McMad Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I don't understand why everyone has to be divided on it. Am I the only one? It seems like the whole forum is split into those who post in the Wii and DS boards and those who post in the other console boards. If you go between the two areas you see two completly different sets of people. They could be two completly different forums. Then when there's a thread like this the two groups collide. Am I the only one that notices this? It's because some of us think: why is this thread necessary? Some people are trying to justify this thread by saying; 'This is what the sony fanboys were doing last gen...' Yeah that is what the Sony Fanboys were doing last gen, and those people disgust me, half of them can't spell and have the worst taste in games ever and then had the liberty to insult Gamecube games and Nintendo fans, we should be above doing stuff like this, it's what gives gamers a bad name. And now there's been a role reversal this generation, and I applaud Nintendo for their genius plan for success but right now it feels like; do Nintendo really deserve this now? Sure the DS has a ton of quality games and is going to keep selling for years but at the moment the Wii is just mediocre I can't think of one third party title, let alone three first party titles, at the moment that justifies purchasing a Wii. Then there's my 360, I love my 360, I love the online service it offers, I love the games that I can buy for it, I love the fact that I can download demos for free, I love that I can play my favourite songs while playing my favourite games, I love that I can talk to other people while playing an online game and I love that my friend Redmond can come round, connect his 360 to mine and we can play a LAN game of Halo 3, the list could go on. I do not love my Wii, although I loved my Gamecube, what really confuses me is why do you guys love the Wii so much? Compared to the Gamecube it is such a step down in quality, I mean fine Nintendo never promised next gen graphics but they promised DVD playback, did we get that? No. They promised Galaxy with the first six months of the Consoles life, did we get that? No. Iwata Promised Smash Bros. at launch, did we- No. There's been so many broken promises from Nintendo that it's hard for me to make excuses for them anymore, I'm done with the bullshit, and if the Wii doesn't prove it's worth it's salt by the end of next year I'm done with Nintendo. I want to know really, why do you (aimed at everyone) love the Wii so much? End Rant.
Hero-of-Time Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I don't understand why everyone has to be divided on it. Am I the only one? It seems like the whole forum is split into those who post in the Wii and DS boards and those who post in the other console boards. If you go between the two areas you see two completly different sets of people. They could be two completly different forums. Then when there's a thread like this the two groups collide. Am I the only one that notices this? I go between both as I own both the 360 and Wii but I tend to spend more of my time in the Other Console Board purely because it feels more like a community on those boards due to everyone playing on XBOX Live with each other. Hellfire you are correct there are always fanboys around but it has never been this bad on these boards. Sure Nintendo is doing great and im loving the fact that they are in 1st position but you dont seeing me ripping apart the competition at every oppertunity. As an example we have guys on here that tore apart the PS2 for having terrible games yet it simply isnt true. Sure its down to your own opinion but when games are scoring as high as 9s and 10s then regardless if you like the genre or machine its on you should give it a little respect. At the end of the day you dont have to like Sony, Microsoft or even Nintendo but you should at least respect them as each of them have their own qualities.
Hellfire Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I do not love my Wii, although I loved my Gamecube, what really confuses me is why do you guys love the Wii so much? Compared to the Gamecube it is such a step down in quality, I mean fine Nintendo never promised next gen graphics but they promised DVD playback, did we get that? No. They promised Galaxy with the first six months of the Consoles life, did we get that? No. Iwata Promised Smash Bros. at launch, did we- No. There's been so many broken promises from Nintendo that it's hard for me to make excuses for them anymore, I'm done with the bullshit, and if the Wii doesn't prove it's worth it's salt by the end of next year I'm done with Nintendo. I want to know really, why do you (aimed at everyone) love the Wii so much? End Rant. I love the fact that I already have more good and fun games than I expected from the first year, I love VC, I love that I can finally play with non gamer friends and family, I love it that games, like sport games that I didn't give a rats ass about before are now fun because of the controls, which is Tiger Woods and Madden's case, that should suffice no? Each one has different reasons for liking a console, most of the things you like about 360 I've been doing on the PC for years and most games don't entice me, that's why Wii was and is my first choice. Again, to each one their own, no problem. Now talking like that, "oh they broke their promises" and you'll be done with Nintendo next year and whatnot, seems a little sad to me to be honest. Of course that if in 2/3 years you have a Wii and very few games you like, sure sell your Wii, but saying "I'm done with Nintendo" is a tad extreme. I didn't and don't like PS1 and for most of its life PS2 had mostly uninteresting, generic and bad games. I got one and it was mostly unused, but with time, great games came and I play it very often now. I never said "I'm done with Sony", I just kept the damn console and eventually I got to play great games like God of War, SHadow of the Colossus and Persona 3. I just think that going to extreme positions like that heavily reduces the enjoyment you could be taking out of games. It's like you view videogames as politics or something with that talk about promises and whatnot. I know you guys think I'm just a blind Nintendo fanboy, but the truth is, as soon as I get the chance, I buy other consoles and play them and I'm honest about their games, for example Shadow of the Colossus, was withtout a drop of doubt one of the best games I've ever played. I'm also dying to go to my friend's house and play Halo 3. Rant over :P
jammy2211 Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Also, just to clear up the sales chart of Japan, Wii sales are so low because it's just a trend. During this period every year in Japan hardware sales fall considerably, and will start to go back up for the Christmas rush. Wii sales over this period are down 63%, but PS3 are down 64%, DS about 40%ish etc. PSP is just very high cause it had a price cut, a new model launched, and the release of Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core.
Hero-of-Time Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I buy other consoles and play them and I'm honest about their games, for example Shadow of the Colossus, was without a drop of doubt one of the best games I've ever played. You have just went up in my books Hellfire, kudos. *hands over cookie*
Hellfire Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 You have just went up in my books Hellfire, kudos.*hands over cookie* Woohoo cookie!!
Pit-Jr Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Rant. Totally. Im telling myself that Nintendo is in money-hording mode to make up for the weak GC performance. When the Wii lifecycle ends and Nintendo has banked its first trillion dollars, i expect its next console to be nothing short of mind-boggling. I wont be supporting this new minimalist, style-over-substance business approach again.
Hellfire Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Totally. Im telling myself that Nintendo is in money-hording mode to make up for the weak GC performance. When the Wii lifecycle ends and Nintendo has banked its first trillion dollars, i expect its next console to be nothing short of mind-boggling. I wont be supporting this new minimalist, style-over-substance business approach again. 4D at last! I agree A LITTLE about money hoarding. Why? They should buy fucking Atlus and NIS and Vanillaware! Asides from that, it's all good, they gave us a Wii version of TP, which is my fave game ever, MP3, BWii,SPM,Mario Galaxy are examples of great Nintendo games that totally show that they're devoted to making great, "hardcore" games with good production values and are in no way taking the style over substance aproach. What worries me more is the way 3rd parties approach Wii, but maybe with the new Vanillaware game, the new Trauma Center, Ninja Gaiden, Zack & Wiki, Monster Hunter, MoH2 and whatnot, things are changing. It's only been a year and that's very little time for such a different console to show it's worth.
Caris Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 You love to come into postive threads about Nintendo and have a go don't you? If you're so obsessed with Master Chief and the PS3 why don't you go and join a PS3 or 360 board. It is BIG news that in the wekk of the PS3 price drop the Wii has still outsold it. The fact that you buy a next gen system and sell it before it's even been out for a year says a lot about you. Did you read my post? I'm not obsessed at all i am just sick of you being so anti-ps3 all the time. It's like your 12.
Teppo Holmqvist Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 You see, if you actually read around you would see that i think the graphics in Mario are amazing. Or the fact that i regret selling my Wii and am thinking of buying a new one as Metroid is looking brutal. Yeah sure... Unfortunately your post history has also some fucking stupid shit, like posting pictures that are only meant to piss someone off, saying that others are idiots, claiming that everyone will drop Wii when Halo 3 is released, and so on. When the Wii lifecycle ends and Nintendo has banked its first trillion dollars, i expect its next console to be nothing short of mind-boggling. I wont be supporting this new minimalist, style-over-substance business approach again. You are probably quiting gaming all together, because Wii's success guarantes that technological race will slow down.
Caris Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 I was waiting for you or Zechs to reply. Anyways all i'm saying is that instead of talking about how it's not good that the PS3 sales figures are still below the Wii even after a price cut is bad, You could also say that the Wii is proboly the fastest selling video game console in history (i'm talking like 20 years or so here) so when the PS3 comes even close to it it's a great success.
Teppo Holmqvist Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Did you read my post? I'm not obsessed at all i am just sick of you being so anti-ps3 all the time. It's like your 12. You, in the other hand, sound someone who desperately needs to justify his purchase.
Caris Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 If you mean cause i sold my PS3, whats your point? Just becuase i didn't like it doesnt mean it's a bad machine. Just not suited for me.
Mikey Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Please remind me of these RPGs, unless you mean the lackluster effort that is Blue Dragon, or the multi format Oblivion. Oblivion. Doesn't matter if it's multiplatform or not, it's a game the Wii doesn't have.
McPhee Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Just to back up Mikey here: Oblivion, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Two Worlds, Mass Effect. The 360 has a pretty good line up of RPGs. Also, what do you mean "the lackluster effort that is Blue Dragon"? Ever played it? Right now the best selection of high quality titles falls to the 360. What the future holds, who knows? I must say though, i hope the Wii slows down soon. What the fanboys fail to realise is that the Wii's success could be very detrimental to the industry as a whole, the only company making any real money from it is Nintendo.
jammy2211 Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Just to back up Mikey here: Oblivion, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Two Worlds, Mass Effect. The 360 has a pretty good line up of RPGs. Also, what do you mean "the lackluster effort that is Blue Dragon"? Ever played it? It's got Lost Odyssey coming too, which looks pretty epic. I think it's obvious in the long term Wii is going to kick arse for RPG's, but that day is still well into next year. When a console is dominating Japan like the Wii is, the RPG's are a guarentee. I've just gotta be patient I guess, as I want RPG's now :P. Although I still have only played Pokemon on my DS, so I guess my RPG fix is staring me in the face :/.
McMad Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Please remind me of these RPGs, unless you mean the lackluster effort that is Blue Dragon, or the multi format Oblivion. Eternal Sonata (Excl), Enchanted Arms, Final Fantasy XI, Phantasy Star Universe and coming soon: Mass Effect (Excl), Lost Oddesy (Excl), Cry On (Excl),The Last Remnant and Infinite Undiscovery (Excl). Not too shabby, probably on par or greater than the Wii's RPG line-up.
immy Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 And the list wars begin! Really does this crap matter their just you know video games, ps3, 360, wii there all there to make you smile why not just leave it at that.
Tellyn Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 Guys guys, I think we need to calm it. Teppo, Caris, whoever, I'm not sure this was the original intention of the thread. Props to Sony for having some good sales. Well done to Nintendo for keeping Wii's sales continuously steady.
Teppo Holmqvist Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 What the fanboys fail to realise is that the Wii's success could be very detrimental to the industry as a whole... Have you ever even thought that PS3 or X360 wouldn't be selling any faster without Wii? X360 is moving units same speed as original Xbox. And PS3 is lagging behind Dreamcast. Software sales are slower too, thanks to higher prices and lack of variation. Not to mention that over 40 percent blockbusters for both consoles are either 1st party titles, or titles that were moneyhatted / funded by 1st parties. When you add the fact that development budgets for these consoles have tripled in two years, future looks pretty grimm for 3rd parties. Market has rejected HD-generation, and we can only blame Sony and Microsoft for this. In fact, according to analysts, Nintendo is practically only thing that is keeping market growing.
tomma1000 Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 does it really matter how other consoles sell as long as the wii sells well hopefully developers will still make games for it as tht is how the gamecube suffered by not receving 3rd party games In fact, according to analysts, Nintendo is practically only thing that is keeping market growing. true point as the wii offers cheap devlopment and more innvoation which the other consoles fail to offer
Teppo Holmqvist Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 true point as the wii offers cheap devlopment and more innvoation which the other consoles fail to offer The real problem is the sheer stupidity that drove X360 or PS3. I mean... Why bring out 400 dollar console, when market has proven multiple times that any console that is over 250 dollars will fail? Or why push software prices higher, when people were already saying that games were too expensive? Or why do gamble where you sell console with 300 dollars loss, and pray that you will eventually have 60 million userbase so that the software royalties *might* someday turn console profitable? Sony has already blown over 65 percent of profit that it generated from PSOne and PSTwo within 1½ years. In any other business this would be called madness. And just because of this, Microsoft and Sony are deserving everything that is coming for them.
Hellfire Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 What the fanboys fail to realise is that the Wii's success could be very detrimental to the industry as a whole, the only company making any real money from it is Nintendo. I'm sorry, but that's a bunch of BS. Broadening the market is bad to the industry? As in bringing more players in? Making developers do different types of games? If the industry didn't expand, in a few years it would crash again, what you're saying seems like Sony/MS fanboyism to me. Tell me this, the Wii and DS failed, the same people kept playing. 360 and PS3 were the main consoles. They didn't try to fight Nintendo's effort of reaching a new market, no simple family games, no party games, no bejeweled, whatever. The games continued to be the same with few exceptions. Eventually, we'd hit a graphic evolution barrier. Then what? Do you think the people that play now would continue to play the same games over and over for 30 years? Someone had to move forward. Sony did it with Buzz, Eye Toy and Singstar, Nintendo did it with DS and Wii, Microsoft did it with Live. The industry can't afford to stand still, or it will die, just because Nintendo makes money with Wii and Wii doesn't have your precious Bald Space Marine and 1000 hour generic RPGs yet, doesn't mean that the only one who's getting anything good from it is Nintendo.
Tellyn Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 The real problem is the sheer stupidity that drove X360 or PS3. I mean... Why bring out 400 euro console, when market has proven multiple times that any console that is over 250 euros will fail? Or why push software prices higher, when people were already saying that games were too expensive? Or why do gamble where you sell console with 200 euro loss, and pray that you will eventually have 60 million userbase so that the software royalties *might* someday turn console profitable? Sony has already blown over 65 percent of profit that it generated from PSOne and PSTwo within 1½ years. In any other business this would be called madness. But since this is the games industry, we'll call it Sparta.
immy Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 The real problem is the sheer stupidity that drove X360 or PS3. I mean... Why bring out 400 dollar console, when market has proven multiple times that any console that is over 250 dollars will fail? Or why push software prices higher, when people were already saying that games were too expensive? Or why do gamble where you sell console with 300 dollars loss, and pray that you will eventually have 60 million userbase so that the software royalties *might* someday turn console profitable? Sony has already blown over 65 percent of profit that it generated from PSOne and PSTwo within 1½ years. In any other business this would be called madness. And just because of this, Microsoft and Sony are deserving everything that is coming for them. whys the 360/ps3 stupid it's got the games i like, i'm willing to pay the high price surely i should have that option?
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