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PS3 Price Cut... and Wii still sells more

Zechs Merquise

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The real problem is the sheer stupidity that drove X360 or PS3. I mean... Why bring out 400 dollar console, when market has proven multiple times that any console that is over 250 dollars will fail? Or why push software prices higher, when people were already saying that games were too expensive? Or why do gamble where you sell console with 300 dollars loss, and pray that you will eventually have 60 million userbase so that the software royalties *might* someday turn console profitable? Sony has already blown over 65 percent of profit that it generated from PSOne and PSTwo within 1½ years. In any other business this would be called madness. And just because of this, Microsoft and Sony are deserving everything that is coming for them.


whys the 360/ps3 stupid it's got the games i like, i'm willing to pay the high price surely i should have that option?

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Sure, but don't complain when 3rd parties start to drop like flies, or get bought by bigger fishes (EA / Activision, etc.).


Come on Teppo, lighten up. It's his choice if he prefers 360/PS3. I just don't understand why people complain about Nintendo on a Nintendo forum. :/

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Good thing that no developers are dropping like flies hey!


Are you being serious? If it wasn't for the Wii, DS and PS2 alot of developers and publishers would be going under right now. Not to mention the fact that it'd be near impossible for any new team of developers to ever hope to establish themselves.


The 360 and PS3 are only furthering this gap between the big boys (EA, Activision, Capcom etc) and the newer studio's who want to fulfil their dreams in making games and whatever. Why do you think so many studio's are 100% exclusive to Nintendo? Cause they'll never be able to afford developement on the other platforms (except PS2).


It's also, in my opinion, leading to a stagnation in the innovative and progression of software, but I really can't be arsed to go into that unless someone really cares :P.

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I seem to have been misunderstood. My fear is that if the Wii succeeds and Microsoft and Sony try to replicate that success it will mean disaster for the industry. It's quite an easy way to make profit, but 3rd party developers would suffer greatly, the Wii's user base don't exactly buy a lot of games.


Anyway, it's unlikely to happen. The Xbox 360 is selling strong, has good software sales and very good 3rd party support. Odds on this will continue and at worst only Sony will try to follow Nintendo


EDIT: Why do people keep harping on about innovation on the Wii? So far there hasn't been a great deal, just a lot of fumbling about trying to find something, other than party games, that that controller is good at (Metroid Prime 3 being the only true exception, probably Mario Galaxy too)

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I seem to have been misunderstood. My fear is that if the Wii succeeds and Microsoft and Sony try to replicate that success it will mean disaster for the industry. It's quite an easy way to make profit, but 3rd party developers would suffer greatly, the Wii's user base don't exactly buy a lot of games.


Anyway, it's unlikely to happen. The Xbox 360 is selling strong, has good software sales and very good 3rd party support. Odds on this will continue and at worst only Sony will try to follow Nintendo


It's too soon to really judge the Wii's userbase and software sales etc. It was the same with the DS for a good 2 years since it's launch, but then the publishers learnt how to attract the userbase, how to reach them, and they've never looked back.


I'm not even sure what you're trying to say, but it just seems pretty niave to me. I guess I just can't see the industry proclaiming disaster when the Wii manages to expand the industry's size far beyond what we've ever known, and doing it without needing stupidly large developement budgets and 2.5 year developement cycles :/.

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Wii's user base don't exactly buy a lot of games.
The Wii has a higher attach rate (games sold/consoles sold) than the other two... Also, if they make for a change, it wouldn't be that bad, provided the easy money attitude disappears.


Besides, there will have to be a supplier for the people who are (like to think they are) hardcore, it's too big of a market to ignore.


@Caris: Get real. The PS3 is outsold horribly by the other two consoles, it is even shown to be lagging behind the GameCube sales graphs... Compared to what Sony can do, like the Playstation 1 and Playstation 2, the PS3 is laughable. I don't care you cream over the games that are out on it, commercially, saying 'doing horrible' isn't even strong enough.

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why does everyone give a damm about the economics of games?


really why does it matter to you how much nintendo makes?



edit: also why does everyone pretend they like this causal game bullshit, your on a games forum ffs people you like hardcore games and thats the end of it.

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why does everyone give a damm about the economics of games?
Because this is a thread about it.
really why does it matter to you how much nintendo makes?
It's kind of like the way you like to see your favourite football club winning, I guess.
edit: also why does everyone pretend they like this causal game bullshit, your on a games forum ffs people you like hardcore games and thats the end of it.
Why do you pretend that you know what people really think? People have different tastes, get the hell over it.
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edit: also why does everyone pretend they like this causal game bullshit, your on a games forum ffs people you like hardcore games and thats the end of it.


Because, some people believe that if enough casual gamers buy the Wii and the Wii makes a lot of money then that will automatically equate to developers porting games like Assassin's Creed.

Who knows whether this is true or not yet, personally i doubt it though. You'd practically be starting again from the ground up with a Wii version.


I personally hope Nintendo can get 3rd party exclusives, stuff like Skies of Arcadia. That'd have me buying a Wii, not Wii Sports, Wii Play, Brain Training and all of those shallow games that get boring after 1/2 hour

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Because, some people believe that if enough casual gamers buy the Wii and the Wii makes a lot of money then that will automatically equate to developers porting games like Assasin's Creed.

Who knows wether this is true or not yet, personally i doubt it though. You'd practically be starting again from the ground up with a Wii version


No one believes anything that specific, we just believe we'll get more games, of which some will have the desired level of quality. At least their my thoughts.


I've watched it happen with the SNES, PS1, PS2, GBA and DS, so I don't see a reason why it's not going to happen on the Wii. (if it hasn't already started too)

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And i really hope it does work out, because so far most of you seem to have bought a Wii in the hope of lots of good games appearing for it rather than for the games that have already been released


Realising that fact was ultimately why i sold my Wii. Sod the fanboyism, i went where the games are now. I can always get a Wii if/when the tide turns.

Metroid Prime 3 definitely takes my fancy, as does Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, and probably some Wii games i haven't heard about.

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And i really hope it does work out, because so far most of you seem to have bought a Wii in the hope of lots of good games appearing for it rather than for the games that have already been released


Realising that fact was ultimately why i sold my Wii. Sod the fanboyism, i went where the games are now. I can always get a Wii if/when the tide turns


Yeah, that's fair enough, I don't think anyone is going to deny the Wii has been pretty weak so far in the software stakes. I guess it just bothers some people more then it does others.


I don't recall any console ever living up to expectations in it's first year - except the Dreamcast - but I seem to have a longer memory then alot of people. People wouldn't be so laid back about it, but I guess the Christmas line up speaks volumes for what we perceive as the Wii's future, hence why most of us are just prepared to wait it out :).

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At the same time though Zechs you like to put down Sony at every oppertunity even though they are making progress and deserve a pat on the back for bringing the Playstation brand to the public.


If you read my first post in this topic you will see that the PS3 and Sony deserve some praise for finally being able to turn the situation around.


I have to back Caris up with the point that its things like this that are turning the place into a warzone. There are too many people knocking the competition without even playing or owning the machines. Yeah sure this is a Nintendo forum but I really cant think of as many cases of Fanboyism on the forums since I joined way back when it was C-E.


I have said this countless times that ALL 3 of the machines have their strengths and weaknesses and if you do truly love gaming then you will be able to accept all the machines and see what they can bring to the table.


I will be watching this topic closely as it seems a flamewar could be starting. Keep it clean or it will be locked.


What? The PS3 is doing horribly. Why does SONY deserve a pat on the back? They've strangled the console market for two generations. Now they've released an ugly, oversized, hard-to-develop for and (recently) over priced monstrosity and here on a Nintendo board all these people are crawling out of the wood work and defending it.


People talk about the Wii having a poor attach rate with games, well look at the PS2, great games like God of War only sold a million copies, an attach rate of less than 1% of the installed user base.


I posted this thread to discuss how great it is that after a massive price cut the Wii can still outsell the PS3 and people on here are knocking that?


I wouldn't join a PS3 forum or even go over onto the 'other consoles' section to knock sales or perfrmance of those consoles. I'm just here celebrating Nintendo's comeback.


I was waiting for you or Zechs to reply.


Anyways all i'm saying is that instead of talking about how it's not good that the PS3 sales figures are still below the Wii even after a price cut is bad, You could also say that the Wii is proboly the fastest selling video game console in history (i'm talking like 20 years or so here) so when the PS3 comes even close to it it's a great success.


No, it's the week after a price cut, that's nothing to be celebrated. It means they'll be losing even more on each unit than before and they still can't catch what thei fan base is mocking as 'five year old' technology.


The Wii has a higher attach rate (games sold/consoles sold) than the other two... Also, if they make for a change, it wouldn't be that bad, provided the easy money attitude disappears.


Besides, there will have to be a supplier for the people who are (like to think they are) hardcore, it's too big of a market to ignore.


@Caris: Get real. The PS3 is outsold horribly by the other two consoles, it is even shown to be lagging behind the GameCube sales graphs... Compared to what Sony can do, like the Playstation 1 and Playstation 2, the PS3 is laughable. I don't care you cream over the games that are out on it, commercially, saying 'doing horrible' isn't even strong enough.


Thank you :bowdown:

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I havent bought my Wii for the future - I loved Zelda, better than gears of Warm better than Bio Shock and infintely better than Halo 3 IMO. I also love Eledees, Excite Truck, Mario Strikers, Super paper mario ,Wario Ware, truama Centre - I love the fact the games cost £30 tops and fun cheap games like Koroinpa, brain Academy etc are also awesome little games. Scarface is better than Crackdown because of the controls, Res Evi4 is amaizng on the Wii BECAUSE of the controls!!!! This is now and the past and I love it. I play my 360 for Pro Evo (though havent for months) and the odd great game Bio Shock and Gears, but I seriously wish I could control them with the wiimote!

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Oblivion. Doesn't matter if it's multiplatform or not, it's a game the Wii doesn't have.


Except, that's on PS3 and PC. And miles better on PC. The only exclusive notable RPG to the 360 is Blue Dragon - and you must be having an utter laugh if you think that Fire Emblem Wii or a Tales/FF game that very likely will come to Wii will be worse than Blue Dragon.


You can't really quote 360 for being better for RPGs when the only decent one can be got on most formats and is reasonably old now.

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Except, that's on PS3 and PC. And miles better on PC. So back to your original (and wrong) comment, how does 360 lead with the best RPGs?


Do you seriously think 360 doesn't currently lead with RPG's (minus PS2 and DS :/.)


Just looking at the line up shows in the near future that the 360 is going to kick arse on the RPG front. Of course, it's all short term cause it's lack of presense in JApan will ultimately hurt it on the RPG front, but for the moment, it's clearly leaps and bounds ahead of the PS3 and Wii for RPG's.


I swear the Wii has like, 3 RPG's which will definitely come out in the Europe so far, just Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest Swords and FFCC:TCB. I'm probably forgetting a few though, but still there isn't alot announced for the Wii....yet.

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