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I'm speaking solely in terms of the way they play: extremely watered down and largely tedius combat, and huge reliance on massive repetition of collect-10-of-this-or-that tasks.


Hmm, I would say a good MMO's dependence is on character customisation, min-maxing, social interaction and team plays. The missions in City of Heroes were as tedious as they get, but I enjoyed it for years because I had a team of regulars to play and chat with and go on epic long missions with, and you could re-roll a brand new, unique superhero/villain whenever you liked.


Well yeah, that's the trade off for the elements I mentioned before: The sense of ownership of a character you get to develop, and the social elements that you only really get the most of if you play regularly with a crew of people you know well. I'd rather have something like DMC instead because I play games to escape from people :heh:


For anyone who has played the first Witcher game (I dont know if this changes in the second one) which of the two control schemes would you say is the best? Im sure just mouse is probably just the more simplistic of the two but does mouse and keyboard offer that much more that its worth it?

Posted (edited)

Playing with the mouse and keyboard makes the game control just like Mass Effect/Dragon Age/other current RPGs on the PC.


Playing with just the mouse apparently turns the whole thing into an isometric game, if that's your kind of thing. I haven't tried it myself, though, as I like having the camera closer and I assume you'd still want to use the keyboard for shortcuts.


Edit: Not that you'll read this.

Edited by Magnus
EVE Online is the best MMO by far, there's none of those shitty, collect 10 of these quests.

I’ve always been interested in Eve, but I simply don’t have the money for it. I was planning to make use of the trial though.

For anyone who has played the first Witcher game (I dont know if this changes in the second one) which of the two control schemes would you say is the best? Im sure just mouse is probably just the more simplistic of the two but does mouse and keyboard offer that much more that its worth it?

I don’t think I really tried the mouse-only controls. The game itself says the mouse plus keyboard controls is for “more advanced” players (if I recall correctly), so I stuck with that. Feels more familar too. Just the mouse seems too limiting too me.

Why the fuck is nobody playing Tribes: Ascend? It is godly.

Haven’t kept up with the news.. Didn’t know this one was out, I’ll download it this weekend perhaps (what’s the filesize?).

I don’t think I really tried the mouse-only controls. The game itself says the mouse plus keyboard controls is for “more advanced” players (if I recall correctly), so I stuck with that. Feels more familar too. Just the mouse seems too limiting too me.


Yeah I bought the game a few days ago and went with the keyboard and mouse controls


After reading my advice, clearly. :hehe:


One thing I'm finding really annoying in The Witcher is that some characters move around, but the quest log only points out one possible location. I ran around all over the city looking for a dwarf until I finally found him in a place that I'd checked several times before, but apparently not at the exact time he's there.


It wasn't anywhere close to where the quest log said he'd be. :blank:


Also, poker sucks.

Why the fuck is nobody playing Tribes: Ascend? It is godly.

Just played for a bit.. Can’t really say it’s my game, but it’s entirely possible that’s because I haven’t unlocked the good stuff. The starting weapons from the starting classes aren’t really interesting. The one with the “grenade launcher” seems best to me.. Lob a grenade where your opponent is going to land. The other weapons don’t work for me, everyone is moving so fast. I’ll give it some more time, unlock some of the other stuff, but so far I’m not impressed.


Speaking of Free-to-play shooters.. I should check out Blacklight 2, unless that’s still in beta.


You have to really practice the shooting, because you're not going to hit anyone if you don't anticipate where they're going to be by the time your bullets reach them. The hit detection isn't like in Call of Duty or Battlefield where if someone is in your crossheirs and you press the trigger, it is guaranteed to hit them, but is rather based on calculating actual distances in the physical space.


Secondly, the fun in the game isn't about killing as many dudes as possible, its about traversing the landscapes at huge speeds, and coordinating team attacks to overwhelm enemy defences around their flags. I've already pumped about 20 hours into the game and I've only had it for a week.

You have to really practice the shooting, because you're not going to hit anyone if you don't anticipate where they're going to be by the time your bullets reach them. The hit detection isn't like in Call of Duty or Battlefield where if someone is in your crossheirs and you press the trigger, it is guaranteed to hit them, but is rather based on calculating actual distances in the physical space.


Call of duty, granted but laying that claim at BF. Have you played it?


I haven't played 3, and I know that in Bad Comapany there are things such as shot spread and bullet drop to account for so what I said wasn't wholly accurate. However it's the same in Tribes; some weapons are aim and shoot, while with most you have to lead the target by some distance. Nevertheless, you know what I mean ;)

I haven't played 3, and I know that in Bad Comapany there are things such as shot spread and bullet drop to account for so what I said wasn't wholly accurate. However it's the same in Tribes; some weapons are aim and shoot, while with most you have to lead the target by some distance. Nevertheless, you know what I mean ;)


Heh yeah. Just wanted to highlight that CoD requires less skill with aim than Battlefield. I might try Tribes if it's like BF and the guns are interesting.


The guns aren't the interesting aspect - they seem like fairly standard futuristic sci-fi fare, and the shooting aspects are really very twitch based, more akin to traditional PC shooters than something like Battlefield 3 which has a more considered pace.


The best thing about Tribes is the feeling you get from actually maneuvering around the game space, launching yourself off hills and trying to gain as much speed as possible so you can grab the enemy flag before they even realise you're on your way.


The guns are actually more like oldskool shooters like Unreal. The gameplay though.. Is a whole different matter. There’s nothing like it. I actually like the skiing.. Just not combined with the shooting. [it makes for one embarrassing combination]. The skiing feels great, but it makes it much harder to shoot, but simultaneously, it increases your chances for survival. The maps aren’t really interesting, but that’s because it’s geared to a whole different gameplay than I’m used to. There are no real urban (albeit alien) settings, it’s only hills with perhaps a large building in the middle. They’re large open arenas, there’s no room for flankers/sneakers like me. That said.. I have yet to play CTF. Maybe vehicles make things more interesting, and the technician will probably be the next class I will unlock.


As I thought, I find playing a technician in CTF much more enjoyable, camping out by the flag, repairing the generator if needed, a support role. But I seem to get more kills that way too :rolleyes:. I still don't think the game is great though.


I refer you to this as all the reasons I really enjoy the game


Evidently, it's best played with a very well coordinated team with a diverse class makeup that are all communicating over ventrilo, and that's something I'd really like to set up, if people on here are interested at all, and which shouldn't really be a problem since the game is totally free to play. At the moment though, I'm having more fun than I can describe understanding the contours of every map, and skiing across the landscape at full speed.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Because We May Indie Sale Kicks Off Next Week Across Steam, iOS & More


Indie fans rejoice! To celebrate certain retail platforms - such as Steam, Apple's App Stores, and Google Play - offering developers the chance to enjoy freedom and flexibility when it comes to pricing their own games, a massive indie sale across those platforms will be conducted from May 24th through to June 1st.


Check out the blurb from the official site for Because We May below:


We believe that developers should have the freedom to price their games how they like, without interference from the online stores that sell the games. Why? Because it allows us to promote our games more freely, as we are doing here! We rely on the ability to promote our games for our livelihood and control over pricing is an important tool for this purpose.


For the last week of May (May 24 through June 1) our games will be deeply discounted to celebrate online stores that give us control over pricing: The App Store, Google Play, Steam, and a few others.


Here's a list of the titles that have signed up so far for the Steam initiative. Be sure to visit the official page for Because We May to check out other deals going down. The cut off point for participation submissions is May 22nd, so if you're an indie dev and you want to get involved join here.


AaaaaAAaaaAAAaa AAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome

Anomaly Warzone Earth

Avadon: The Black Fortress






Costume Quest



DeathSpank: The Baconing

Double Fine Bundle




Frozen Synapse

Frozen Synapse: Soundtrack Edition


Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony

Jamestown Deluxe Pack

Lugaru HD

Metal Drift





Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Combo Pack (Episode One & Two)

Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Episode One

Penny Arcade: Precipice of Darkness Episode Two





Snuggle Truck


Super Meat Boy

Swords & Soldiers

The Binding of Isaac

The Dejobaan Complete Pack

The Wonderful End of the World

Toki Tori



Zen Bound 2


If you're one of those gamers who keeps complaining about a lack of decent games or grumbles about "too many shooters" or whines about being bored by the industry, then take a long look at this list. And then shut up...because you're talking bollocks.



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