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Nintendo Wii 7 Months Later: How do you feel about remakes on the wii now?

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Right then, i am going to guess that some of you here might like the Nintendo Wii as do i!


I know that it is not in anyway a new idea and/or issue, but i thought that now we can see the situation with the wii properly and out of any launch hype etc i would bring it up again.


The wii is almost the ideal console for remaking games, why? because it does not require an enourmous graphical or technical overhaul to bring a game from last gen systems to it and more importantly for us as Nintendo fans, the possibility of adding wiimote functionality to an existing game has to potential almost transform the game into a completely different playing experience that was not available on the games first platform.


Back in the day i was worried when all these reports of loads of companies remaking games for the wii first came out, after all one of the big complaints about the PSP's catalogue is that so many games were from the PS2, we didn't want the wii to go down that route!


But now i find that my two most played games at the moment are Scarface and The Godfather, scarface doesn't use the wii controls anything like it could do, but the godfather has some great motion controls (some of you have already seen my demo of some of these controls but heres the link: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rn-9OIueZ2s)


The Godfather is one of my fave game at the moment and the wii version seems to be very nice over all and the wii controls certainly have an air of 'violent fun' to them, and i will now have to say that i have completely changed my mind on remakes.


The fact that we can have new versions of previous games as well as new games built from the ground up for the wii shows that the console easily has the potential for a wide range of projects.


And when we have got Nintendo making games i see little reason to worry, they are the best in the business.


So then have you got any concerns or hopes about remakes?

Has your view changed over time?


I eagerly await your input!


Personally I'd rather have a good sequel or original game, and I really hate the idea of porting a game almost exactly with just tacked on controls. Yes it does give players a wider selection games, but I don't think just adding new controls is really worth paying for. There should definitely be more effort made, in either rebalancing, new art/textures, more levels/secrets/missions, level tweaking etc. The best remake I've seen was the gamecubes remake of the original resident evil, it was practically rebuilt from the ground up.


I really hope they put alot of effort in Rockstar's Bully, simply because it was critically a good game but rather bombed at retail. If its more that a simple port with tacked on controls I won't be buying it.


Basically tacking on the wii controls, while leaving the rest of the game nearly identical just screams quick cash in. I'd rather devolpers put in a bit more time and thought rather than trying to make a last quick buck off an old game.


I quite like the prospects of some ports.


Since I sold my PlayStation to get an N64, I've only owned Nintendo consoles. Which means I missed out on a lot of great games, specially last gen with some developers ignoring the GameCube. So, to me, ports aren't so different to new games - I haven't played them before.


There are two important things though. First is the controls - they need to be well thought out and aid the gameplay, rather then hinder it. Secondly, extra content would be nice, too. But in some cases (like Scarface) I didn't really mind at all - It's long enough as it is.


Developers must not try to hide the fact that it's a port. I wonder if quite a few people who owned a GameCube than a Wii ended up with both Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones and Rival Swords, only to find out they were both the same game. That tactic is downright wrong. Resident Evil 4 didn't hide it at all - in fact it made it very clear that it was a GameCube game. Plus its awesome anyway.



That's another thing with ports. After playing some GameCube games after playing on the Wii, I've longed for remakes of them. I want a Wind Waker remake (preferably a "Directors Cut" with the dungeons put back in). I wouldn't mind a Metroid Prime Trilogy pack, either.



A good game is a good game, no matter what platform its on. If ports are pulled off well, then give them to us.



Of course, new games would be much better.


Personally I think it's good we are getting wii-makes. I remember playing Metal Gear Solid on the Gamecube and thinking back then it was a brilliant idea. It's only when developers are lazy and add nothing new that it becomes disgruntling/pointless. Recent news such as Bully coming to Wii with additional content arouses my interest too. It revitalises interest in the franchise..JUST for the control possibilities. Wii only!


However, I do worry about the sales of these games more than anything. If we can pick up vast amounts of cheap consoles/second hand games in Gamestation for less than the "NEW!" Wiimake then the idea will become redundant. Bully is £12 in Gamestation at the moment...Will the wiimake justify me forking out double that price? I think Resi 4 got it spot on. Add wiimote functionality add some other whistles and bells and make it cheap as chips. I bought Scarface last week for £24 in ASDA and I don't mind paying that at all. It's almost an impulse buy. It was right next to the XBOX version too which was £20. So £4 for additional, NEW controls and some slight graphical tweaking? Count-me-in.


The more the merrier really. As long as it doesn't become a trend setter or a means for publishers to see if original content will or will not sell on Wii, I'm more than happy. And yes, The Godfather feels absolutely perfect. If any of you are in the position of not playing this then please play it on Wii. The controls are well worth the remake.


I think there is a place for remakes and ports it gives the console a bigger portfolio and helps 3rd party developers gauge what people are buying as well as make wii development profitable which hopefully will ultimately lead to more original titles or fully fletched sequels. Also who can blame developers to some extent the wii market has so many non traditional gamers who won't have played a lot of these titles. These of course does not excuse the large number of sloppy ports we have seen...


I feel Capcom showed the right way with Resident Evil 4, it is a brilliant game made even better by the wii controls whilst they are simple they are great. The controls are everything you would expect from the wii controls but they are well implemented and defintly a challenger as some of the better controls on the wii for a third person game.


Another thing about Resi 4 is at this stage in the wii's lifespan where we aren't quite sure how powerful it is and what it can manage and how much better it can be than Resi 4 (easily the best non HD graphics I reckon), I feel the least we can expect is this quality.


I think Resident Evil 4 also went the right way with pricing (looks like scarface is also only £29.99 a lot of places and even cheaper with a bit of shopping around), these are simple ports we shouldn't be paying full whack for them.


I dunno, at first it was okay but it's really starting to cheese me off. I guess the part whcih annoys me is the fact that no one has bothered to do it with any of the games which suit it most, why arn't we getting games like Okami and Virtua Tennis when they suit a port so much more then games like Mortal Kombat? (The controls for that were woeful).


At the same time, it still feels like companies will dump all their crap on the Wii while putting the stellar stuff on the HD consoles. Just look at the low-budget crap Ubisoft put on the Wii while developing Assassin's Creed on the 360 / Ps3, I'm sorry but I just can't support that. I think that's really why people hate ports, simply cause it feels like no one is putting the effort in with great games other then Nintendo and EA.


It's luckily starting to change now, at least I'm see more and more original content on the Wii every day. Zack and Wiki is my most anticipated game of the year and there are a couple of other great games lined up from third parties, but to put it simply the quantity and quality of original content at the moment is lacking. I'm sure it'll have changed by 2008 though, you can't convince me that people are going to still be buying ports once games like Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy are out.


The thread title should be changed to 'How do you feel about ports'


None of the games mentioned here are remakes except for Resident Evil 1 and Twin Snakes, neither of which are Wii games.


All for them if the price is cheap, graphics a bit more polished, any framerate issues fixed up, etc.


Couldn't agree more with Cube about the "don't hide the fact that it's a port" thing. I also think PoP could've been a trilogy pack like they released on the PC & PS2.


I'm also quite happy with some ports, namely Resident Evil 4, although I have got the GC version already.

But what annoys me are ports with tacked on controls and no graphical overhaul that are still charged too much for what they are worth.

I also find it sad that some of the best games on the console are ports. Apart from Excite Truck and Super Paper Mario I don't have any outstanding games that aren't ports. My two outstanding games are Zelda and Resident Evil 4.

While it's good we're getting a lot of software it's also an easy way for developers to cash in and we won't see a decent effort on the console. Especially it won't do us much good because they still don't get that much experience to really put the hardware to good use and I'm thinking about graphics and controls as well because you can easily tell between games that were designed with the wiimote in mind and ones that got tacked the controls on.


If I get extra content with the games though I'm quite happy and moreso if they also try to upgrade the graphics. I don't need the coolest HDR and shader effects but sharp textures aren't too much to ask. As a matter of fact blurry textures are even sub-GC.


Some interesting idea's i agree with everybody about the wiimote controls being tacked on, the godfather game which i praise so highly doesn't really use them a great deal of the time, but when you do use them it is great! I think that it is a shame that devs are indeed cashing in like people here have said, and as a result of this we don't get the best possible quality ports but it is nice to have them and it is (normally) better than not having any control change at all! lol


I also agree with cube, i had only ever had handheld consoles until the gamecube, and i only had the gamecube for just around the last year of its life so i have also missed out on plenty of quality games, that i am now getting a chance to play!


Also on that idea, if there really are loads of 'new gamers' and what not buying the wii, then they are likely also to have missed out on various games, which means that there could well be a bigger market for these games than we imagine, especially the movie tie ins etc. But who knows perhaps these new and casual gamers won't be able to stop playing wiisports and big brain academy!


I dont mind ports with added Wii controls, especially since im only a Nintendo gamer. So I miss a lot of other mainstream games. The Cube missed on games like The Godfather, Scarface etc. So those games coming to Wii, feels new to me. Then again, I do think Wiimakes should be either:

a) priced right. A port of one or two year old games mean you can get the original for half the price. Not exactly attractive. Scarface and RE4 are priced right IMO, though RE4 could be a TAD bit cheaper.

b) have expanded content if it's full-price.


And all Wiimakes SHOULD have well-implemented controls. That is crucial. Generally speaking, we want high production values. Even for ports.


I think Ubisoft did the worst of all publisher. GT Pro, Far Cry were rushed to the market to meet launch. Average games at best, if not horrible in the first place. Prince of Persia, while a solid title to start with, hid the fact it was the same game that was available for Cube as Two Thrones. I will consider it when it's half price, though by the time that happens, the original games will have arrived.


So in short, I dont mind ports or wiimakes, but they need to be solid games to begin with. Rockstars announcement to bring Bully and Table Tennis got my attention. We'll see what happens.


Still, nothing beats original games. If the better-than-expected sales of RE4 means they'll consider a new RE4-style game taking place between RE4 and RE5, i'd welcome that.

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