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Nintendo sould sue Time Crisis 4


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Wait up, that's 2 separate things? At first i saw the bit at the front as like.. another handle type bit. Didn't see it as a nunchuk at first.


EDIT: or is it? Wait, is it all just one thing? I'mw ell confused.


If it's all just one thing then sueing them is a really ridiculous thing to say.

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If it's all just one thing then sueing them is a really ridiculous thing to say.


Well, the Zapper shell is just one piece, so it would make more sense to sue if it were one piece, rather than 2.


But put that on the side, I think this whole idea of suing is ridiculous, regardless of one piece, two pieces, 50 pieces.

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it is the nunchuk ataged to the light gun. i don't care about the light gun but it is the nunchk thingy i don't agree on.


why? its a natural evolution for the light gun genre...this game was unveiled long before the Zapper showed its nunchuk set behind the wiimote setup.

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-_-; indeed i just think this game should be on the Wii. and i even think tis game was developed FOR the wii because what i can see is the graphics are up to Wii standards.


I just started this because i had it up to my nose of the "we riped it from Nintendo" stuff.


They've been making these games for the playstation from the start.


I played a madcatz with an analogue stick on the back. Throwing an analogue stick on a gun's nothing new.

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I think this guncon works in the same way as the wii remote in that you have a sensor bar for it to know the positioning.
It's the Wii method of tracking, yes, but it has 2 IR LED sensor bars, one horizontal and one vertical, so it really knows where the TV is and where you're aiming.


It would also be possible to do on the Wii, I guess, but it would be needed a second sensor bar and game support for that kind of tracking. I think it should be done though, it's a natural step for future lightgun games on the Wii.


As for Time Crisis 4 on the Wii... I never understood why the hell it's coming out on PS3, if anything it would come out on PS2; after all the arcade version is PS2 based. No problem whatsoever in being ported for the Wii, infact it would be easier.


There are strange things in this world. Anyway, I'd say it's probably something they decided early on the console's cycle.


The nunchuck thingy... perhaps they want to see FPS's and the like supporting it:


This month Time Crisis 4 comes out with the GunCon 3 (except in orange outside of Japan) for a hefty price tag of ninety bucks. I played around with Time Crisis 4 and the new first person shooting mode is fantastic, but it’s hard to justify spending so much for a single accessory. It’s not like Namco Bandai has anymore light gun games at the arcade they can port either. So I asked the Time Crisis 4 team if they have any future plans for the Guncon 3 and they responded with “we are discussing plans third party developers.â€
Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2007/11/05/the-guncon-3%e2%80%99s-future-is-in-the-hands-of-third-party-devs/



Riding on the Wii fenomenon, no doubt, but they are a business; and I doubt it will make a impact since TC4 won't sell that much and well... the gun costs $90.


Good news is:


What about bringing light gun games like Point Blank to the Wii? After I asked the question two members of the team laughed and one said, “we’re thinking about it. Plans are up in the air now.â€
Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2007/11/05/the-guncon-3%e2%80%99s-future-is-in-the-hands-of-third-party-devs/


Point Blank? just focus on the Wii for everything, please.

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It's the Wii method of tracking, yes, but it has 2 IR LED sensor bars, one horizontal and one vertical, so it really knows where the TV is and where you're aiming.


It would also be possible to do on the Wii, I guess, but it would be needed a second sensor bar and game support for that kind of tracking. I think it should be done though, it's a natural step for future lightgun games on the Wii.


As for Time Crisis 4 on the Wii... I never understood why the hell it's coming out on PS3, if anything it would come out on PS2; after all the arcade version is PS2 based. No problem whatsoever in being ported for the Wii, infact it would be easier.


There are strange things in this world. Anyway, I'd say it's probably something they decided early on the console's cycle.


The nunchuck thingy... perhaps they want to see FPS's and the like supporting it:


Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2007/11/05/the-guncon-3%e2%80%99s-future-is-in-the-hands-of-third-party-devs/



Riding on the Wii fenomenon, no doubt, but they are a business; and I doubt it will make a impact since TC4 won't sell that much and well... the gun costs $90.


Good news is:


Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2007/11/05/the-guncon-3%e2%80%99s-future-is-in-the-hands-of-third-party-devs/


Point Blank? just focus on the Wii for everything, please.


did i tell you i love you :bowdown:

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did i tell you i love you :bowdown:
uhhh, thanks for the compliment :heh:
Yes, with flat screen LCD TVs light guns don't work :(


If it's better with a horizontal and vertical sensor bar why did Nintendo just have the one?

Easy of setup, cost effective (we've got to see that guncom 3 is 90 dolars)... the fact that with just one sensor bar you already have a good enough pointing device, thing is... you're actually pointing at it, not at the TV, with 2 sensor bars you can already define a plane (with just 3 points/coordinates you could actually) so that, if positioned correctly can give you the exact (or more accurately) area in the TV where you're pointing at.


It wouldn't be difficult for a third party to release a extra sensor bar with it's game, or start being a configurable option (kinda like having a arcade stick for fighting games), so with Wii selling like it is... I think it could be a matter of time; and I hope it is.


Still rooting for the lightgun games to be somehow resurrected on the Wii.

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(Coloured buttond) Green for ok red for back


Well, that's hardly 'stolen ' from Nintendo, but more of an unwritten rule in general.


Anyhoo, sueing Namco Bandai won't do any good, and truth be told, they shouldn't. Yes, there is a likeness, but then again, how was it supposed to look? Sony could sue Nintendo for using twin analogue sticks on the GC-controller or the use of external memory cards on the N64.


Better properly stolen than badly invented. :wink: But yes, Nintendo has invented a lot when it comes to controllers and the like. Sometimes, I wish Nintendo would steal from the other companies once in a while, though. (Harddrive, HD, decent online, etc.)

Sometimes, I feel it's Nintendo that's lagging behind on certain interesting ideas from competitors. They only started using discs as a storage medium with the GC, and have yet to fully embrace the possibilities of online-play, or embrace HD at all.

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