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The only thing that can destroy plannets (and not fully sized stars) is the Death Star, like when it destroys Tatooine.
It was actually Alderaan (Leia's home planet) that was destroyed, not Tatooine; but you probably just made a mistake!
And what do you mean the super star destroyer got destroyed easiliy??? do you mean the Death Star?, as Super star destroyers were fully built and there were several among the craft that were stopping the rebel fleet from escaping from the Death Star
Is Darth Vaders Super Star Destroyer (which is ABSOLUTLEY massive) a regular Super Star Destroyer? because there's only one of that size (his), or is it known as something else?
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Is Darth Vaders Super Star Destroyer (which is ABSOLUTLEY massive) a regular Super Star Destroyer? because there's only one of that size (his), or is it known as something else?


No i think that is the Empoerers personnal Galactic Star Destoreyer. There are others its just that there slighltty smaller and obvioulsly less guared and renowned a s the empoerrs one.

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Several Star Destroyers can take down a sun. Not one on its own, but several have the fire power. The Death Star was the first creation to destroy a planet on its own.


There was only one Super Star Destroyer in the movie, (Episode VI) and it crashed into the Death Star, after an A-wing pilot crashed into the cockpit. There was many Star Destroyers that blocked the Rebel attack on the Death Star.

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I heard that too from an interview with George lucas when the press were asking him what does he plan to do next.

He mentioned:

The cartoon series (I've never been so dissapointed in my life)

TV Series

Think he mentioned about new games, but whats the suprise there?

And mentioned 3D remakes of the films. But I think its the classic trilogy (Ep 4-6), because why would you want to remake something recent which has already appealed to the current audience, when you could make the old 3 more appealing than it currently is at the moment.

And for you non-believers I have a source http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/630/630211p1.html

wow, i quoted myself :hehe:

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There was only one Super Star Destroyer in the movie, (Episode VI) and it crashed into the Death Star, after an A-wing pilot crashed into the cockpit. There was many Star Destroyers that blocked the Rebel attack on the Death Star.
Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking of; I thought there was only one! Thanks!
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actually the super star destroyer first appears in empire strikes back in the asteroid field i do believe...


it then gets destroyed in return of the jedi by the shield towers getting blown up and then a rebel A-wing getting shot down and crashing into the bridge taking it out meaning the monster of a ship lost all controls and it ends up crashing into the death star.


There is only one Super Star Destroyer which darth vader uses.


there are many many star destroyer's with their admirials in charge.

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Several Star Destroyers can take down a sun. Not one on its own, but several have the fire power. The Death Star was the first creation to destroy a planet on its own.


There was only one Super Star Destroyer in the movie, (Episode VI) and it crashed into the Death Star, after an A-wing pilot crashed into the cockpit. There was many Star Destroyers that blocked the Rebel attack on the Death Star.


Its different in the comics. You only need to lok at the third star wars 'Rouge squaderan' game. They draw on tuff from the films and comics. If your talking about the films why would you say that sveral star destroyers can bring down the sun? that appears no where in the film and is just something you think. Of course your entitled to your opinion, just let me have mine,.

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Its different in the comics. You only need to lok at the third star wars 'Rouge squaderan' game. They draw on tuff from the films and comics. If your talking about the films why would you say that sveral star destroyers can bring down the sun? that appears no where in the film and is just something you think. Of course your entitled to your opinion, just let me have mine,.


Lets look at the naming of ships/craft in the original trilogy. We have the X-wing, because its wings form an X. The Y wing because it looks like a Y, even the B and A wings partly resemble the letters. The Death Star, hmm it does get mistaken for a moon, and brings death to a whole planet. I think you can catch my drift.


And no point in this discussion did I say that you were not entitled to your opinion.

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Lets look at the naming of ships/craft in the original trilogy. We have the X-wing, because its wings form an X. The Y wing because it looks like a Y, even the B and A wings partly resemble the letters. The Death Star, hmm it does get mistaken for a moon, and brings death to a whole planet. I think you can catch my drift.


And no point in this discussion did I say that you were not entitled to your opinion.


And at no point did I say you did. Also I made absoloutey no comment about the naming of x-wings or B-wings etc, I am saying that star destroyers cannnot take down stars which is what you previously stated. The Death star has a weapon a thousand times more powerful than any Star destroyer and even all the Star destroyers in the empire could not take down a Star as the Death star can only take down Planets.


I think your point is that if its called the death star it can destroy Stars, well no it would not have been called a Death Plannet now would it?


Stop putting words in my mouth.

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even all the Star destroyers in the empire could not take down a Star as the Death star can only take down Planets.


I disagree.


And I think we'll leave this line of conversation at that.




Does anyone else wish when watching Episode III that Anakin just stayed in the council room. I was watching it last night, and I was thinking how well Sidious had played with Anakin's mind and basically tricked him into becoming his apprentice. If Anakin had done the opposite to what Sidious said, the Sith would be destroyed, Anakin would have mostly likely become the most powerful Jedi ever and everything would be merry. Of course the originals would not have existed..


Anakin was just becoming a cool character, then he turns. What a shame.

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i disagree with you about the star destroyer thing.


firstly there is no reference anywhere to say that a star destroyer can destroy a planet or star and thats why it is named so... secondly if the star destroyers could destroy a star or planet why on earth did the empire go to all the trouble of building the death star and later on the world devastators ? surely they could have save a lot of time and energy and just let the fleet of star destroyers do it? but they didnt cos the star destroyers cant destroy planets!


a quote from ep IV


HAN: What the...? Aw, we've come out of hyperspace into a meteor

shower. Some kind of asteroid collision. It's not on any of the



The Wookiee flips off several controls and seems very cool

in the emergency. Luke makes his way into the bouncing



LUKE: What's going on?


HAN: Our position is correct, except...no, Alderaan!


LUKE: What do you mean? Where is it?


HAN: Thats what I'm trying to tell you, kid. It ain't there. It's been

totally blown away.


LUKE: What? How?


Ben moves into the cockpit behind Luke as the ship begins

to settle down.


BEN: Destroyed...by the Empire!


HAN: The entire starfleet couldn't destroy the whole planet. It'd take

a thousand ships with more fire power than I've...


then later on obi wan works it out with this great quote:


"That's no moon, it's a space station!"


end of the day lucas just named them star destroyers cos that is a cool name.

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i disagree with you about the star destroyer thing.


firstly there is no reference anywhere to say that a star destroyer can destroy a planet or star and thats why it is named so... secondly if the star destroyers could destroy a star or planet why on earth did the empire go to all the trouble of building the death star and later on the world devastators ? surely they could have save a lot of time and energy and just let the fleet of star destroyers do it? but they didnt cos the star destroyers cant destroy planets!


I don't Know who that as aimed at so if it wasent me then I apologise in advance. I wasent saying that Star Destroyers could take down planets in fact I was saying they Can't take down plannets.

My point was that the Death Star alone can only take down plannets and even that cannot take down Stars. It was called the Death star rather than the Death Plannet because the latter sounds like a pile of shit mounted on top of a car with no hub caps and a banna for a steering wheel.

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