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I got the vibe it was a piss poor translation for the most part. It's a curious book and it's really made in the last chapter. Some quite frightening and beautiful ideas are made explicit.


Maybe it's because I saw the film (2002) first, I felt that established a much better sense of physical isolation than the book. However, the book definitely gets across the emotional isolation more completely - in fact one of the best dialogues in the film is lifted word for word from the translation I read. Also the planet is much more predominant in the book, and the history its given is interesting to read, giving it a whole slide of different levels.


The last chapter really justifies the book, I felt, and has a feel of awe. Loved it.



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Sam Bourne: The Final Reckoning


Better than that Dan Brown rubbish. It got a bit predictable in the middle, but I think this was done on purpose so that the final twist etc and the ending were that much more enjoyable. I love his style, shame I left the other one of his series that I have, at home =/


A solid 8/10 not as good as the other but still a very good read I think.


Brought two more Lee Childs books to read whilst at uni for the next couple of weeks, but I forgot I have already read one so I'm not sure what I shall read in the mean time. Forgotten how much I just love to read a good book in my spare time that doesn't have anything to do with my course.

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Ultimate X-Men: Magnetic North



Not sure if it counts, but it was in book form and I read it.

I enjoyed it. I liked that they more if Polaris, and Magneto was done well in general. Unsure about how I feel Re:

Mystique's debut. It had a whiff of Deus Ex Machina, even if it built up throughout the story. It would have felt better if she'd appeared previously.

They handled Colossus' coming out well, uneventful and not a big deal.


I know I mentioned in the comics thread that I have a morbid desire to own the woeful Ultimates 3, but I realised another thing that makes no sense; Scarlet Witch's death in itself. She's too good in Magnetic North, dodging Longshot easily, but get's shot and dies randomly in Ultimates 3. Although IIRC there's some vague thing about her having to work out the math of probabilities and stuff. So maybe she did that in preparation for Longshot? Reminds me of shite either way. (I don't consider this a spoiler as Ultimates 3 is subtitled "Who Killed Scarlet Witch?")

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Just finished this. I think it is just brilliant, especially considering Ellis was 19 when he wrote it and as his début novel...just stunning and painful. I love his minimalist style - I think it is beautifully matched to the subject matter.


Disappear Here/10

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