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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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Whatever happened to Lloyd going to destroy all exspheres. Maybe the war has put this off. Maybe if Namco make another TOS sequel they will make it about this.


To be honest, with a sequel to TOS I was hoping for a continuation of the story. It sounds like this game will be a decent RPG so I'll still buy it, however it doesn't sound like the game we were all awaiting since completing the first game.


I've decided I'm not going to collect all the monsters in my first time around, I'll wait until I've beat it once. I find those parts where you need to collect something and only have one chance to do it, really ruin the game for me in my first play-through. (except for in pokemon of course).

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Seems like it, and I'm not happy in the slightest, the only reason I was letting this game slide (lack of detailed shadows, lack of new scenarios, recycled) was because this was supposedly a Team Symphonia game.Moneyhatted RPG scene, since no japanese company in it's right mind would develop exclusively for it otherwise.They should be obliged to port it for the Wii, like they did with ToS PS2. On another note, I've seen nothing in that game that can't be done on the Wii, the town geometry is low-polygon like hell.


A crazy thought ocurred to me. What if they're trying to do with Vesperia what happened with Symphonia?

Release a good Tales game (made by Team Symphonia) on a console that doesn't usually get them and try to gain a fanbase there.

Just to play it safe, have plans to port it later to a more popular console.


Then again, I have plenty of crazy ideas.


Although here's hoping Vesperia gets ported sometime in the future. : peace:

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A crazy thought ocurred to me. What if they're trying to do with Vesperia what happened with Symphonia?

Release a good Tales game (made by Team Symphonia) on a console that doesn't usually get them and try to gain a fanbase there.

Just to play it safe, have plans to port it later to a more popular console.


Then again, I have plenty of crazy ideas.

And then on the success of the game they concluded "let's not make more RPG's for the GC since we don't want to divide our userbase further.


Zero coherency with what they're doing now.


They also created a team for Nintendo systems, back then, Team Symphonia; not gone and take Team Destiny/WolfTeam for the job. Vesperia would be more acceptable if they were using other team, not using a crappy team on Symphonia 2 and Team Symphonia on a X360 game. It just screams half assed and double standards really, how can they have the face to say that Fujishima wasn't available while he was for Vesperia? they obviously had to choose and Vesperia is the real deal.


It's not such a crazy idea, just unfair. And thanks to Microsoft moneyhatting X360 is not as barren as GC was, too.

Although here's hoping Vesperia gets ported sometime in the future. : peace:
If there was justice in this world...
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TOS II was first planed as a spin off though. They probably put noobs on it as to not waste team Symphonia's time on a spin off. Perhaps Team Symphonia was created to make games for non-Sony consoles and not just Nintendo consoles.


But TBH they should have in the first place got team Symphonia to make an awesome sequel to TOS for the Wii and forgot the spin off entirely.


Nintendo should use their Wii cash to buy the Tales of series.

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If Team Symphonia is making Tales of Vesperia then I know which console I will buy next. Wikipedia claims they are working on it.


Good to hear that Nintendo actually cares about the hard core games that they actually tell third parties what to do.


It's dissapointing that there is no affection system like in ToS. It was one of my favourite aspects of the game. Played it over and over just to see every scene.


I'm curious, has anyone else played Team Symphonia's other game? ToS is easily one of the best RPGs ever, but Abyss is ten times better in every area except graphics.

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TOS II was first planed as a spin off though. They probably put noobs on it as to not waste team Symphonia's time on a spin off. Perhaps Team Symphonia was created to make games for non-Sony consoles and not just Nintendo consoles.
And because they'd rather use Team Symphonia on XFlop 360.
But TBH they should have in the first place got team Symphonia to make an awesome sequel to TOS for the Wii and forgot the spin off entirely.
Indeed, the only redeeming quality this game could have would be Tales of Symphonia godlike-ness.
Nintendo should use their Wii cash to buy the Tales of series.
They should buy Namco while they're at it, they need new management considering the crap decisions they make.


Time Crisis 4 on PS3 (ported from PS2 arcade version), then accusing Nintendo of killing arcades (heh, bet they wanted PS3 instead to kill arcades since that would they'd make some money out of it); Soul Calibur Legends crap, considering nobody asked for it, while they're doing SC4 for all the others, Tales of Vesperia after Eternal Sonata having sold like... 5 copies in japan (ok, 50.000 but still)


Their company is a total trainwreck, someone put them out of their frickin misery.


Crap, Sony never paid for Tales, they had it because they were leading; these "double standards" completly piss me off; Nintendo should have the Tales series secured now without owning favors or paying money to no one.

If Team Symphonia is making Tales of Vesperia then I know which console I will buy next. Wikipedia claims they are working on it.
Nintendo Power indirectly confirms it.
Good to hear that Nintendo actually cares about the hard core games that they actually tell third parties what to do.
And bad to hear Namco is still ass raping us despite that.
I'm curious, has anyone else played Team Symphonia's other game? ToS is easily one of the best RPGs ever, but Abyss is ten times better in every area except graphics.
I did, still can't play it in my PAL PS2 though, but I'm taking care of that.


Still, Tales of Vesperia having Fujishima designs and Team Symphonia is a very bad taste joke, darn them.

Is there anything new known regarding a European release for ToS Dawn of the New World?
Other than the slight explicit hint that it's coming? no.
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I have to agree. After thinking things through about the game, I am rather concerned about it. I don't like the monster capture thing at all . Sounds cheap and quickly done. I hope the story is good though.


I don't think it'll do as well as the first one at all, just seems to newbie-ish. And the point and click system, gah. I'd rather explore the new world thanks.


It just feels limited and not as open and free.

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I don't think it'll do as well as the first one at all, just seems to newbie-ish. And the point and click system, gah. I'd rather explore the new world thanks.


It just feels limited and not as open and free.

Given how the map is, point and click is fine. bottom line is that they did it to avoid the hassle of doing a new world map.


heh, I bet Vesperia will have one; talk about being half assed.

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I thought that was only regarding an US-Release?

Or do you mean because they said that it sold well in US and Europe and still sells more than Abyss there?

Regarding US, that's a confirmation.


As for Europe:


Tales of Symphonia: Knights of Ratatoskr has already been revealed for Wii. How far has this game progressed and do you have a release date in mind for it yet?


Hideo Baba: It is scheduled to be released in Spring 2008 in Japan and currently under development. ToS was one of the most popular Tales series in European territories, so we would like you to stay tuned and look forward to it!

Source: http://www.cubed3.com/article/9398
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I have not read the news from yesterday on the new info on the game....i have glanced at a few of the above posts but not read anything in full....just in case.



But one thing that has occurred to me.


The point and click map......if we have no map world to run around.... will there be monsters roaming inside the towns or something now?


In others words between dungeons how do we have battles?

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Yeah Shadow, the lack of a map worries me too but I somehow want to believe that they have done it for a good reason.


The monster thing isn't a huge problem to me, apart from Pokemon I can't think of any other games I've played where you catch em. Obviously you can do it in Dragon Quest- but thats hardly been readily available in Europe.


Try and have confidence til we know for sure that its screwed up cos surely if Nintendo had a word with them then they will be putting in some effort for us.

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Try and have confidence til we know for sure that its screwed up cos surely if Nintendo had a word with them then they will be putting in some effort for us.
I don't think it'll be downright bad, I just think it's half assed and nowhere near what they could have done; and are doing for other platforms for no good reason.


There's not much they can actually screw up when they're using Tales of the Abyss engine, I mean, I'd have to congratulate them for crapping out something that already works well.

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Yeah I know Pedro, you've always been passionate about Tales of Symphonia and we all want them to make the best game possible too. For one thing, the world map fiasco does sound incredibly cheap... but maybe it will work out. The shadows, mouths and everything else you have been highlighting is an annoyance as well and shows that they aren't pushing the Wii or putting in all the work they can- but was ToS a graphical feat? Sure it was a great game, but it lacks motion capture and all kindsa things but what it doesn't have it made up for it with sheer charm.


I'm hoping this can be the same- that the shortcomings will be outbalanced by it being a worthy follow up. *crosses fingers*


Plus, I am still convinced Raine is evil. Seriously.

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Back at the start of ToS in the hotel at Triet, I remember you got an artifact or exsphere or something that Raine was obsessed with. Then there was a scene showing her alone in her room and her eyes changed and she was like "I have you at last, mwahaha!" and from that point on I waited for her to stab us all in the back.


Obviously she never did, but I won't be letting my guard down. :p

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was ToS a graphical feat? Sure it was a great game, but it lacks motion capture and all kindsa things but what it doesn't have it made up for it with sheer charm.


I'm hoping this can be the same- that the shortcomings will be outbalanced by it being a worthy follow up. *crosses fingers*

Compared to what PS2 was doing at the time I think it was quite good, sure it lacked motion capture and that kind of "high budget" stuff, but it had lush visuals just the same featuring cell shading and colorful detailed environments. PS2 had trouble running a toned down port of it, for example. I still think it's a beautiful game for it's age.


I wouldn't say Vesperia on the X360 screams high budget either, but compared to this Wii version... at least it has some effort, and that's just wrong, I mean... why do they always put effort for HD consoles (since people would just badmouth a bad looking game) but think it's okay for the Wii? it's not like they are doing on Vesperia something they couldn't on Wii.


The improvements they offer us are insignificant; considering they are willing to do them for a game that'll probably sell less (also regarding using Team-B on the project that'll sell more than Team-A one).

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Although so far Namco's presence on the wii hasn't been so great. I looked at what they have out on if in N.A and its all crap. It seems than from the gamecube Namco and nintendo's relationship has deteriorated. Maybe due to decisions made by Bandai. Either way they aren't showing as much support and enthusiasm as other Japanese developers.

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