ah right, I was just going off my ShopTo pre-orders, which state 26/03/2010. Which does seem a little early for it.


Yeah it does seem really early...latest video off PSN looks stunning, the new footage is little more that the player fluttering around with the bird/dog/cat things tail bopping around but still incredible. Either Last Guardian or Heavy Rain are my calls for GOTY next year...oh and wait both PS3 exclusives!

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I think Sony have judged the leveling system slightly wrong. Since getting to level 13, I have earned 2 Platinums and probably around 100 Trophies, and I'm still level 13. I shouldn't be hitting the wall so soon.


To be honest, I don't think it matters too much. You're going to hit the wall sooner or later. It'll be interesting to see where we all are when the PS4 hits. Maybe they'll give more weight to next gen trophies.


Although you're probably right, the wall is a bit too thick.


I guess they could always readjust them. It's just a calculation.

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They have to tread a careful line between thick and thin. You don't want the levels low/thick enough so that it seems like everyone is at the same level, but you don't want the levels too high in such a way they become meaningless. (Okay they are pretty meaningless at any stretch)


I'm going to do a Canand now.


is resistance 3 coming out this year cause iwant it and it shud be reli good if they put new guns in it and more modes in it. will people buy it?

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They have to tread a careful line between thick and thin. You don't want the levels low/thick enough so that it seems like everyone is at the same level, but you don't want the levels too high in such a way they become meaningless. (Okay they are pretty meaningless at any stretch)


I'm going to do a Canand now.


is resistance 3 coming out this year cause iwant it and it shud be reli good if they put new guns in it and more modes in it. will people buy it?


Yeah I can see why Sony may have the system the way it is. Someone who is say, level 8, looks at someone who is level 11. It doesn't seem that far off from 8 to 11, but in reality, its probably about 400 Trophies. But everyone seems to be around the same level.


Has anyone heard of a PSN account called "MAFIA-M3"? I just got a message from someone with this name that said "Fuck You".


I get messages like this from time to time. Its probably some dickhead you shot in a game or something.

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Hey, just wondered if anyone had any advice on US only games for PS3. Here at the min and maybe pick something up. It is region free right? Thinking about God of War collection!


yep totally 100% region free for games!


In other news I just completed PixelJunk Shooter...cracking game, don't be put off by thinking its just another twin stick shooter it is sooooooooo much more. I love the PixelJunk series and this is by far my favorite. I hope they release the soundtrack to it as well because there are some cracking tunes!

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If you've been following all the talk surrounding potential subscription fees for the PlayStation Network, then this is a very hot story indeed. A brand new market survey has revealed Sony's ideas for the seemingly inevitable premium subscription, and some of the ideas are shockingly good, with a range of benefits that may be worth a fee after all.


Such considerations include one-hour game trials, exclusive in-game content and, most intriguing of all, unrestricted access to the PSOne Classics and Minis store, allowing subscribers to get whatever PSOne games they like for no additional charge. The long-awaited cross-game chat has also been named as a potential premium service, available only to subscribers.


Other bonuses under consideration include music sharing, loyalty rewards, discounts, a music service and much, much more. Three subscription models have been revealed, costing $69.99 a year, with a cheaper one running for $29.99 a year.


None of this is set in stone, and is merely stuff that Sony is considering. However, there is some promising potential here that could lead to a true premium service, unlike Xbox Live, which merely gives the illusion of premium content by offering things that should be free in the first place. Check out the survey for all of Sony's ideas and let us know if any of it's worth paying for in your estimation.




Looking at it the most interesting is the cloud storage for games. If I was to pay for such a service I think a mixture of option 1 & 2 would make me consider stumping up the cash. Considering the last time we heard talks of a sony survey it about the GoW Collection I think its safe to assume in some shape or form this stuff is coming.

Edited by flameboy
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Looking at it the most interesting is the cloud storage for games. If I was to pay for such a service I think a mixture of option 1 & 2 would make me consider stumping up the cash. Considering the last time we heard talks of a sony survey it about the GoW Collection I think its safe to assume in some shape or form this stuff is coming.


I hate to be the first one to overreact here but ...NOOOOOOOO! Free PSN access is one of the best things about the PS3. Having subscriptions will basically halt anymore improvements on the existing free service. The fact that the best subscription costs more than Live is also super unappealing.


Im also not seeing 'Faster Downloads' on that chart anywhere, which is currently my biggest gripe with PSN. If they add that and beat Live Gold in price, id be MUCH more likely to subscribe.

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if only they had a package that just had the following:


Beta Access

Cross Game Chat

Free PS1 games, Minis, and themes

Store discounts

Member Only in-game content


None of the packages have all of those.


I could understand if they had a $29.99 package that was missing some features, and a $69.99 package, that had everything, but having multiple $69.99 packages is just stupid. It will lead to confusion.


I don't mind paying for premium content, and as Destin said on Hard News the other day, if you download so many PS1 games a year, it will pay for itself, but the way they seem to be setting up the packages just sucks.


So, for those who will be paying for this, what package will you be getting?


I think I'll go for Option 2, its just a shame it doesn't have Beta Access.

Edited by Emasher
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if only they had a package that just had the following:


Beta Access

Cross Game Chat

Free PS1 games, Minis, and themes

Store discounts

Member Only in-game content


None of the packages have all of those.


I could understand if they had a $29.99 package that was missing some features, and a $69.99 package, that had everything, but having multiple $69.99 packages is just stupid. It will lead to confusion.


I don't mind paying for premium content, and as Destin said on Hard News the other day, if you download so many PS1 games a year, it will pay for itself, but the way they seem to be setting up the packages just sucks.


So, for those who will be paying for this, what package will you be getting?


I think I'll go for Option 2, its just a shame it doesn't have Beta Access.


Yeah like I said I'd have a mixture of the options. It does seem bizarre to not offer all of these services...the one thing that worries me if they aren't making a ton of money off people buying PS1 games on their own will they slow down on releasing them? Also if I didn't renew my premium will I lose all these games?


It works out at £43.3455, do I spend that much on PS1 games a year? no it's all about the new PSN games for me...So how significant the store discounts are. Cross game chat can take it or leave it to be honest, its not the big feature many make it out to be. I'm not sure about how big a pull member only content is either. If its no better than the sort of things that come as retailer exclusive preorder bonuses then I am really not bothered at all...

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