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I started a tpb blog a few months ago, was planning on reviewing my collection and all the new ones I got. Dont think I even made one post.


Ordered this earlier as its out this week. Shame I didnt really enjoy any of the other arcs after the first Big Time one, was hoping it would get ASM back on track for me.



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Yeah, although I do really like Spidey nothing has compared or come close to the first three arcs for me. Which was the rigid rota of Ramos/Caselli/Martin....then that rota seemed to become a "One of those artists if you are lucky but might be and probably will be some shit artist" and yeah the stories themselves have been quite meh since then. Well Spider Island could be and hopefully will be good then I will be happy to see mre new and classic villains



Also new spidey ult has been revealed - Im pumped!.

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My number one anticipation right now is the Image/Millar/Quitely.


Good, and obviously I would have loved Quitely to have done Planet X, but I already love Jiminez being the 'one who kills Jean Grey'. :awesome:

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The LEGO SUPER HEROES Marvel collection will spotlight three Marvel franchises – Marvel’s The Avengers movie, and X-Men and Spider-Man classic characters. The LEGO Marvel’s The Avengers movie line brings such ever popular Marvel characters as Iron Man, The Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye, Loki and Black Widow to LEGO minifigure form. The LEGO X-Men collection includes minifigure comic versions of Wolverine, Magneto, Nick Fury and Deadpool, while the LEGO Spider-Man sets offer minifigure comic versions of Spider-Man, and Doctor Octopus. The first buildable characters in the LEGO SUPER HEROES collection are highlighted by Captain America, The Hulk and Iron Man.


LEGO Deadpool. Hawkeye. Black Widow. Fury. Magneto. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss. (In addition to the ones we already knew about).


I so hope they do the Helicarrier. They'll obviously do a Quinjet at the very least.

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Tempted to start getting the Spider-Man Complete Clone Saga Epic trades. Ive only read some of the Clone Saga but despite everyone moaning about it, its one I would like to own.


Do they include all the Ben Reilly issues? There were tonnes of them. I never read the actual thrust of the Clone Saga, I came in (into comics actually) when Ben was already Spidey.

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I was reading a review and it looks like theyve altered the reading order so its following Ben Reilly from his creation onwards. Apparently it does cause a bit of confusion though as it includes Spider-Man The Lost Years (which I already have in trade) and that follow Ben Reilly after he left New York but apparently knows (at that time) that he is the real Peter Parker but that hasnt been found out yet in the story.

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I might one day read the original story. I liked a lot of the adventures Ben had as Spidey, I was sad to see him go. But I liked a lot of 90s Spidey post-Ben too. Until the AWFUL John Byrne/Howard Machie issues (when MJ was 'dead'). Then JMS took over and it shot up in quality, before becoming kinda mediocre again. Then I stopped reading. [/un-asked for history of my Spidey reading]


I want to read the Operation Zero Tolerance arc/s of X-Men too, I stopped reading in the 90's/00's for that whole arc, for some reason.

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I keep flip flopping between what trades to order next. Earlier as you know it was the Clone Saga stuff but now ive been wondering about finishing my New Avengers collection and starting on the Ms Marvel trades.


Scratch that, made my decision. I went for:




Wanted to get Ms Marvel from the beginning but the first trade wasnt in stock so as ive already read the entire run I just started with some of the ones I remember enjoying first.

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Yep, really very few black characters of much 'importance' in the two big companies comics atm. Storm, one of the first major black superheroes but also the first black woman to have any role of any importance in comics is barely registering in X-Men atm. Black Panther is the only other black Marvel character who is supposed to be 'important' in universe but I don't think he's doing much either. And Storm is lumped off with him as well. Make of that what you will.


Oh Luke Cage too I suppose.


Cyborg is being put into the Justice League (see Happenstance's sig/av) come September, which I think they even said was to get some minority characters into the spotlight but like...why is that a bad thing? I don't get it. When it comes at the cost of a good story, or ruins stories or something yeah, maybe. But it won't hurt the 99% white comic universes.


Basically this is a good thing. But also it's such a non-thing to have a crazy reaction about.

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So the new Spider-Man is a black kid. Which is kinda cool, seeing as black super heroes seem to be pretty rare or a gimmick.


Collected here are some of the reactions. And yeah… the world sucks.




Mr PP becomes Señor MM. Could be good or it could well be a mockery.


Spider Island looms.

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So the new Spider-Man is a black kid. Which is kinda cool, seeing as black super heroes seem to be pretty rare or a gimmick.


Collected here are some of the reactions. And yeah… the world sucks.




I don't think they got the "I want to see his birth certificate" comment, which I assume was ironic.


I don't know why people are getting so het up. I know Spider-Man has always been Peter Parker but as far as a mythology goes it could apply to anyone. Hell there's Spider-Girl, I presume she was 'created' in a similar way.

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Update JLA covers





David Finch variant



Wonder Woman would be better in a skirt now. :hmm:


Wow. Can't believe they buckled with that one. The trousers were great, really gave her an authoritative feel (make of that what you will no.2)...the pants just, for me, cast her back as 'sexyfemaleheroine'. Ugh.

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There are so many problems in the super-hero comic world. The poor representation of women, minority races and non-heterosexuals.


I only say they are a problem because I can only imagine their readership going up if they implemented some more of these types of characters, without that background part of their character being THEIR trait.


For example, where a gay character to join the Justice League it could go two ways. Call them "The Pink Fist" and have their power being able to spot a sale from a mile away. Or they could just make the new Batman and Robin a gay couple and be totally badass and it not be an issue.


Anyone saying minorities are forcing representation on people need to really take a look at how "white, straight, Americans" have been forced upon minorities as the norm for God knows how many years.


Why not a gay Wonder Woman? A black Superman? Or just more kick-ass females who aren't just designed to make nerds wet. I mean... I'd start reading more comics if they were a bit braver with their representations.

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The problem, or at least part of the problem, is the audience. There's a lot of people out there who will fap about any woman, even those that aren't hypersexualised.


I think the indie comic scene may be more suited for you Hamish. Although I say that as someone who doesn't read any but it...makes sense. To me.

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Wow. Can't believe they buckled with that one. The trousers were great, really gave her an authoritative feel (make of that what you will no.2)...the pants just, for me, cast her back as 'sexyfemaleheroine'. Ugh.


Yeah. The new costume on her doesn't really look okay at all without the pants unlike her old costume. Also Cyborg is missing from the variant as well.

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TBF, the very first openly gay superhero, Northstar (from/in Alpha Flight at the time, but a mutant so joined and is in the X-Men) has never had it be a 'defining trait' in the comics. It comes up every now and again, but in positive ways. Same with the other gay characters I can think of.


And women are represented better than they have been in the past (what a blanket statement...) a little. Obviously it's not the 60's anymore. Virtually all female heroes are portrayed as attractive, but then so are all men. Then there's cases like Hulk, who is obviously such an exaggeration and monsterous version of masculinity it becomes scary/horrific, but then She-Hulk is usually depicted as just a an incredibly sexy female body-builder. She is however often written very well and is considered to be a bit of a statement of owning who she is/female independance/strength as a character...she can transform back to normal appearance but prefers to appear taller and bulkier than most men. That's all fine and dandy, but there's something to be questioned as much as there to be praised in the fact she's a 7ft sex godess, green or not.


(( I want to investigate all this PC/feminism/etc stuff because there's so many pluses/negatives on either side of every debate. ))


(( Forgot Mystique, openly in a lesbian (though not that word used at the time) relationship with another woman, an old woman at that, both 'villainess' - but really just activists with extreme views in some cases - , both raising an adopted daughter. Mystique, a mutant with the power to appear as anyone she wishes, literally to blend in, chooses not to because she shouldn't have to. The best character. This was in the 80's too. ))


Like, is it sexualising and depowering to have Wonder Woman, a superpowerful female ambassador for peace in underwear, when she looks more commanding and authoritative in trousers? But isn't that just our perception of trousers entailing more authority and pants being underwear? 'Wearing the trousers' and all that. Or is it depowering to put her in trousers - are trousers a symbol of male/patriarchal/societal oppression and force, when she could wear pants and be in full control of her sexuality and body? Women have had to cover up for centuries (and still in many places in the world), or they were seen as harlots, whores etc. Is it not more expowering for her to exert her own control of her body? But then women fought to be ABLE to wear trousers, when they had to wear dresses before, at the 'command' of the patriarchy, and thus they were always sexualised by their dress. Is wearing less showing her vulnerability and being sexually suggestive in a submissive way, or is it showng her absolute confidence and dominance? But as a fictional character, she can, and has been/is drawn and depicted as appealing to the average male's sexual fantasies of a woman.



What is it was reversed? That looks gay. Or like some feminist propaganda or something, maybe. So really it all does come to the perception of things by the general public/most the reader demographic.


I don't know what to think/where I stand/what to do.

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Tell you what she needs:





A Hoplite skirt. Feminine by today's standards but with a warrior heritage, associated with one of the most powerful civilizations the world has ever known. She wore something a bit like it in Kingdom Come, but it was quite sexualised. She should wear powerful clothing. And it's Greek! aside from her war-era genesis, I never got why she'd wear stars.

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The problem, or at least part of the problem, is the audience. There's a lot of people out there who will fap about any woman, even those that aren't hypersexualised.


I think the indie comic scene may be more suited for you Hamish. Although I say that as someone who doesn't read any but it...makes sense. To me.


While I want to avoid being in anything can be labelled a "scene", I do read a lot of independent comics and that's actually the area I'd like to move into. I've been developing graphic novels for a long time. I find a lot of super-hero stuff to be a bit nutty. (Something will apparently start out set in the real world and then next week they go to visit superman because there's an alien dinosaur trapped in a mediaeval prison or something...) And yeah... it's nearly impossible to "get into" this without help and advice, with so many universes and backstories... yeah. I prefer self contained stories.

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In the last canon origin (and the actually pretty good animated movie) it's because she wears the flag of the pilot who crashes on Themyscrya, and then when finally goes on her mission to man's world, it's to America. I can't remember if...it's for any reason or not, though...


Actually that just might be in the movie. I remember in the 80's redo of her origin, she comes to the US without being able to speak english (makes sense) and in a toga/thing. So I guess she just decided to wear the flag after living in the US for a while.


But yes, I agree. And I think Frank Millar's Wonder Woman captures a little of that too (if they wanted her to still look superhero-y and not too like she's in 300). Her character is much more defined though, mission-statement wise. As anyone whose read All-Star Batman wil know.


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JLA advert:



Tell you what she needs:





A Hoplite skirt. Feminine by today's standards but with a warrior heritage, associated with one of the most powerful civilizations the world has ever known. She wore something a bit like it in Kingdom Come, but it was quite sexualised. She should wear powerful clothing. And it's Greek! aside from her war-era genesis, I never got why she'd wear stars.


The DCU Online gets it right:


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