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You know the picture canadian/aussie cigarette packs have?


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there's a difference between living unafraid and seeking out danger. quite the teenage logic you got there. and sure everyone dies. it's how and why you die that makes a difference. to die a long and painfull death because of something as trivial as sigarets just doesn't cut it for me.

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Ok, people, don´t get all carried away here. I´m not saying I smoke to end life earlier. But hell. The fact is; everyone dies.

My granduncle was a smoker from young age to he was 90 (and they didn´t have the filters back then). When he was ninety the government started heavy anti-smoker propaganda - and he quit smoking in an instant. He even called around telling us all about it. Two weeks aftet he quit smoking he was hit by a car and died at an age of 90.

My grandmother had never touched a cigarette her entire life - she died at an age of 62 of a heart attack.

My girlfriends father died last year at the age of 45. He never smoked and never drinked. He got cancer in the stomach.

What I am trying to emphasise (sp?) is that it´s not only cigarettes who kills.

Any of you guys can die tomorrow in a car accident, heart attack or a stroke. You never know. But one thing I´m damn sure of is that I´m not willing to live my life afraid of things that can kill me.

I like to smoke. It relaxes me and tastes good. And with a beer or whiskey on the side -you can´t get anything better (in my opinion). So I´ll ceep on smoking, drinking, driving cars, riding a bike, hunting, mountainclimbing - and everything else I love - even though it CAN kill me.


You can´t live life, afraid of loosing it.

You're still avoiding the subject of passive smoking. I don't give a shit how you die. A smoker can live to 110 and die from parachute failure on his birthday, or shrivel away at 55 with lung, bowel, heart and liver cancer crying "I don't want to die, it hurts so much, I wish I'd never smoked". Whatever, you made your choice.


It's when kids and stuff have to suffer that bothers me. When people aren't thinking about those around them. If you live with a smoker you increase your chance of lung cancer by 20-30%. That's insane! Just imagine killing your sister's kid or your grandchild or your roommate or your own children one day cos "hey everyone dies someday, somehow".

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it's how and why you die that makes a difference.


Not to me. It´s how you look back at life and see how you have lived that makes the difference. If I died at an age of 112, knowing I had lived that long because I evaded something I really wanted to do. I´d die with regret, and wishing I could go back and do what I wanted. But then it´s to late isn´t it?

And I haven´t got the hots for that really.

When I die (wether it be tomorrow or in fifty years from now), I will look back at my life without regrets, knowing I did my best - and what I loved. That´s what´s important to me. That´s how I will face my death.

Without regrets.



Edit: Agreed, Shorty. Kids deserve to get the choice - so if I ever am to become a dad - I´ll quit. When it comes to family and my nephews - I see them twice in a year, and half an hour of passive smoking a year doesn´t give you cancer. Other than that - living in Norway forces me to smoke outside, so passive smoking isn´t really that big of an issue.

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Actually when you die you won't be looking back at anything, apparently the brain releases massive amounts of DMT which is basically what it is thought to releas when you dream.


you can also take DMT as a recreational drug, it's supposedly one of the more powerful psychoactives. It also can change the way you percieve time, leading to the theory that when you die, you percieve that moment 'forever' (in your mind). Now considering you'd be 'tripping balls' how do we not know that the life we live at the moment isn't just our miind living another life on DMT while it dies? It also leads on to the question of 'is that what the afterlife is?.'


I'm living my life to the full on the offchance this is just a DMT induced trip and I am in fact about to die in the 'real' world.

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Seriously though do you not think some of you guys are being a tad too harsh about smokers?

I mean most of you really only know what media and schools have told you, you don't know first hand why people would want to smoke.


You can tell you're kids not to smoke, you can not smoke yourself, but nobody is telling me what the hell I can and can't do concerning smoking.


And when was the last time all you non-smokers poisoned your body in some other fashion such as the last time you went to McDonalds/Burger King or got totally wrecked on a night out?


You all just jump on the non-smoking bandwagon like the sheep you claim smokers are.


Now I don't want any confusion, it's not being against smoking that I feel is out of place here, it's how strongly you all feel about it after watching a couple of adverts on TV. Now that makes me dissapointed.

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my opinions on smoking stem from the fact my parents smoke

nothing to do with media and tv

my parents have idiotic reasons for wanting to smoke and why they started in the first place


its the effect on other people (like me, my bf and anyone i invite into the house) that concerns me ..

.. my parents can poison their bodies all they want - i just dont see why they are selfish enough to do it when it harms other people!


yeh - thats the thing i guess..


im not a sheep

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Ok, people, don´t get all carried away here. I´m not saying I smoke to end life earlier. But hell. The fact is; everyone dies.

My granduncle was a smoker from young age to he was 90 (and they didn´t have the filters back then). When he was ninety the government started heavy anti-smoker propaganda - and he quit smoking in an instant. He even called around telling us all about it. Two weeks aftet he quit smoking he was hit by a car and died at an age of 90.

My grandmother had never touched a cigarette her entire life - she died at an age of 62 of a heart attack.

My girlfriends father died last year at the age of 45. He never smoked and never drinked. He got cancer in the stomach.

What I am trying to emphasise (sp?) is that it´s not only cigarettes who kills.

Any of you guys can die tomorrow in a car accident, heart attack or a stroke. You never know. But one thing I´m damn sure of is that I´m not willing to live my life afraid of things that can kill me.

I like to smoke. It relaxes me and tastes good. And with a beer or whiskey on the side -you can´t get anything better (in my opinion). So I´ll ceep on smoking, drinking, driving cars, riding a bike, hunting, mountainclimbing - and everything else I love - even though it CAN kill me.


You can´t live life, afraid of loosing it.


I can see where you're coming from- ' There are a million and one ways to die, so lets add mouth/lung/skin cancer and heart diseases to the list!'


I agree, Shorty, smokers are fucking selfish.


Oh, and rokhed00, act your age, I'm 13 and I know about smoking, its effects and how it effects family members. Grow up, you ignorant prick.

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My Buttons, thats the exact kind of comment I was looking for. Nice that some people are reasonable.


Smoking in non-smoking company is just rude more than anything, I always smoke by myself or with smoking friends. It's understandable why people are angry with those who don't try to keep the habit to themselves, but alot of people here seem to be so against smoking you'd have thought it was a mortal sin or something.

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Oh, and mariosmentor- I'm not sure that destroying your lungs and staining teeth are the same as eating fast foods.


My Buttons, thats the exact kind of comment I was looking for. Nice that some people are reasonable.


Smoking in non-smoking company is just rude more than anything, I always smoke by myself or with smoking friends. It's understandable why people are angry with those who don't try to keep the habit to themselves, but alot of people here seem to be so against smoking you'd have thought it was a mortal sin or something.


It is a sin. Religious folks see the body as a gift from God, destroying that is frowned upon.

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im really happy about the smoking ban

i can finally go out places wihtout smelling like a smoker myself !


plenty of people think i smoke cause i come out of my house smelling like it

ok - i edited some of my post cause i think i was a bit strong

i really really really dislike smoking - i would enourage anyone who smokes to quit - but i understand u cant :S


My Buttons, thats the exact kind of comment I was looking for. Nice that some people are reasonable.


Smoking in non-smoking company is just rude more than anything, I always smoke by myself or with smoking friends. It's understandable why people are angry with those who don't try to keep the habit to themselves, but alot of people here seem to be so against smoking you'd have thought it was a mortal sin or something.



hehe thanks

besides - tv adverts dont work

i think u have to live through it to see the real damage!

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Oh, and mariosmentor- I'm not sure that destroying your lungs and staining teeth are the same as eating fast foods.




It is a sin. Religious folks see the body as a gift from God, destroying that is frowned upon.


Lol ok, you see you're an example of an unreasonable comment.

If fast foods are fine then why is it then that in the US obesity is one of the leading causes for death and ailiement aswell as smoking?

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Lol ok, you see you're an example of an unreasonable comment.

If fast foods are fine then why is it then that in the US obesity is one of the leading causes for death and ailiement and not smoking?


obesity could be seen as destroying the body

so UK's post is practically invalid

if the body really is a gift from god



if i ever get my own house i think it will be non smoking - smokers (if my parents visit) will have to use outside..

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Lol ok, you see you're an example of an unreasonable comment.

If fast foods are fine then why is it then that in the US obesity is one of the leading causes for death and ailiement and not smoking?


So... eating fast foods alone makes you fat now, does it? What about other reasons like inheritance of obesity and lack of excercise. Smoking isn't a leading cause of death, because it isn't a disease. However, many cancers and diseases are caused by smoking, unlike fast food.


It may be unfair, but you should've thought of that before you destroyed your cilia and lungs with tobacco.

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There are very few that eat fastfood everyday, but many that smoke every day. Nearly everyone eats junk food now and then, many fewer smoke, so the number of deaths attributed to smoking is particularly shocking because it comes from such a small percentage of the population.


The leading causes of death in the US in 2004 (according to the CDC) were


Heart disease: 654,092

Cancer: 550,270

Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 150,147

Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 123,884

Accidents (unintentional injuries): 108,694

Diabetes: 72,815

Alzheimer's disease: 65,829

Influenza/Pneumonia: 61,472

Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 42,762

Septicemia: 33,464


The American Heart Institution says that



Cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the United States. It accounts for nearly 440,000 of the more than 2.4 million annual deaths


If about 10% of the population is doing about 20% of the countries dying something is up with that.

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So... eating fast foods alone makes you fat now, does it? What about other reasons like inheritance of obesity and lack of excercise. Smoking isn't a leading cause of death, because it isn't a disease. However, many cancers and diseases are caused by smoking, unlike fast food.


It may be unfair, but you should've thought of that before you destroyed your cilia and lungs with tobacco.


There really is no discussion with you, you are the Goebbels of the anti-smoking campaign. If you don't believe that obesity, in which fast food is a major contributer to, can cause diseases and complications in latter life then there really is no point talking to you.


Lol, inheritance. The lazy mans excuse.


And Mr Odwin. http://www.doctorslounge.com/primary/articles/obesity_death/

Nice to have a reasonable argument :)

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Umm yeah, it does.


Thats funny, last time I checked, my toned cousin who eats chips and/or crisps everyday isn't obese. Though obviously, you know from personal experience, just like me, don't you?


There really is no discussion with you, you are the Goebbels of the anti-smoking campaign. If you don't believe that obesity, in which fast food is a major contributer to, can cause diseases and complications in latter life then there really is no point talking to you.


Lol, inheritance. The lazy mans excuse.


Yeah, inheritance. Scientists of the modern age found that out, thin ones. Fast foods may be a major contributer, just not the only one, like you suggested.


Hmmm, Geobbles, 'ey? I thought Himler of anti smoking, but thats just me.


The fact you can even feel better by comparing a terrible habit to another is beyond me.

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Goebbels was the minister of propaganda and a zealot, that was the comparison.


The fact you are able to claim one habit is a sin and another is totally justified baffles me.


I also don't think you're toned cousin with the poor diet is sufficient scientific evidence to justify that fast foods are unrelated to obesity.

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Thats funny, last time I checked, my toned cousin who eats chips and/or crisps everyday isn't obese. Though obviously, you know from personal experience, just like me, don't you?




Yeah, inheritance. Scientists of the modern age found that out, thin ones. Fast foods may be a major contributer, just not the only one, like you suggested.


Hmmm, Geobbles, 'ey? I thought Himler of anti smoking, but thats just me.


The fact you can even feel better by comparing a terrible habit to another is beyond me.


Haha wtf, it says you're quoting me, but in actual fact you're quoting Moria who is quoting UK XD

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Goebbels was the minister of propaganda and a zealot, that was the comparison.


The fact you are able to claim one habit is a sin and another is totally justified baffles me.


I also don't think you're toned cousin with the poor diet is sufficient scientific evidence to justify that fast foods are unrelated to obesity.


Thats because some good comes from fast food- it fills you up, gives you energy, etc, etc. Most people in this country will try fast foods now and again. Thankfully, the same cannot be said about smoking.

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Yo twozzok - That's damn cool! I'd seriously come up with a theory just like that a while ago, and it's hard for me to explain it. I think that the last moment stretches on forever... if it's anything like the effects of Nitrous then I'm all for it!




Is brainwashing still considered brainwashing if it's benevolent, or is the benevolence itself subject to who is deeming it good or bad?


I mean, UK, not all smokers get cancer, ok? It's a chance - and a Choice. Stop being so damn angry at them. If you seriously believe all this sin shit, then you should just pity us, for is that not what good christians do? Or are you just borrowing statements from whatever fits your argument, regardless of whether you agree with it fully or not?


Passive smoking is the only pivot you've got. And you're too young for it so you'll never truly appreciate the difference the smoking ban has made on pubs and clubs - but be a bit grateful? Probably not.



You're still avoiding the subject of passive smoking. I don't give a shit how you die. A smoker can live to 110 and die from parachute failure on his birthday, or shrivel away at 55 with lung, bowel, heart and liver cancer crying "I don't want to die, it hurts so much, I wish I'd never smoked". Whatever, you made your choice.


It's when kids and stuff have to suffer that bothers me. When people aren't thinking about those around them. If you live with a smoker you increase your chance of lung cancer by 20-30%. That's insane! Just imagine killing your sister's kid or your grandchild or your roommate or your own children one day cos "hey everyone dies someday, somehow".


.. So I'm not going to be smoking in the flat now, I'm guessing?


:( :(

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Yo twozzok - That's damn cool! I'd seriously come up with a theory just like that a while ago, and it's hard for me to explain it. I think that the last moment stretches on forever... if it's anything like the effects of Nitrous then I'm all for it!




Is brainwashing still considered brainwashing if it's benevolent, or is the benevolence itself subject to who is deeming it good or bad?


I mean, UK, not all smokers get cancer, ok? It's a chance - and a Choice. Stop being so damn angry at them. If you seriously believe all this sin shit, then you should just pity us, for is that not what good christians do? Or are you just borrowing statements from whatever fits your argument, regardless of whether you agree with it fully or not?


Passive smoking is the only pivot you've got. And you're too young for it so you'll never truly appreciate the difference the smoking ban has made on pubs and clubs - but be a bit grateful? Probably not.





.. So I'm not going to be smoking in the flat now, I'm guessing?


:( :(


I've got nothing against smokers. I pity them, sure. But my fight is with the habit, not the smokers. I do know not all smokers get cancer. However, the increased risk is too dangerous to ignore.


I saw a fat man smoking and drinking today, and I felt for him. He clearly won't live to 60 if he keeps it up.

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