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Wii Legend of Zelda - What would you like to see in it?


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What would be a great game is 3/4s of the way through was the "Link getting the Master Sword" scene. But this time, it rejects Link (the story should hint towards the fact that this Link isn't the hero, but in a way that's only noticeable when you already know). Then Link has to get people to safety (including Zelda's unborn child), fight his way to Ganon/Gannondorf (via a large LOTR-esque battle), and duel with Gannondorf while also working with Zelda to awaken the gods. Who promptly flood the place.


It'll never happen, though.


I feel TP borrowed a little too much from lord of the Rings tbh. From architecture and name like the Eldin bridge to Zelda's design, even Link resembles Frodo a bit.


Nice idea though.

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-cel-shading that surpasses the new Simpsons game


-assuming it will star a new Link, Zelda, and Ganon, i want them each to have personalities, flaws, and voices (it wont ruin the franchise, get over it)


-no dark world, twilight realm, or other parallel universe


-tons of references to past Zelda games


You understand that wanting voice acting or not is a matter of preference right?


And the twilight realm has nothing to do with paralel universes.

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You understand that wanting voice acting or not is a matter of preference right?


And the twilight realm has nothing to do with paralel universes.


True, Twilight Realm just felt like another location with another race where it is constantly..Twilight. Possibly not the effect Nintendo hoped for, since they referred to it as a 'realm'. (But then realm could also simply mean another kingdom - "The realm of King so-and-so".

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True, Twilight Realm just felt like another location with another race where it is constantly..Twilight. Possibly not the effect Nintendo hoped for, since they referred to it as a 'realm'. (But then realm could also simply mean another kingdom - "The realm of King so-and-so".


OoT teaches us that realms in Zelda games aren't big.

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Actually the sacred realm is as big as hyrule, remeber, the dark realm in ALTTP is the sacred realm turned bad, because the one who touched the Triforce has an evil heart. So, basically the sacred realm is an alternate dimension to Hyrule created to house the Triforce.

In OoT Ganon marched in the scared realm with an army and searches for a long time, he doesn't just enter and bam!

WHat you see in OoT of the sacred realm is just the Chamber of Sages the only remaining place of the realm that hasn't been corrupted.

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Actually the sacred realm is as big as hyrule, remeber, the dark realm in ALTTP is the sacred realm turned bad, because the one who touched the Triforce has an evil heart. So, basically the sacred realm is an alternate dimension to Hyrule created to house the Triforce.

In OoT Ganon marched in the scared realm with an army and searches for a long time, he doesn't just enter and bam!

WHat you see in OoT of the sacred realm is just the Chamber of Sages the only remaining place of the realm that hasn't been corrupted.


Woah...Deeep. Thanks for that. Actually would love to see the Sacred Realm in all its uncorrupted glory...Must be like 'heaven' :bowdown: .

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True, Twilight Realm just felt like another location with another race where it is constantly..Twilight. Possibly not the effect Nintendo hoped for, since they referred to it as a 'realm'. (But then realm could also simply mean another kingdom - "The realm of King so-and-so".


Perhaps The next zelda game will have link visiting other kingdoms and asking for there aid in the war, And then some of them join you and some join ganon and there's a 10 year war which is ended when link finds the master sword and beheads ganon. I'd just like to see a much bigger territory that the game takes place in though. It was something promised in TP but it never really happened. Remember when someone said "It will take approximately 45 minutes to cross hyrule feild," and then we were all saying things like "But thats just crossing it what about going around," I think it took about 3 minutes to go around it, I remember timing myself as soon as I got the bridge back.

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Woah...Deeep. Thanks for that. Actually would love to see the Sacred Realm in all its uncorrupted glory...Must be like 'heaven' :bowdown: .


Eheh no prob.


"In a realm beyond sight,

The Sky shines gold, not blue.

There, the Triforce's might

Makes mortal dreams come true."

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lol there are lots of things I want to see in the next zelda game ^_^


1.None of the oh your just a local cowboy that becomes a hero so suddenly crap.

Why not have one where Link is a Hyrule soldier, so let's say Link and other soldiers go into battle protecting the castle. After the battle the soldiers failed, monsters leave them to die, only then a group of outsiders (Let's say Gerudos or the Sheikah) they take care of Link until he gets better, but then later after Link gets all better, group of monsters are about to invade the village/fort and Link wants to protect the people that helped him. He somehow fought them off, the people that saw him fight are shocked because Link was able to pull off moves that were impossible to pull off and only by the man in green. They tell him about how he must be the hero, but before they decide he is a hero, he must go through a trail in a dungeon near where they are. If he is able to complete it then he is the successor to the great hero and so forth.....


2. No partners.

Yeah I am getting sick of Link having a partner in every zelda game now. I want Link saving the world by himself instead of being told what to do.


3. lots and lots of dungeons/Temples

Yeah I mean lot's I mean, why don't they? everytime you defeat a boss you don't need a a Heart Container why not something else? Like a sword, Sheild or a rare item? Doing that would make people more excited about what they are going to get, I mean it's getting boring just getting hearts all the time.



Yeah I think it's time for nintendo to make an option of whether you want it Easy, Normal or Hard. People that have played the zelda series for a very long time know how a lot of things work. So nintendo do need to put the difficulty up waaaaay up.


5. Land

Yeah I want the next zelda game to be MASSIVE. like instead of having Hyrule why not have other sections. Hyrule would be the main one of course but having more places then just Hyrule can just make the gameplay hours go for much longer. Not to mention that if you do that Link doesn't just have Hyrule to save but other lands as well



Make it Orchestrated nuff said :P


7. Ganon

Yep have him in it, but with a twist ^_^ make this a game that shows you why Ganondorf stays as Ganon in the rest of the old games. If not then perhaps it could be something like Ganonforf was being used from the start by something more evil. Evil Goddess perhaps :P



Have the lands change over time after you accomplish something eg: People moving around to different locations kinda like MM. Towns destroyed and others getting rebuilt



I have still yet to see a zelda game that let's you use your rupees frequntly I mean after the game you never really use them, well they should have something that will make you keep spending


10 Twists/ Edge of your seat

I must admit that TP did try and do something such as that but it still didn't make it IMO, just imagine, a huge adventure, you finish the game thinking whew finally did it (Perhaps defeating Ganondorf), but only to realize that you are only halfway through the game and that something big is going to happen.


Well I am glad I got that off me chest. sorry it's so long -_-'

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I want the world!! :yay:


Not getting that, this is what I would like in Zelda Wii, albeit with a lot of repeats from previous posts:


  • Twisty-turny twists 'n turns
  • An epic and dark feel
  • An orchestrated soundtrack
  • Some more originality in settings. No Death Mountain re-revisit or frozen Zora's Domain, please.
  • Ganondorf. Yes, that's not original at all, but I like him. :wink:
  • Some changes to the format. It worked with OoT, but times have moved on. Not only 'search dungeon A for piece 2 of object X.
  • A challenge
  • The same well-thought boss-battles. Well, not exactly the same ofcourse, but with the same amount of originality. TP's boss-battles are textbook examples of how to do a boss-battle.


Now this is what I NOT want in a Zelda game:


  • Another half remake of, classic as it may be, OoT. TP gave me a MGS2-feeling. People who know the story of MGS2 will know what I mean.
  • Voice-acting. It's simply not done. It suits Zelda perfectly as it is now. It'd be odd to hear English in Hyrule. The text-only communications add to the exotic and peculiar world of Hyrule. It's more of an English subtitled translation of Hyrulian. Besides, ever heard Bowser, Peach or those Pianta's in Mario Sunshine? You get the general idea. And the Covenant in Halo lost a bit of their magic once they all spoke in fluent English amongst eachother.
  • Having to start at the beginning of a temple every time I stop playing.
  • Be told how much a red/yellow/blue rupee is worth every time I start playing again. If I can remember the controls, the lay-out of a temple, the puzzles within, the tactics of bosses, the pecularities of all the characters and the progress of the quest in general, I can remember the value of a red rupee. And if I didn't remember, I'd take it anyways.

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Mix of traditional setting and contemporary setting (i.e. cityscape). I've mentioned this idea twice in greater detail in the past with overwhelming objection, here are the ideas I raised about having a Contempoary Zelda:


ME:Shigsy quote about possible future Zelda games such as Link being in the contemporary world was quite interesting.


Link in the contemporary world, heres a suggestion from yours truly. Project Hammer appeared to have very similar mechanics to Zelda, I could see the next Zelda being based in the future in United States just like Disaster and Hammer where right from the start Ganondorf appears, unleashes havoc and he using power in order to take over Hyrule, he takes the easy road and ELIMINATES Link by transporting him to another world, in this case the future in the contemporary real life world. But Link needs to escape from the modern world in order to fight Ganondorf and restore peace in his REAL WORLD being Hyrule. He gets caught up amongst crimes taking place in the city like bank robberies and getting in the way of these guys results in guns being fired at you, and because its the contemporary world, one to two gunshots can kill Link. As you're name spreads in the city and you help people, you make contacts and through these contacts, you are ultimately introduced to an acclaimed scientist/inventor that is working on a concept time machine that is able to transport Link back to his REAL WORLD, but you're life is at increased danger as you're reputation increases as crime syndicates (shown through cut scenes) are feeling the pressure of killing you to prevent from their plans being foiled by the great hero. Not only this, but throughout the game, the time machine needs adjustments and at times, malfunctions occur and it transports Link to various time periods. Prehistoric times, having to fight HUGE dinosaurs, cavemen, medieval times, having to fight with armys on horseback and even in the year 3000 with star wars like cyborgs, super clones and super bacteria particles that can form lifelike size foes. Imagine using your sword and weaponry to fight city crime and having specific special items according to the time period you are in... In prehistoric times, you'd have specially carved spears and wooden clubs, in medieval times, specific uniform to indicate the army in which you are fighting for with specially shaped swords and shields with full KNIGHT ARMOUR and in the future having ultra high tech weaponry such as disintegration beams. Now that would be a radical change in the series and would tailor to people that want freshness and increased difficulty while retaining the fundamentals that makes the series the legendary series that it is...


DCK says:So how is that a Zelda game exactly? Replace Link with any other character and it's your standard 360 game...



ME:It'll still retain the third person perspective, z targeting, and the same combat system as previous 3D Zelda games. Essentially everything that makes a Zelda game what it is. The only difference is that Link is put into radically different environments where he needs to do with the offensive/defensive items that are at his disposal in that particular environment. As you progress throughout the game, you will constantly have cutscenes showing the state of Hyrule and Ganondorf constantly terrorising the town and conquering section by section until he controls everything. You feel Ganondorf being a serious foe this time round, it makes you want to defeat him, unlike Twilight Princess where he virtually did not exist until the end. He'd be a lot more violent and brutal this time round, actually claiming a few lives in the game and Link can't do a thing about it, as he is stuck in another time period... Get the pun here, Ganondorf has cut the "Link" between successful takeover of Hyrule for his domination purposes and failure as a result of Link defeating the king of evil by eliminating him via banishment to another time in another place in another world...


As a result of Ganondorf successfully conquering the whole of Hyrule, he develops a power that is SO HUGE, he is virtually invulnerable, he cannot be harmed in anyway, which is where the Links from the various time periods come into play, as you have gained a reputation amongst many people in different time periods, you form a super group that develops an ultra powerful weapon courtesy of elements from each time period where the year 3000 section provides the final touch in creating a weapon capable of harming Ganondorf, you use it in the final battle.


DCK says: I strongly disagree; a Zelda game goes far beyond the gameplay mechanics the developers choose. A Zelda game is about the atmosphere of the fantasy world it's placed in. I really don't see the merit in a time travel game in which Link just happens to be the main character, it's a different game entirely.


ME: Exactly, it would give the game an element of freshness not present in Twilight Princess. You see, Link resides in the traditional atmospheric fantasy world we've come to expect in Zelda games, but Ganondorf resurrects and inflicts evil upon the entire town, Link tries to stop him but Ganondorf banishes him to another time to dispose of Link in a convenient fashion and in his mind ensure that he does not return to challenge him. Link is placed into the sterile contemporary world where he needs to escape to restore peace to his beloved homeland. Throughout the game he'd travel to many atmospheric places that don't reflect reality as much as the city portion of the game. The year 3000 for example would be the developers idea of what the world would be like in the year 3000 and thus having a fantasy like setting due to being the work of the imagination. Going through various locales with different conditions to his homeland will create the ultimate test for the ultimate hero, having to fend with the resources that are available in that particular area/time period. This would eliminate any critcisms from players who feel that Twilight Princess was a rehash of recycled ideas with the same style landscapes, enemies etc and that the series is on its last legs.


DCK says: Why would you use the Zelda franchise for that? Replace Link with Mario and it makes as much sense.


I don't mind having a different approach like Link's Awakening or Phantom Hourglass, but I would mind having a different game for Zelda. It's like making a medieval Star Wars or having light sabres in Lord of the Rings.


ME: Link is the hero of time. Having this sort of setting would be the ultimate way to live up to this title...


There are incredible opportunities in having this setting for the next Zelda game. You could have "dungeons" themed to each area, such as a multiple story building for city area where you need to go level by level travelling through multiple hallways, elevators/stairs and having to fend off henchmen of the notorious gang leader at the top that holds hostage one of the key characters of the game that is the guy you meet that is working on the time machine. In the prehistoric area, it can be a giant cave that is 10 times+ the size of the bonus caves in Twilight Princess and the boss is a giant dinosaur, a Tyranosaurus perhaps in which on it has one of the elements required to form the ultimate weapon, you see the guy you rescue in the city also has thought of the idea for creating the ultimate weapon and gives you a list of the items you need to create this ultimate weapon. The year 3000 could have something ultra futuristic such as an extremely stylish floating building or a series of buildings the Jetsons style with an dark orangy/black sky typically found in future representations and you have to fight a huge cyborg like creature that sprays harmful bacteria that cannot be physically seen, you need a special device to avoid it...


DCK says: Well, I suggest you buy a 360 then


Seriously, I don't see how this fits a Zelda game for one second. I guess it would be a good game, but any random character could be the main character.


ME: It can fit. It follows the same formula of a Zelda game in every respect, only the environments are radically different. You acquire an important item from each area you clear that is used to reach the final point in the game just like previous installments. You couldn't have other random characters as Link is the only person that is capable of matching the power of Ganondorf in all of Hyrule which is why there is this whole test/ordeal of Link having to survive in virtually unbelievablly difficult unbearable conditions. You could even chuck in an assistant of some kind that is also banished with Link, just like other Zelda games a random that appears to try to jump in front of Link as Ganondorf unleashes his powerful transportation magic and thus also gets banished to the other world/time period as well.
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I remember seeing some fake future Zelda artwork a while ago, anybody else remember this?

At the time I thought, no, no way should Zelda be futuristic... but after some thought, why not?


I'd like to see a Zelda of the future, although there's the danger of it seeming too Star Wars-esque.


Items would be futuristic when they once were not...


The Heroes Bow, now a sacred gun, named the Heroes Bow after the legendary item, it can be embued with the traditional fire/ice/light shots and more


Shields - Now energy shields, they don't take a physical form until dispersed from an item (upgradeable) on the forearm


Hookshot - not trying to take directly from Metroid, but a grapple beam... I dunno haha


Epona - a vehicle, named Epona of course after the Legendary steed! lol


Sword - you could start with a beam sword and upgrade it although the quest would eventually lead to the Master Sword, the one thing in the game that must not have changed! It's just the same as it's always been, it is after all the blade of evil's bane, you can't get better than it for defeating evil!



I'd love something like that, they should reference past Heroes often during the game, give it a darker feel with a great sense of urgency and include many twists, make it more difficult, with more dungeons, areas, items, enemies etc

I'd hope that the motion controls are spot on and that they're also used in interesting and fun ways, although they should be ways that make sense too!


...lastly, bring back Fierce Deity! :)

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Hookshot - not trying to take directly from Metroid, but a grapple beam... I dunno haha


Teleportation laser beams are not too far off in the real world where you shoot a laser out of Star Trek like gun and you get transported several hundred metres forward from where you are. A device like this would be the substitute for the hookshot in a contemporary/futuristic Zelda setting.

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Just like in Twilight Princess, you can fight off horseback, with the change that you can get hold of swords with better range.


I got it! Horseback fighting, Link holding a long spear!


Also, Epona, and any another animal aiding Link, should behave like the Dog in upcoming Fable2.

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You understand that wanting voice acting or not is a matter of preference right?


Yes, and i stated my preference.


TBH i dont think we need another Zelda until the next console arrives. I want a leap in graphics, music, battle and environment physics, character development, etc. and i dont think the Wii can deliver such a leap.


Id rather Nintendo focus on other neglected franchises or better yet, new ones for the remainder of Wii's lifespan

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Yes, and i stated my preference.


TBH i dont think we need another Zelda until the next console arrives. I want a leap in graphics, music, battle and environment physics, character development, etc. and i dont think the Wii can deliver such a leap.


Id rather Nintendo focus on other neglected franchises or better yet, new ones for the remainder of Wii's lifespan


I can understand a bit of that; I feel like I'm 'full up' on Zelda right about now, TP felt like the 'ultimate' traditional Zelda. Then theres the spin-off.

But I think the Wii is certainly capable of providing better visuals and audio than TP, sometimes I compare Metroid Prime 3 with Halo 3 and find it hard to spot the difference. I guess the only thing holding back the audio is the lack of optical input to allow Dolby Digital.


But really (IMO) Zelda is not about the HD, super realistic graphics, theres no real need for it. Some areas of TP look so amazing (anyone ever look down that cliff near Southern Castle Town with the waterfall? Amazing!), they just need to polish up a bit like with the trees and a few pop-up issues (see Magic armour).


On voice acting...Not too fussed, I wouldn't like some cheesy voice actor to ruin the feeling of the moment if you get me. When you look at voice acting in gaming, theres not a lot of great acting in them. I'd rather they use the time and effort to fill the game brimming full (who can guess this pun?) with things to do and see. For example, when introducing three new races to a series, how about expanding on them a little more not simply showing us only their palace, a ruined, hijacked mansion or a dessolate dungeon-city...AND please god, none of that cannon stuff! I would like to ride to the desert or have some means of air transportation to reach a city in the sky....(_( ...not too much eh?

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lol there are lots of things I want to see in the next zelda game ^_^


1.None of the oh your just a local cowboy that becomes a hero so suddenly crap.

Why not have one where Link is a Hyrule soldier, so let's say Link and other soldiers go into battle protecting the castle. After the battle the soldiers failed, monsters leave them to die, only then a group of outsiders (Let's say Gerudos or the Sheikah) they take care of Link until he gets better, but then later after Link gets all better, group of monsters are about to invade the village/fort and Link wants to protect the people that helped him. He somehow fought them off, the people that saw him fight are shocked because Link was able to pull off moves that were impossible to pull off and only by the man in green. They tell him about how he must be the hero, but before they decide he is a hero, he must go through a trail in a dungeon near where they are. If he is able to complete it then he is the successor to the great hero and so forth.....


2. No partners.

Yeah I am getting sick of Link having a partner in every zelda game now. I want Link saving the world by himself instead of being told what to do.


3. lots and lots of dungeons/Temples

Yeah I mean lot's I mean, why don't they? everytime you defeat a boss you don't need a a Heart Container why not something else? Like a sword, Sheild or a rare item? Doing that would make people more excited about what they are going to get, I mean it's getting boring just getting hearts all the time.



Yeah I think it's time for nintendo to make an option of whether you want it Easy, Normal or Hard. People that have played the zelda series for a very long time know how a lot of things work. So nintendo do need to put the difficulty up waaaaay up.


5. Land

Yeah I want the next zelda game to be MASSIVE. like instead of having Hyrule why not have other sections. Hyrule would be the main one of course but having more places then just Hyrule can just make the gameplay hours go for much longer. Not to mention that if you do that Link doesn't just have Hyrule to save but other lands as well



Make it Orchestrated nuff said :P


7. Ganon

Yep have him in it, but with a twist ^_^ make this a game that shows you why Ganondorf stays as Ganon in the rest of the old games. If not then perhaps it could be something like Ganonforf was being used from the start by something more evil. Evil Goddess perhaps :P



Have the lands change over time after you accomplish something eg: People moving around to different locations kinda like MM. Towns destroyed and others getting rebuilt



I have still yet to see a zelda game that let's you use your rupees frequntly I mean after the game you never really use them, well they should have something that will make you keep spending


10 Twists/ Edge of your seat

I must admit that TP did try and do something such as that but it still didn't make it IMO, just imagine, a huge adventure, you finish the game thinking whew finally did it (Perhaps defeating Ganondorf), but only to realize that you are only halfway through the game and that something big is going to happen.


Well I am glad I got that off me chest. sorry it's so long -_-'


In other words you want it to be more like tales of symphonia.

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Beach- yes, i know it's sad, but I'd love to view the Sun setting over the Ocean.


Ganon- The bad boy, obviously. No Zelda game, in my opinion, is complete without him *stares at MM*


Temple- I mean a proper Temple, not the ToT. Like the one from Smash bros Melee.

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Even darker than TP?...You want a Resident Evil or something? :P
Majora's mask anyone?

That's what I was going to say.

I felt that was more deranged, than dark.

That's what dark is.



Yes, and i stated my preference.


TBH i dont think we need another Zelda until the next console arrives. I want a leap in graphics, music, battle and environment physics, character development, etc. and i dont think the Wii can deliver such a leap.

Erm...The Wii can handle that easily; except maybe the physics thing, which is pretty pointless anyway.

The Wii can easily handle better graphics, TP was a GC game!!

Any character development is easy compared to what TP offered.



I'm REALLY surprised that noone's suggested a Zelda game which ties in some of the "side stories"; like the Minish Cap/FS games. A game where you play the legandary Link shown at the start of MC.

Or even a game where it shows how Hyrule got "messed up" for TP would be good.


Either that or a game based on The War. The problem with that is character development though, focusing on the war and characters at the same time, do-able though.

Showing the game from Ganondorf's side would be good too. The King did screw up Gerudo Land for his own with the Wind Waker.



I don't get why people don't like the "sidekick" thing. So long as there's a reason why and such I don't mind. Though a controversial one, I think Tingle would make a good sidekick; he rocks.

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lol there are lots of things I want to see in the next zelda game ^_^


1.None of the oh your just a local cowboy that becomes a hero so suddenly crap.

Why not have one where Link is a Hyrule soldier, so let's say Link and other soldiers go into battle protecting the castle. After the battle the soldiers failed, monsters leave them to die, only then a group of outsiders (Let's say Gerudos or the Sheikah) they take care of Link until he gets better, but then later after Link gets all better, group of monsters are about to invade the village/fort and Link wants to protect the people that helped him. He somehow fought them off, the people that saw him fight are shocked because Link was able to pull off moves that were impossible to pull off and only by the man in green. They tell him about how he must be the hero, but before they decide he is a hero, he must go through a trail in a dungeon near where they are. If he is able to complete it then he is the successor to the great hero and so forth.....



That sounds great to me.... Make it happen:awesome:

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