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My thoughts are, it's fucking awesome.

It is a little buggy (perhaps you could run it on max and tell me your PC specs, might be my pc i don't know).

It's better and a hell of a lot smoother now i've got me 8800GT in there.


Combat's fairly simple, bit a of a let down, all about timing your mouse clicks and picking the right stance/sword for your enemies (which isn't hard).


also, be nice to all the women, always pick the nice option when talking to them, always tell them there's time to talk, you'll see why :p

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Crysis is a letdown because it's a bastard to get it to run well, and look good.

I asked it to give me ideal settings, and it threw everything as high as it would go :|

I think it was jsut jusging the GPU, it did NOT run well.


The Witcher however, is extremely underrated, besides it being a little buggy (maybe patched sometime..) and simple combat.

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Try downloading the UT3 beta drivers (169.28) and playing Crysis in DX9 mode.


Crysis lives and dies by it's AI, the open world and dynamic combat means there's alot of room for error if the AI doesn't respond properly. I've started playing through it again, there are some great set pieces, and the game makes you feel like a fucking hero sometimes. :heh:

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Anyone remember Stalker?




I loved Stalker. The storyline was laughable but the gameplay was grand.


Agreed, Stalker was a fantastic game, even with it's silly story. I can't wait for Stalker: Clear Sky.


And whilst we're also on the topic of Crysis, I finally decided to buy the game. I'll install it later methinks...

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