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  ViPeR said:
I miss...


Playing 4 player Mario Kart 64 and Goldeneye.

Good cartoons i.e. Original Turtles, Thundercats e.t.c.

80's programs like Crystal Maze, Funhouse, Power Rangers.


A time when the internet was new, awesome, and 56k was fucking fast.

Shit 80's programs we watched anyway because we were little like Are you afraid of the dark?

The war between Sega and Nintendo fans.

The times before reality TV.

Reading 'Goosebumps' and actually enjoying it.

Where's Wally?

Trading footy stickers for the new 'Premier League' sticker albums. "I GOT MAN U SHINY!!!"

When consoles were rated by 'bit'. "OMFG! 64 bit!"

Noels House Party.


Even more things that i miss, but forgot to comment.


I also miss


Decent kids TV (when the BBC and ITV both had shows that i wanted to watch)

The privilege of using the Internet when it was a reward to use, now it is all over the place and can be used anytime

My Gerbils (died about 6 years ago)

Friday and Saturday night TV (now Challenge will suffice for now)

The time when owning a mobile phone made you popular in school

  Ant-Shimmin said:
What was that program about the Dog (Pippin) the plane and the 60 year old grannie?


It was frickin Awesome...


Where she would go with the dog into a helicopter or was it a byplane can't remember now. I do believe it was for education school series. But the old grannie is Mar from Darling Buds of May, and is also in Rosemary and Tyme.

  Mr.X said:
Where she would go with the dog into a helicopter or was it a byplane can't remember now. I do believe it was for education school series. But the old grannie is Mar from Darling Buds of May, and is also in Rosemary and Tyme.


It was a Plane of some sort...


Nostalgia hit me, drinking milk sitting in the hall and watching it....:))))

  Mr.X said:
The TV show that I miss the most is The Herbs, with Sage the owl and Parsley the lion.


Ahh, the memories.


I have all the videos of that program still :heart:


  Ant-Shimmin said:
What was that program about the Dog (Pippin) the plane and the 60 year old grannie?


It was frickin Awesome...



Come outside!! :yay:

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