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i wana see whatever it is we're talking about too!!! :yay:

...what is it?


tomorrow will be boring - btu the next day i'm going to a samba festival in asakusa and then on sunday i'm going to a book reading at the local english cafe/art gallery (swish swish) should be fun!!

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I think thats what Rok will be aiming to happen, something that will ruin his life for the time being.


ehh.. i'd expect this kind of reputation to follow someone around.... having friends know secrets you dont want them to can be a serious head fuck at least... it's just a really harsh thing to do, so i hope you know what you've done, rok. haaardly ladylike tho :indeed:


i believe "ladylike" revenge goes thusly: "my foot => your balls!! CAPTAAAAAIN PLANEEEEEEEEET!!!!!"

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Guest Jordan

I'm sorry Rokhed, but just because your little rosey party of friends you had has been messed up a little bit, does not mean you can go all out for revenge and ruin someone's career.


Fucking hell, does being bitchy come with the transgender territory? Someone has to agree with me on this.

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i believe "ladylike" revenge goes thusly: "my foot => your balls!! CAPTAAAAAIN PLANEEEEEEEEET!!!!!"


Thats even worse, what if you actually literally bust a ball, I mean come on, evil bluey :heh:


I saw the picture, it's alittle bit harsh, but rokhed's done it now and seems sure of what he's doing, ranting isn't going to change what he's sent.

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Rokhed have you not thought that maybe you should be targetting the people who are ''friends'' rather than this guy? It seems like these friends have very easily decided not to be friends with you just because of one persons opinion


Don't worry, I have something different in mind for them, and potentially a lot more devastating.


ehh.. i'd expect this kind of reputation to follow someone around.... having friends know secrets you dont want them to can be a serious head fuck at least... it's just a really harsh thing to do, so i hope you know what you've done, rok. haaardly ladylike tho :indeed:


i believe "ladylike" revenge goes thusly: "my foot => your balls!! CAPTAAAAAIN PLANEEEEEEEEET!!!!!"



I know what I've done, the same thing was done to me about 17 years ago, people took the piss for a few weeks or so, then things got back to normal. It's nothing major.

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Fucking hell, does being bitchy come with the transgender territory? Someone has to agree with me on this.


i dont think it has anything to do with rok's choice of gender OR incessant bitchyness.


i just think it's a god awful thing to do to someone, and regardless of what they've done to you, it's always such a shame when people stoop to the bully's level and damage their own integrity.

(i've been watching indiana jones! can you tell?)

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I'm sorry Rokhed, but just because your little rosey party of friends you had has been messed up a little bit, does not mean you can go all out for revenge and ruin someone's career.


Fucking hell, does being bitchy come with the transgender territory? Someone has to agree with me on this.


I know what you mean but I don't know the whole story so I'll reserve judgement.

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I'm sorry Rokhed, but just because your little rosey party of friends you had has been messed up a little bit, does not mean you can go all out for revenge and ruin someone's career.


It's not a career, it's a job


i dont think it has anything to do with rok's choice of gender OR incessant bitchyness.


i just think it's a god awful thing to do to someone, and regardless of what they've done to you, it's always such a shame when people stoop to the bully's level and damage their own integrity.

(i've been watching indiana jones! can you tell?)



It's not that bad, they'll get some stick for a while, it's no biggy.

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