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Winter Sports 2008!


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Forum baffles me at times, Dazdude made a thread on this a couple of weeks ago and it sank without trace, did no one see his thread and want to comment on the game then?




Anyways, it does look like it could be fun!


Perhaps it went down to quickly? I didn't see it...nothing against the poster!

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seems to be sold out, did anyone order then?


I ordered it a couple of days ago from play.com...gonna check it was sent!


Was bidding on Ebay for it, but it went up to £31+ £5 postage and VAT (which i didn't see at first, so glad i didn't win it).


I reckon it's average, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed for a bit of multiplayer fun!

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Seeing this thread did make me wonder where my original thread had been shunted to :indeed:... ANYWAY..


This is one game i'm looking forward to, however GAME apparently told me it was delayed last week so this is certainly news that it is available online. But at £25 it certainly seems a bargain. so I look forward to hearing what peeps think of it before I go ahead and order it.



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Got the game!


I tell you what it's absolutely hilarious, the game doesn't take itself seriously at all and there's also some jokes in the commentary and other things as well, which i won't spoil. I'm playing it on my own at the mo and had a good laugh to myself, it's no-where near the best game in the world but for £24.99 you could do alot worse, espicially if you have mates over.


The screens sadly don't show how jaggy the game is, the graphics are pretty good but could be ALOT better. The edges of character models and everything aren't smooth and you can tell the game has been made on a small budget, the screens are infact a complete lie if i'm being truly honest, i have my wii running through component, HDTV 480P, and it looks nothing like that. After playing Wii:Sports though which has excellent gameplay but nothing special in the graphics department i can honestly say i'm not surprised...still a little dissapointing.


The Wii-Controls in the 7 events i have played are very clever and work a treat, they will take sometime to perfect but overall it's not waggle the wii-mote in every event, which is good.


The figure skating uses the Rayman Raving Rabbids dance idea, of shaking the remote and nunchuck in time with the music, the good thing is you can watch your performance as well as dancing as it's centered in the screen, which i liked.


The downhill ski-ing is also very clever, you hold the wii-mote and nunchuck up to gain speed and move them from left to right to balance/move that way! Holding B and Z together you carve which isn't a pain either as your fingers are already there! You also hold the wii-mote and nunchuck down to slow down i believe.


Bobsleigh is pretty good as well. To gain speed you crank the wii-mote like a lever and then once you have done that you hold the wii-mote like a steering wheel to move down the slopes, i believe you have to stay in between these blue lines to keep your speed up and it goes VERY fast. You can also use the d-pad or 2 button to lean.


I'm not sure if it's just me, at first there seemed to be a little problem with the sound, the music over shadows the commentary in the opening cemerony and all through the game they seem to be pretty muffled and not that clear? Thankfully going into the sound options shows that music, commentary AND sound effects are all on full! :indeed:


Well, i can't really give anymore opinions as i've only played it for about 15 mins, BUT if you have some spare cash lying about or can wait till Jan when it will probably drop down in price even more, then i would say go for it!


DO NOT take the game seriously, don't expect the best game in the world and have in your mind it's one of those games you'll pick up and play from time to time more like everyday and you'll probably enjoy it. Also for the love of god don't spend anymore the £24.99 for it, it's worth that, nothing more.


Given the game 5/5 is a little OTT in my opinion, it doesn't deserve it if i'm being totally honest, the graphics are mediocre at best and it's no-where near as polished as many other third-party games but for multiplayer laughs and good use of the Wii-mote i would probably give it 3/5 at the mo!



I would expect 6.0-6.5 from online reviews.

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