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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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Got up to Psaro when I was playing this in bed in the early hours of the morning. Got him to lose his head and arms, then that green thing burst out his abdomin, put up a decent fight but I got killed so I think I was close to beating him. Could have done better but I started the fight without full hp and a fair bit of MP for Ark and Meena had been drained. Now to trek to get too him again :heh:


Nah you had a few rounds in the ring to go, but the quick and easy way to do things shadow is to create a quick save. Because unlike monster joker the save can be reloaded many times.

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DQV arrived!


Ngamer also gave it a score of 75% in their review.


Nice one! I won't find out til later whether mine arrived or not... suspense!


Any chance of a synopsis of that NGamer review? What were their problems with it? I'm guessing buzzwords like "archaic" pop up a fair bit. Do they slag of the menu's too? Are there any negatives they mention that are actually valid? :heh:

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Nice one! I won't find out til later whether mine arrived or not... suspense!


Any chance of a synopsis of that NGamer review? What were their problems with it? I'm guessing buzzwords like "archaic" pop up a fair bit. Do they slag of the menu's too? Are there any negatives they mention that are actually valid? :heh:


Yep, they mention the battle system is old, they liked the ability to recruit monsters to fight with, the game has multiple ending but they claim not everyone will replay the game (they said it takes 20 hours to complete) and the game is accessible.


Graphics: 8

Audio: 8

Gameplay: 6

Innovation: 7



Another Strong offering for RPG fans to sink their teeth into, with some great graphical updates, but be warned: this is two parts work, one part play.

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V seems alot harder than IV, I've already had to grind in order to proceed and I'm at the start of the game! Also because I thought you couldn't use the Inn and I had no healing items.


The new enemy animations are really nice, I honestly thought they would reuse the DQIV animations, but it doesn't seem to be the case (unless I've forgot).


Been using the team talk alot and it's amazing how many responses their are, Biance responds to everyone you talk to (so far).

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Yeah, and hows about the music Ike? So good! :o


I finally got the DS on last night at about 10pm and before I knew it about 1h45 had disappeared while I played DQ 5. It is kinda harder, I wouldn't say I've grinded at all but I did die in the ghost tower. That was still cool though because it showed Bianca hauling my carcass (ok, unconscious body) back into the inn which I thought was a really nice touch!


I used party talk a bit with her and once or twice just got a response of "..." so I guess they don't always have something to say. Her comments were mostly pretty cool, and it does add an extra something to the characters. So I made it up to the faerie land and thats where I saved it because it would have been madness to play it late into the wee small hours- despite wanting to!

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Yeah, and hows about the music Ike? So good! :o


Of course!


I thought it was rather creepy when


Bianca gets kidnapped by the ghosts and you find her in the grave.




I finally got the DS on last night at about 10pm and before I knew it about 1h45 had disappeared while I played DQ 5. It is kinda harder, I wouldn't say I've grinded at all but I did die in the ghost tower. That was still cool though because it showed Bianca hauling my carcass (ok, unconscious body) back into the inn which I thought was a really nice touch!


I used party talk a bit with her and once or twice just got a response of "..." so I guess they don't always have something to say. Her comments were mostly pretty cool, and it does add an extra something to the characters.


If you talk to someone then use party immediately after, Bianca tends to comment on what they said.


The guard blocking the exiting to the town, after you speak to him Bianca will tell you he falls asleep at night, or if you talk to the kids bulling the "cat" Bianca will tell you a bit about them.




The graphics are improved and it's a lot more animated, like when Pakraz picks up the baby or


when you enter the haunted castle you are shown the little animation of the gate closing and lightening strike.




The lightening flashing inside the castle also looked great.

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Thats pretty cool with party talk. When I get someone back in my party that I can talk to, I'll add using the party talk after talking to all NPCs to my list of OCD tasks lol!


Animation is better, yep. I thought it was maybe just me, so its nice to know someone else has noticed. Plus with other things like the lightning as you mentioned, its putting the charm levels of DQ 5 beyond those of 4 already. :hehe:

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H-o-T has no soul... confirmed.


Lol, yeah they did go to town with the translation, but if its any consolation, those opening Scottish villages are probably the ones with the thickest accents. The others are more like broken English rather than all out gibberish. :heh:


A quick DQ 5 update is that I'm through the opening child segment and its been fast paced so far. Well actually, I had to level up at the bit where I had to follow Pankraz off to the cave to rescue Prince Harry as Moggy and I kept getting pummelled. It was all good though, by no means a boring grind.


I dunno whats set to happen with Prince Harry later in the game, but even if he does somehow redeem himself, I dunno if I can forgive him for what happened in that cave when we went to rescue his ass. :angry:


I bought the wagon and have had a few monsters join me. Cool feature.

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A quick DQ 5 update is that I'm through the opening child segment and its been fast paced so far. Well actually, I had to level up at the bit where I had to follow Pankraz off to the cave to rescue Prince Harry as Moggy and I kept getting pummelled. It was all good though, by no means a boring grind.


I must admit, I don't mind a bit of grinding as long as you get a decent amount of EXP. It gives you a chance to familiarise yourself with the locations and enemies.

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I must admit, I don't mind a bit of grinding as long as you get a decent amount of EXP. It gives you a chance to familiarise yourself with the locations and enemies.


Gotta agree. I've no qualms with taking time out for a good old level up as long as it feels like you are making progress. Nothing wrong with killing baddies, getting used to what kind of attacks they are capable of and exploring all the while getting stronger and getting some cash together.

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I fired up DQIV for the first time yesterday and knocked it off after about 10 mins. Im sorry but I just cant get away with the stupid accents, it was like reading gibberish!


I thought the same thing when I first played I was like what the heck is this a direct engrish translation. But it seems to get better once you leave that particular area. Most people talk with a more normal dialect.

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The manual says it may be crucial to have the right character in the party to recruit certain characters. Anyone has a list of those?


Spoiled most of the game for me when I was searching for it on Gamefaqs, so I quit before I got anything solid. If it's too spoilerish don't mind.

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Hmm, I dunno. There aren't a whole lot of characters to get and I think they are all automatic entries to your party. Which part of the instruction book did you read about it? I'm having a look through now (and I see that the place Monty keeps your monsters is called Monstergarten... which sounds really cute to me, lol) and theres a bit on pg 39 that says:


[...] its not just monsters that join your party, but people too. Having the right person in the party at the right time can be crucial, and Patty's the girl to help make sure your party goes off with the right kind of bang!


It might not be what you are referring to, but if it is, from that I just take it that its important to make sure you have the right blend of monsters and people in your party for each situation the game throws at you.


The game switches people into your party when you enter towns and stuff so you have someone to party talk with, so you should always have people with you when you are encountering others. Other than that, I don't think having certain people with you increases the chances of certain monsters joining you.


Hope that helps! :hehe:

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The Official Nintendo Mag site have a (surprisingly) good review of DQ 5 up. Its a bit of cliché to just post up the final paragraph, but it sums up the review and game really well:


But perhaps the most epically epic thing about Heavenly Bride is the sense of fulfilment and gratification it gives you at nearly every turn. Yes, you do have to put the hours in, and yes some of it is grinding out experience points from repeated battles, but I'm damned if it doesn't pay you handsomely for it. Not only is there the never ending thrill of hearing the fanfare that greets your upping a level (second only to Zelda's ba-ba-ba-baah chest opening), but there's the joy of finding a double hard hammer in the next town, or a board game to while away some time. The sense of excitement at something brilliant being around the next corner makes this almost impossible to put down for weeks. Magnificent.


They gave it 90%.



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90% is a bit too high it's a enjoyable game but it's flawed.

I love the world, the battles (minus the random encounters every few seconds) the music and the Party Talk but everything else seems rather plain and repetitive. For example the characters have plenty of personality thanks to the inclusion of party talk but they seem rushed and undeveloped and monster recruiting seems completely random when they choose to join your group and party talk becomes useless with a whole group of monsters with one liners. So far I think I prefer the way Chapters of the Chosen was presented through several chapters as playing as the different heroes was interesting (well apart from the final two chapters)

I don't blame the game though because it's old school down to the core and it came out way before Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana etc


"I'm up to collecting the rings for Nera's dad after fetching that Zoom ingredient for that Professor"


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I married Debora too, but she did nothing but verbally abuse me, so I reset and married Nera instead.


Is Bjørn(Scandinavian letter :P) some evil side quest boss or do I have to beat him? He is kicking my ass left and right.

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