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Hi guys i've just seen the review for WWE for the wii and i'm glad it got a lower score i mean some games should just not have wagggle controls i for one will not be buying this game, which is disapoingting as i love me wrestling games and bought everyone for the GC my only hope now is that the TNA game for wii is alot better.


Anyone else have an opinions on the lateset WWE Game for Wii??

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Its apparent third parties are still feeling obliged to incorporate Wii specific controls into their franchises hence why some are still reluctant to provide full support for the system. Funny enough I think a major hurdle in this is that it is perceived there is no viable alternative control option on Wii other than the actual Wii remote. The Classic Controller is considered clumbersome because you have to connect it to the bottom of the Wii remote to make it function. A wireless slightly remodelled classic controller would go a long way acting as the proper "shell" Wii was supposed to have...

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Hi guys i've just seen the review for WWE for the wii and i'm glad it got a lower score i mean some games should just not have wagggle controls


All games should. They just need to be done rights .Unfortunately, some developers don't seem to be that good at making them.

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They should of given the option to use a gamecube controler here, some games just won't work with a waggle.


All that said, it's looking like this years SvR game is a bit disapointing no matter what console its on. 7.8 for the 360 version and 7.5 for the PS3 version. (IGN scores)

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weird that they say the controls are a step in the right direction but then go on to say theres "annoying amount of waggle throughout".


When attempting to reverse moves you'll again waggle, using the Wii-mote's motion as a modified form of button mashing to reverse at just the right time. When on the ground and waiting to recover or attempting to kick out of a pin, you'll again do the same wiggling motion.


I think its cool they put the Mii faces in this:



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weird that they say the controls are a step in the right direction but then go on to say theres "annoying amount of waggle throughout".


In the same way that normal controllers have an annoying amount of button bashing (at least, that's what it sounds like form the review).

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too be honest I not suprised the Wii version is not great but hey the PS3/360 version is nothing special. The game still has the same flaws that it has always had. Dumb A.I. in wrestling games is not good.


for the PS2 owners on here. get Fire Pro Wrestling when that is released next month. Much better than the smackdown games.

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Trust me. If this game sucks, it's not because of the Wii controls. I'm sure they didn't help matters, but the series has been degrading itself for a while.


Why can't those games be like DoR? That game had flaws, but the gameplay was spot-on.


Actually, Smackdown on the 360 has great gameplay. Still a little too shallow for my liking, but it's the best Smackdown so far.

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just watched the IGN video review..they say its a must have if you like the smackdown games so may pick up next friday. The video review made it look pretty cool


be getting the 360 version


I'll be getting it too, but when it's second hand. The demo is pretty cool.


What was the official conclusion of this incident?


Can you wrestle as Vincent in this game?


He killed his missus and kid, then killed himself.


As for Vince, I dunno.

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Actually, Smackdown on the 360 has great gameplay. Still a little too shallow for my liking, but it's the best Smackdown so far.


Sure, SvR 2007 looked fine at first, but had many hidden flaws:


-The AI in the Elimination Chamber sucks. They kill themselves.


-The opponents rarely stay down long enough for you to climb the turnbuckle and hit an aerial move. This means you can hit them from an angle they can't counter.


-The ladder matches are even harder to win (due to the previous point).


-In elimination tag matches, a glitch may cause a wrestler to disappear for no reason at all.


-The clean/dirty system limits your strategies and is very imbalanced (the gauge can max out with one unblockable aerial move. If a dirty guy does an aerial move, the gauge decreases. A clean guy is penalized for using weapons in Hardcore matches.). It just gives broken advantages.


-The stamina system severely slows down a match.


-Lightweights have amazing disadvantages against heavyweights. This means Rey Mysterio is nearly worthless.


-The gauge system is glitchy. I've seen the gauge decrease when you hit a normal Leg Drop. I've also seen it filling easily with a normal chop.


-Sometimes, the damage system fails. JBL kicked Edge's ass for the entire match. Edge hits a surprise Electric Chairdrop. Edge wins.



I believe some of these flaws may have been corrected/improved upon, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.


Then again, I may be wrong.

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Read the review, pretty much as i expected the Wii's first WWE game, the arcadey feel to the matches is certainly a let down, i remember having Hell in Cell matches in DoR2 lasting 20mins with my mate, those were awesome.


Guess they did kinda the same as they did with the Cube, the 1st game was Wrestlemania 19 which had very little dept in the gameplay and options (a zero career mode), from the sounds of this the career mode ain't the best but sounds better than none, I figured they were trying to concentrate on the controls and alot of other stuff got left behind, next year now that they (should) be comfortable with the controls and have ideas for improvements with any luck I'd like to see a Day of Reckoning 3.


Shame about the no online too, i swear i thought i read before the Wii version would be online too, either i read wrong or they changed their minds, maybe next year, fingers crossed, and we'll set up an N-E tourney or something :heh:



A few things i couldn't quite get from the review though (maybe i missed it) what about the CAW mode (please tell me you can make faces as before and aren't limited to your Mii roaster)? And creating Entrances, those are some of the most important options for me, i'd spend hours creating characters and perfecting their entrances.... and one important thing along with this... can you use mp3's off your SD card for entrance music?

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