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Guest Maase

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Boys, boys boys... put on your big-girl panties and stop with the sniping.


The Fish: When I read your first post, it came off as sarcastic and arch. Deal with it.


Fields: I read your sexist comments and was not impressed, neither were other people. Take it outside the forum, or don't bring it up at all.


Dynastygal: There are more important things to worry about in life than everybody else's opinions. People may respect your beliefs, but disagree with them. That's just something you have to learn. It's a hard lesson, believe me.


Maase: Welcome, I'm Iun and I'm a feature writer on the main site I hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions please contact any member of staff.

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Guest dynastygal


Dynastygal: There are more important things to worry about in life than everybody else's opinions. People may respect your beliefs, but disagree with them. That's just something you have to learn. It's a hard lesson, believe me.


It's not my beliefs that is the problem in this instance, it's the accusations and grievances people seem to have with new members posting. I just don't get it. There really is no need to take the high horse attitude towards new members. It makes the place unfriendly.

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Good man. Are you a fan of Marillion? That's who your name reminded me of, though I see your not from Scotland and a lot younger than me so I'd understand if you thought I was babbling.


I've heard of them, and will look into them to remind myself of their music.


I'm actually a quarter Scottish, I'll have you know!

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It's not my beliefs that is the problem in this instance, it's the accusations and grievances people seem to have with new members posting. I just don't get it. There really is no need to take the high horse attitude towards new members. It makes the place unfriendly.


No One is taking the high horse attitude, it's just the way things are done around here.


As I said when I was new I was posting myself a welcome thread, making other pointless threads etc etc...And I got flamed, so I'm just Passing on experiences.


Just giving another member some guidance isn't taking the high horse attitude.

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Guest dynastygal

The way fish went about it was rather rude, and as I said, I didn't post myself a welcome thread, and it annoys me that people constantly accuse me of doing so, the same with my threads being 'pointless'. No thread is pointless if it entails something to discuss (unless it's clearly a thread just to goad others into flaming each other).

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The way fish went about it was rather rude, and as I said, I didn't post myself a welcome thread, and it annoys me that people constantly accuse me of doing so, the same with my threads being 'pointless'. No thread is pointless if it entails something to discuss.


Look dynastygal, No One is being horrible to you, no one is trying to make you feel uncomfortable, no one is trying to start arguements. I've noticed this throughout many other threads, that you believe this is whats happening.


We are trying to make you feel welcome, and I have said it many a time, 'Welcome To N-E'


I'm not taking the high horse, if I was you would know about it


It's N-Europe, The Fish has been here longer than myself and you to know how things are done around here. Your Perceptions and Opinions are welcome but if it's to knock How N-E has always been run, then who is a new member to pass judgement, and expect change?


Don't expect any miracles because this is how 'N-E Rolls' so to speak, It's like Marmite, you either love it or hate it.


Your lucky because in the past we have found general welcome threads being locked, As Moria said, this system has been tried and failed and such threads have been locked faster than you can say. LOLWTFBBQ!


Once Again Welcome to Nintendo Europe, make yourself feel at home and participate in the many discussions we have going, but beware, you will be addicted ;)

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Guest dynastygal
Look dynastygal, No One is being horrible to you, no one is trying to make you feel uncomfortable, no one is trying to start arguements. I've noticed this throughout many other threads, that you believe this is whats happening.


It's N-Europe, The Fish has been here longer than myself and you to know how things are done around here. Your Perceptions and Opinions are welcome but if it's to knock How N-E has always been run, then who is a new member to pass judgement then don't expect any miracles because this is how 'N-E Rolls' so to speak.



Your lucky because in the past we have found general welcome threads being locked, As Moria said, this system has been tried and failed and such threads have been locked faster than you can say. LOLWTFBBQ!


Well if you look at some peoples posts towards me from the perspective of someone new, you'd feel discouraged too.


I've not accused anyone of trying to start arguments, just that some have been rather unpleasant in their postings towards me. Example: Fish pretty much insinuated that I have no right to post what are considered 'important' threads just because I'm new. That's taking the high horse attitude, imo.


I am honestly not looking to slate the forum or anything, just expressing how some members have come across, towards me, in my opinion, and how I clearly feel about such ways in which they have come across. And as you probably are well aware now, I will pretty much always stand up for myself if I feel I am being slighted in some way or another.


I appreciate the welcome (again, lol). And I'm already addicted it seems.


Thanks super <3.

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Well if you look at some peoples posts towards me from the perspective of someone new, you'd feel discouraged too.


I've not accused anyone of trying to start arguments, just that some have been rather unpleasant in their postings towards me. Example: Fish pretty much insinuated that I have no right to post what are considered 'important' threads just because I'm new. That's taking the high horse attitude, imo.


I am honestly not looking to slate the forum or anything, just expressing how some members have come across, towards me, in my opinion, and how I clearly feel about such ways in which they have come across. And as you probably are well aware now, I will pretty much always stand up for myself if I feel I am being slighted in some way or another.


I appreciate the welcome (again, lol). And I'm already addicted it seems.


Thanks super <3.


What people Insinuate and Mean are two different things, The Fish was just helping out.


Now...I think this calls for a lockage


Welcome Once Again to both new members

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Fish pretty much insinuated that I have no right to post what are considered 'important' threads just because I'm new. That's taking the high horse attitude, imo.


Close, but no cigar - I was trying to help you not do something that other members consider a sign of a true noob.


I must apologise for trying to help you not get a bad reputation immediately, my bad. :blank:

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Guest dynastygal

I didn't know trying to contribute was the sign of a 'true noob'? Also, telling someone not to post 'important' threads because of the status of the membership is still considered a bit unpleasant tbh. And you did accuse me of something I didn't do, as said before.


If this were another forum and I were a longer standing member than you, and you started contributing to the forum by posting topics and posts, I wouldn't complain or 'advise' (as you call it) against it just because you recently joined. I'd encourage trying to contribute.

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I didn't know trying to contribute was the sign of a 'true noob'? Also, telling someone not to post 'important' threads because of the status of the membership is still considered a bit unpleasant tbh. And you did accuse me of something I didn't do, as said before.


Do I have to spell it out for you?



However, if a new member makes a new thread, especially a thread that cold be quite important to the forum, it's likely to get ripped apart and not respected by certain regulars.

I don't like it either, but it's the way some people are on this forum.

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Guest dynastygal

Well, as I said countless times before, and also stated within the thread, I did not see one and thought it would be a good suggestion. Sorry for bothering to make an effort, clearly you are unwilling to be pleasant about this, so I'm not going to bother replying to this 'discussion' again.


^^^@ fish.

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Well, as I said countless times before, and also stated within the thread, I did not see one and thought it would be a good suggestion. Sorry for bothering to make an effort, clearly you are unwilling to be pleasant about this, so I'm not going to bother replying to this 'discussion' again.


^^^@ fish.


You obviously didn't read my last post, did you?


I like the idea of a thread for new members to say "hi!" in! However, it would be ripped apart by certain other members.


All I did was suggest that what you did was a mistake, due to the above reason.


I was trying to help - I'm sorry, I thought that was regarded as a 'nice thing to do'.


Please don't have a go at me for trying to help you.


I am annoyed with you for the sole reason that you are accusing me of "having a go", whilst I am just offering some helpful advice.

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Jesus Christ, Dynastygal's post and threads (bar one, which was a complete mistake that all new members make) mean alot more than half the threads all these 'old' members make.


What the hell has gotten into everyone?

It's like having hundreds of little harribos and ant-shimmins, running around insulting each other.


EDIT: sorry, maase, I forgot to welcome you, how rude.


Welcome Maase

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This is my topic, not Dynastigal :P


Just kidding, you can carry on the discussion more 25 pages, i handle it :P


Thank you guys for the Welcome :)

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Guest dynastygal

Yeah, sorry (again) maase. Didn't want to steal your limelight an all.


I like your new avatar. Pikachu will always rock.

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