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The Orange Box.


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They weren't kidding about the credits soundtrack for Portal, it really is hilarious!




I have loved playing portal so much i just kept wanting it to go on, i finished the advanced levels today and starting on the challenge levels now.

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I might just have to go out to the shops and buy the orange box! No way am I ordering online. PGR is now a week late! So i've got two games to play at the same time.


I should claim compensation £40 (or a free game should cover it) :heh:


Do what I'm doing, when your PGR finally does turn up, email/phone them and tell them it never arrived, full refund, or an extra copy of the game, works every time.

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Gotcha! Though I don't think theres a better time than now to put it a 'lost in post' claim :smile:


Definitely, that's why I'm doing it.


I am not a happy bunny.


The postman just came. Orange box did not.


Same, neither did PGR4 either.

Funny thing is though, something else that was posted Tuesday did arrive.

Post is well fucked up at the moment.

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I have the uncontrollable urge to play a single player shooter. I was going to replay through Bioshock on Tuesday, but then I thought, nah, I'll wait for the DLC. Then I was gonig to replay GRAW2, but then I had the same thought. Resi4, but then I thought, nah I'll just wait for Orange Box. I should have it by Thursday anyway!



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Anyone trying to play TF2 for the 360 and not enjoying it? I've been unable to play the game properly because of losing connection to the host, real laggy matches and everything feels a lot smaller compared with TFC.


I hope they release the patch soon, I had high expectations for TF2, so far, not impressed :(



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Bah. That means mine won't come either I guess.


Still haven't got any post at all. :(


Post came at 2 o clock. Orange Box was part of that post. Yay.


Portal is NICE. I don't know what I'm doing in TF2. HL2 is still amazing.


I now have a day to play as much as I can stomach before going on holiday.

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Just finished Episode 2, what an ending! Easly the best Half Life to date.


Anyone up for TF2 tonight? If so add/message me on Live as i wont be on N-E again today.




Loved Episode 2 myself, not sure it's the best HL ever though, but maybe. Will have to give it another play through before I decide. :)

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