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So Astonishing X-Men was rumoured to be finished at 35, with the end of Exogenetic, and Warren Ellis finishing up the side-series, Xenogenetic. <3 Everything about "Astonishing" has been so definitive. Joss Whedon + John Cassaday. Of course. Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi. Fuck me. Ellis and Phil Jimenez. Loves it. Ellis and Kaare Andrews. I'm open and ready.


Now this was announced...



Daniel Way from Wolverine is writing, with some random artist.


Astonishing is no longer definitive. Get it away from me.


Even if it's good.


I wanted them to completely shift the line-up so it was TOO stunning. Cyclops, Emma, Storm, Magneto, Namor and Pixie. A team I never imagined existing. Oh well.

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Simon Bianchi is as dreadful as Daniel Way is awesome, so your logic is flawed.


Frak are you on? Fair enough people not liking Frank Quitely, but Bianchi?






He's such an artist. His panel layouts are gorgeous too.


I'm not judging Daniel Way as I've not read anything by him, I just commented how, in conjunction with the new artist, the feeling of bein "definitive" has gone from the book.

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Gambit should go to a special school. Where they teach how to be a good character.


*really bad insult*


I'm currently reading various runs of X-Men I missed in my general hiatus of reading the series since Morrison left and Fraction begun. I just started the Re:Load (i.e the era where they all went back to costume - Whedon etc) X-Men series, with the much-maligned Chuck Austen writing. I found nothing wrong with it tbh. I never read all of his Uncanny work though...I found his first two arcs fine. And at the time, I liked his team. Anyway. Yeah, I enjoyed Heroes and Villains and stuff.


Salvador Larroca is a definitive artist. Same school as Jim Lee. Anything he does seems like it's the official version.


Started Golgotha by Peter Milligan (the next writer after Austen) and so far it's erratically paced, to say the least. Heard it's a massive let down compared to X-Statix.


Why was I saying this?


Oh yeah.


Austen actually started a Gambit story in motion that could have been cool - he's blinded in the first issue (IIRC) while trying to rescue Xorn, and then later on, it's revealed that he can see any object he charges with kinetic energy, and it becomes a kinda "crystal ball", with visions and premotions within it - that's how he knows that the Brotherhood were on the grounds.


I was quite intrigued. And how Mindee Cuckoo had to help him see psychically. Then fucking Claremont had Sage jump-start him and cure his blindness. UM.


Anyway. I liked that idea they started with him, but never finished.


And I like the team line-up from this era.



Polaris. <3

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I do like Wolverine, and he does more here than he "does" in Whedon's Astonishing, but I loved that Wolverine wasn't the main focus of Astonishing, but was just there, adding, silently. Astonishing is also better written in general.


He's fine in this line-up..so far (just at the end of Golgotha) Rogue has been most dissapointing. Not really done much/lived up to the character. I like how Emma is part of the team (replacing Juggernaut after he leaves), cause nowadays she's such a loss - Fraction has fucked her up, and she's just Cyclops' arm candy. Nice seeing her "on her own".

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Just in case people missed the link/excuse to post more:





Psylocke (not sure about the sash being weirdly placed though...)





The only comics one that is a complete miss is his Selene, from the Hellfire Club. She just doesn't evoke the character/look good.

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My friend in the industry (worked on TDK) said that Tom Hardy has been cast in Batman 3. Ive searched for announcements and not found any so Ive asked him if this is inside info. Ill report back when he replies.


If true then hopefully he is The Riddler as he'd be excellent I reckon.


Oh just found the report (on IGN) saying that Deadline reported it....thus I deem it complete and utter bullshit until Warner Bros confirm it. Carry on folks.

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