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2 days early right before the Postal strike. No chance to play it today but will try tomorrow


Was playing it yesterday as it arrived thanks to shopto. Just like old tekken but with more crazy juggles and pretty pretty graphics. Love the way you can dload replays of peoples online matches. Could already feel myself getting addicted to the way it plays and the practice mode. People are going to fear my Law!

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Played all through the night and morning...


Brilliant game.


Law is brilliant. He is even more like Bruce Lee. The animation is now uncanny. His win poses are exactly what Bruce Lee would have.


Definately the most complete fighter released this gen so far. It has all the options missings in other fighting games, the package is fully complete this time unlike how i felt with SC4 and SF4 so no complaints from me. You can tell they spent alot of time on the game as it feels very polished and tweaked the balancing superbly over 2 years in the arcades. Plus Namco are going to offer alot of after support with a Free update in December. As a package its amazing. The main apsect of the game is supremely strong.


The Scenario mode is good fun but not two player for now. I find it addicting so far lol. :) Its like SC's mission mode mixed with Double Dragon.


Over 40 characters with lots of visual tweaking. Goes well beyond other fighters in tweaks besides SC4. But you do have some stuff that SC4 cant do like having multiple hairstyles for different parts of the head.




Online is fine. I played someone from the US and it lagged ofcourse but not that different from SF4 impressively. Oddly the Ranked mode only does random matchmaking which is where all the complaints are from. Non ranked matches are fine as you can choose but obviously offline is where its at for fighters as there is no such thing as no lag. You can save replays online and offline for showing off and even view what other players are up to by downloading their last 10 matches! Nice system Namco!


Graphically the game is downscaled from the arcade(its a PS3 board and even boots to XMB) but what alot of people dont mention is that framerate in the arcade versions fell alot. And even below 30. You could cause slowdown. In the console version it looks like a constant 60fps. Definately nicer with blur on. Makes the animation look nicer and more real/CG. IMO console wins here because of no slowdown and not much PQ loss.


PS3 version has DTS sound which is nice! Good one Namco! Music is fantastic. Sound FX are improved and have the 'you got hurt' type sfx as usual which feel meatier. Namco's best music release this gen. PS3 Load times are same as Arcade(once installed on HDD). Its overall abit quicker than say SC4 for example. Menus look cool, very cool.


New characters are great and where this game shines alot. All of them are interesting. Unlike SC4 where you only had Hilde(the others were Star Wars).


I could go on and on but its addicitve. I will be playing this for a long long time. Also Namco should make more proper games. It feels good playing this after SC4. Hopefully SC gets back on form next time. Ultimately the main fighting aspect is exactly what will keep this game going despite all the extras and it delivers a heck of alot which is probably why its been no.1 in the arcades since release. Definately one of my favourite games this gen. :grin:


Uncharted 2, Tekken 6 and now for COD: MW2 next. Been a fantastic end of the year so far!

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Hows the lag in this guys? A lot of reviews are pointing to shit netcode. Not to the level of KoF XII, but not as good as SFIV and BlazBlue. I was going to buy it this weekend, but if I can't get a decent game online, then I won't bother until its patched.


Netcode itself is fine but matchmaking is fully random and worldwide for ranked mode. Your best bet is unranked where you can filter games but cant rank up.


Probably needs a patch for ranked mode like Blazblue. But Blazblue and SF4 were 2D so smaller packets to send. Namco are abit unlucky in that their fighters are 3D so much more demanding in terms of net connection.

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Can someone please tell me about the loading times for the PS3 version? Can you install part of the game as well onto the hard drive. Thanks.


Loading is fine provided you install to harddrive. Just afew seconds after you select a character. supposedly you will want to install as disk only loads are slow.


You also have a quick selection option to skip loading 3d characters at character select and have 2d pictures appear instead.

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I've just got the game and I must say, I love it! I haven't played Tekken since the release weekend of Tekken 5 so I feel a little rusty at the moment, but yeah... this is more Tekken goodness!


On a quick note, having briefly played it, I'm liking Dragunov he's an awesome character!

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Can someone please tell me about the loading times for the PS3 version? Can you install part of the game as well onto the hard drive. Thanks.


Loading time are fine until you fight Azazel. Seeing the loading time everytime he cheats/beats you out of a win is very frustrating and depressing. God he is worse than Tekken 5's boss. He's bloody ridiculous.

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Loading time are fine until you fight Azazel. Seeing the loading time everytime he cheats/beats you out of a win is very frustrating and depressing. God he is worse than Tekken 5's boss. He's bloody ridiculous.


Agreed. Whats with the developers making cheap last bosses? Its annoying as hell.


I just got 1000/1000 (Platinum) on this today and overall I was disappointed. For me Soul Calibur IV was so much better looking, better online and well just better. I didnt care much for the Streets of Rage mode which is where most of the single player action is.

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No Tekken 6 blows SC4 away fully and beyond. SC4 was pathetic. No arcade release and no effort to balance after launch. All the music in Sc4 was in SC3 with allt he good tunes cut out. Half the stages are lifted from SC3 only to be the boring ones. Only one new character who wasnt even interesting. Lack of after release support etc. I could go and on. Tekken 6 on the other hand is hugely refined after spending 2 years in the aracde being tweaked. The base game is tweaked to perfection. The gameplay additions in Tekken 6 make sense unlike stupid Soul Crush. Just thinking about Sc4 makes me angry and i am a bigger Soul Fan.


Loading time are fine until you fight Azazel. Seeing the loading time everytime he cheats/beats you out of a win is very frustrating and depressing. God he is worse than Tekken 5's boss. He's bloody ridiculous.


Its not a fighting game without a cheap end boss. :p


Alot of the time i beat Azazel first go, other times it takes several matches. If you can get him to keep teleporting its an easy win as the AI gets confused. Also he is bad at handling juggles.

Edited by Choze
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No Tekken 6 blows SC4 away fully and beyond. SC4 was pathetic. No arcade release and no effort to balance after launch. All the music in Sc4 was in SC3 with allt he good tunes cut out. Half the stages are lifted from SC3 only to be the boring ones. Only one new character who wasnt even interesting. Lack of after release support etc. I could go and on. Tekken 6 on the other hand is hugely refined after spending 2 years in the aracde being tweaked. The base game is tweaked to perfection. The gameplay additions in Tekken 6 make sense unlike stupid Soul Crush. Just thinking about Sc4 makes me angry and i am a bigger Soul Fan.




Its not a fighting game without a cheap end boss. :p


Alot of the time i beat Azazel first go, other times it takes several matches. If you can get him to keep teleporting its an easy win as the AI gets confused. Also he is bad at handling juggles.


The fact that he can block and attack at the same time is just absolute retarded. To hit him you have to counter him. WTF. Anyways, really enjoying the game. The scenario mode is pretty interesting actually.

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Damn, I tried for an hour last night to do it. I had to leave it for my own sanity's sake. I'm gonna have to beef up my fighters as well I think, need some 'S' class items.


Yeah I went on a S class spree and then switched to using the lass instead of Lars, her B button move ( possibly circle on PS3 pad ) clears a large group of them gargoyles very easily. I just kept spamming that and then when Jin arrived aimed the gatling gun at an angle so he would fly off the train. Achievement unlocked!

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Yeah I went on a S class spree and then switched to using the lass instead of Lars, her B button move ( possibly circle on PS3 pad ) clears a large group of them gargoyles very easily. I just kept spamming that and then when Jin arrived aimed the gatling gun at an angle so he would fly off the train. Achievement unlocked!


Ahhh, I'll give that a try. Thanks.

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Here are the list of item moves:




Bryan has a gattling gun and Law uses Nunchucks. :grin:


Deathjamm and I played online last night, it felt like it was a local game rather than online which is really impressive. Shows how bad the ranked online mode is at matchingmaking people! Sticking to custom online for now as you choose who you fight.


Devil Jin on Scenario Hard mode is easy once you upgrade Alisa up to S and A rank items. Heck you can play with other characters and get free drops because of her and still beat Jin! :grin: Cant wait for the two player update.

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Been playing choze alot online and getting my arse kicked. Got some more time in though and can pull off some pretty tasty chains. Starting to learn Bob too but damn lag online can be a real hamper on connecting combos. Barely into scenario mode but it is fun. Dunno if I will bother with 2 player.

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No Tekken 6 blows SC4 away fully and beyond. SC4 was pathetic. No arcade release and no effort to balance after launch. All the music in Sc4 was in SC3 with allt he good tunes cut out. Half the stages are lifted from SC3 only to be the boring ones. Only one new character who wasnt even interesting. Lack of after release support etc. I could go and on. Tekken 6 on the other hand is hugely refined after spending 2 years in the aracde being tweaked. The base game is tweaked to perfection. The gameplay additions in Tekken 6 make sense unlike stupid Soul Crush. Just thinking about Sc4 makes me angry and i am a bigger Soul Fan.




Its not a fighting game without a cheap end boss. :p


Alot of the time i beat Azazel first go, other times it takes several matches. If you can get him to keep teleporting its an easy win as the AI gets confused. Also he is bad at handling juggles.


So to be sure, SC4 was genuinely a bit crap and I just didn't stop liking fighting games altogether? Because I used to love Tekken and Soul Calibur 1 and 2 back in the day. I also had a soft spot for Fighter's Destiny on the N64 xD


What I'm trying to say is, I have liked fighting games in the past but hated SC4. Would it be worth trying this?

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So to be sure, SC4 was genuinely a bit crap and I just didn't stop liking fighting games altogether? Because I used to love Tekken and Soul Calibur 1 and 2 back in the day. I also had a soft spot for Fighter's Destiny on the N64 xD


What I'm trying to say is, I have liked fighting games in the past but hated SC4. Would it be worth trying this?


Trying? Of course. Buying? You decide after you try it.


Either way, this is leaps and bounds beyond Soul Calibur 4. I mean, Soul Calibur 1 and 2 were top game, but Tekken 5 completely blew SC 3 out of the water, and it's the same thing all over again with SC 4 and Tekken 6.



Also, in an unrelated matter, this is probably the only multi-platform game that I've bought for the PS3 (instead of the 360)... I've got a pretty good arcade stick for my 360, but in my heart, Tekken = d Pad (which immediatly rules out the 360 controller).

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Tekken 6 runs on a PS3 in the arcade and the home version is abit nicer than the 360 all round (on a technical level). It is the exact same game though. Namco even added xmb screengrab feature on ps3.


So to be sure, SC4 was genuinely a bit crap and I just didn't stop liking fighting games altogether? Because I used to love Tekken and Soul Calibur 1 and 2 back in the day. I also had a soft spot for Fighter's Destiny on the N64 xD


What I'm trying to say is, I have liked fighting games in the past but hated SC4. Would it be worth trying this?


I love Soul Calibur but SC4 was really dissapointing. I hope SC5 ends up fine. You will definately enjoy this game. Its the best package this gen. Worst comes to worse the actual fighting is superb and has topped arcade charts for sometime.


Plus no fighting game beats Tekken for presentation. It oozes style :p


While I like SF4 I think TK6 will be my main as I find it more fun and more people play with me when they come over. Its more accessible and the numerous yet varied characters have alot of appeal.

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I'm just not feeling this game, its still the same great tekken fighting mechanics, but there is something missing for me. Maybe its because it is so similar to Dark Resurection? I don't know. That Tekken Force mode is shit, I would rather Namco just left that out alltogether. The graphics, while stunning at times, look a little rough at others, the backgrounds are lacking detail and sometimes look last gen.


The netcode, while adaquate, has some input lag. Which makes it virtually impossible to string decent combo's together.


Think I'll stick to BlazBlue for my fighting fix, and Super SFIV when that gets released. I'll probably mop up the last few Trophies then trade Tekken in.

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