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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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I'm still enjoying DQV.


[spoiler=]The bit at the end of your childhood is truly heartbreaking! It's some of the most powerful storytelling I've seen in a game, what Pankraz has to do.



Does anyone else feel guilty about not letting a monster join your team? I only want one of each type, that's why I turn them away, but I still feel bad!


I don't feel there's much grinding in these games, which is great, obviously! Like Hero of Time said, it's more to be able to afford the weapons and armour.


Emerald Emblem, you would probably like DQIV as well, and definitely play VIII on the PS2 while it's still available! I just think there are so many subtle things about V that make it better than IV - better dialogue and accents, more focused story etc, as well as better music. Despite using the same "remake" engine as IV, I think V benefits from having been originally designed on the SNES rather than the NES. It feels like I'm playing a great SNES game that was never released in Europe, because, of course, that's what it is! :)


EDIT - I forgot to say the "Talk to Your Party" feature is in V too, which I think is quite an important part of Dragon Quest.


I also played the TnT game and won first time!

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What I seem to got into the habit of doing is making my way to the nearest town, checking the shops to see what armour and weapons are to be had and then just spend all my time building up cash to afford these. After I have done this I level up a couple more times and then head off to the next destination and repeat the same steps.


There's a great money making scheme in chapter 3 as long as you don't progress enough to make it unavailable.

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Here's a tip for DQV players - keep a Slime and a Healslime in your wagon at all times. The Healslime is great for the "Heal All" function, even if he's not in your 4-man party. The Slime, on the other hand, got me out of a great deal of trouble yesterday.


I was in a cave when a Rockbomb went off and KO'd most of my party. I was only left with one of those "robot statutes", but he couldn't cast Evac. Luckily, the cave was wide enough to take my wagon in, and I had a Slime that could cast Evac! Phew!


Why do I have to get married? I want to be a bachelor boy! I'll feel guilty if I don't marry Bianca, but I get the feeling Nera is the hottie. It's hard to tell, as she's only made up of a few pixels!



By the way, the sprite animation in this game is fantastic.

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Here's a tip for DQV players - keep a Slime and a Healslime in your wagon at all times. The Healslime is great for the "Heal All" function, even if he's not in your 4-man party. The Slime, on the other hand, got me out of a great deal of trouble yesterday.


I was in a cave when a Rockbomb went off and KO'd most of my party. I was only left with one of those "robot statutes", but he couldn't cast Evac. Luckily, the cave was wide enough to take my wagon in, and I had a Slime that could cast Evac! Phew!


Have a slime knight to begin with, he has good offence as well as good healing spells, he is a great help until you get halfway through the game.



Why do I have to get married? I want to be a bachelor boy! I'll feel guilty if I don't marry Bianca, but I get the feeling Nera is the hottie.


Simple, just pick one, and after you complete the game go through it again and pick the other xD



By the way, the sprite animation in this game is fantastic.

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Have a slime knight to begin with, he has good offence as well as good healing spells, he is a great help until you get halfway through the game.


Oh yes indeed. I've had a Slime Knight in my "Angelo" position all the way - great healer and fighter.

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Why do I have to get married? I want to be a bachelor boy! I'll feel guilty if I don't marry Bianca, but I get the feeling Nera is the hottie. It's hard to tell, as she's only made up of a few pixels!



Because it's vital to the story :P

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Why do I have to get married? I want to be a bachelor boy! I'll feel guilty if I don't marry Bianca, but I get the feeling Nera is the hottie. It's hard to tell, as she's only made up of a few pixels!





There you are. i couldn't help pick Nera even from the pixels i had a feeling she was the most suited to what I liked, Can't help thinking the game guilt trips you to pick Bianca.




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Im still plugging away at DQIV. At the moment ive just started the chapter with the short and fat shopkeeper guy. Im assuming that all of these little stories and their heroes come together at the end, yes? Im hoping they do otherwise it will be a bit of a letdown.


They do, but it's not a particularly intricate link.


I preferred these chapters to the last one, as they were more simple and focused. Wasn't too keen on the Torneko chapter though - I stood in the shop for a while wondering when I could leave! The older Dragon Quests certainly have an "innovative" method of storytelling!

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Got a DSi on Thursday and found myself back playing DQ 5 on it over the weekend- bigger and brighter screens ftw! Its quite a step up from my old original DS! :grin: I closed out the final stages of DQ 5 and have watched the credits roll, so here are my overall impressions. I'll try to be vague with the spoilers.


All in all, its a top game. I got it when it released earlier this year and played it to death for about 30 hours... but then lost interest. Everything up til just after where you get turned to stone had me gripped and the game was overflowing with all the charm and heart we hear it being touted for. Going through your life, the way every little task and detail was there to be delighted in, the game atmosphere- a top drawer experience if ever there was one. It just all wore off on me somehow.


I wanted to get Debora back sooner than I did and I didn't particularly enjoy all the stuff leading up to rescuing her. I tinkered around with using some monsters but it wasn't the same as having humans. :( I know there were some people ready to be added if you wanted via Patty, but I wasn't interested in them. The irony of it all was that when I got Debora back, she was weak as hell. I levelled her up in the Underworld and went to the casino to get her the Gringham Whip, but even then she was barely holding her own, lol.


In the end I got about 40 hours from the game and if 30 hours of that was quality, then thats not a bad return. Some of that went into me trying to get a metal slime which never happened, but it was still addictive to try. There's still the post-game stuff to return to but I don't think I'll be delving back in straight away. I've left the post-game of DQ 4 for a later date too. I kept a separate save from just before where I chose who I wanted as my wife, so I can go back and continue with Bianca or Nera if and when I get the urge.


Great little game, just went downhill for me!


*awaits the killer kirby backlash*

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Nice review, darksnowman. I'm still loving it, but you mentioned some of the things I really thought were negative points too.


However, I quickly regained my enjoyment, and the cave last night was an absolute blast!


The one that leads to Zenithia.



I'm now in Fairy Lea again, but as an adult.


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*awaits the killer kirby backlash*


No need to, you stated a good reason as to not like the last bit of the game, I ain't going to hound you down for it when you have a good reason and explain it well :heh:


I am just replaying Dragon Quest VI on the SNES at the moment, can't wait to see what they are going to do with it on the DS ^_^

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No need to, you stated a good reason as to not like the last bit of the game, I ain't going to hound you down for it when you have a good reason and explain it well :heh:


How did you find the last section of DQ V? Do you think the game goes from strength to strength or did you lose a bit of interest towards the end too...?


What part do you think is the best/ worst? :heh:

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How did you find the last section of DQ V? Do you think the game goes from strength to strength or did you lose a bit of interest towards the end too...?


What part do you think is the best/ worst? :heh:


Hmm...hard to say to be honest, I usually stroll through most Dragon Quest games and enjoy it. I picked Nera for the wife since she is still the best out of the three (When you look at battle perspective she is better then the other 2)


I found it good, made everything click in in the end.

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Ahem... I accidentally recruited a Metal Slime last night. Wasn't even trying - must be my animal magnetism. ;) To be honest, I don't think I'll use him, as I heard it can make it too easy. My favourite monster is my Gigantes with Hela Hammer! :)

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I've got a Golem - a nice, trustworthy monster, but you can't equip him with a "critical hit" weapon (ie. one that does it particularly often) or armour with particularly good elemental defence. Still, he's permanently in my group of eight. I'm just slightly preferring the Warhog, Orc King and Gigantes at the moment.


PS - I think I'll try that with the Falcon Blade. Thanks for the tip.

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  • 4 weeks later...
After two years new scans of DQ VI appear.



Yay, at last some info. What does it say about DQIII in the bottom left?


To celebrate, I'll post a pic of my latest procurement:




A Metal Slime, She-Slime and some ghost thing which I can't remember the name of (who looked away when I took the photo :P).

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Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah *Gasp* Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


About FUCKING TIME!!!! I knew I was deprived of it after playing it 3 times on the SNES in a row two months ago >_<

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Well it definitely is high time we saw something of DQ VI. :hehe: Never played it in any of its previous incarnations, but judging by IV and V on DS, the third chapter of the Zenithian trilogy should be quality. Introduces a job system doesn't it? (Or maybe I dreamt that.)


Can't believe Ike is showing off to us with more of his buys. :heh:


I've not played DQ I-III before so I wouldn't mind them getting rereleases over here in some shape or form too.

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Well it definitely is high time we saw something of DQ VI. :hehe: Never played it in any of its previous incarnations, but judging by IV and V on DS, the third chapter of the Zenithian trilogy should be quality. Introduces a job system doesn't it? (Or maybe I dreamt that.)

It has the Dharma Temple in it (a temple that allows you to change class), just like III had it as well as VII and IX, so basically the second time DQ puts it in.


Shame I don't have a digital camera too show you my stuff :heh:


I've not played DQ I-III before so I wouldn't mind them getting rereleases over here in some shape or form too.


Want to play it that much you need 1 US NES, Dragon Warrior I, II, III :heh:

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Want to play it that much you need 1 US NES, Dragon Warrior I, II, III :heh:


Or a Game Boy Colour since they got a remake on there. Only released in Japan and the US unfortunately. I have Dragon Warrior I & II (both are one 1 cart), but not III.


My Dragon Quest IX soundtrack shipped during the night which I wasn't expecting. I only ordered it because I wanted something else from Yes Asia and I needed something else in order to get free shipping and that was the only thing I could think of.

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