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Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World


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I'm not sure about the new subtitle, I like Knights of Ratatosk, no matter how hard it is to say :heh:


Will "Ratatosk" still be refered to in the game?


Did they give a release date for it in the US?


One step closer to confirmation of a European release anyway......

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Yeah I don't care what they call it, so long as I get to play it.


They could call it "Tales of Symphonia: The Magical Mountain of Poo" or even worse "Tales of Symphonia: Collette and Lloyd Lovers" (NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO)

I'd still be eagerly waiting for it :heh: ....... though i might be pissed come the end of the game if it had that 2nd title

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Ha same here. I think it will be the next game I cry at if that happened. Sheena would be devastated of that happened.


That Collette better not meddle in other peoples love lives in this game. I really hope they'res an affection system again. And the game lasts 40 odd hours since they're no traveling.

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That's exactly what i'm hoping for. I loved the story in the first one and a story on par or near it would be fantastic. I already think there's a few twists regarding what we know already.


And i'm hoping for a lot of gameplay like side quests aswell and hidden little things. I'm getting to worked up about this again.

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Sheena's fault for not flaunting it enough. Apart from when she's in that evening dinner wear suit.


Best pic I could find is of a cos player.




OMG, Finally, I tried searching for cosplays of that dress numerous times and always only found ones of Sheena regular outfit.


Wonder could i get in contact with that person...maybe she'd sell me the dress and I could then get my girlfriend to wear it:indeed: :heh:



Backtracked that pic to site it came from and found more






*many bad ...but happy... thoughts*



Ah found her own webpage, more pics found there, click here http://www.geocities.com/negality/ and then click on the "Videogame" tab on the left

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Is there anyway to know the full history of what hapenned in Tales of Symphonia 1 without playing the game?


Your best bet is the synopsis guide on gamefaqs. Its sort of a broken down story. But I don't think it will have any info about the final battle. Also maybe the game script faq for further reading.

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OMG, Finally, I tried searching for cosplays of that dress numerous times and always only found ones of Sheena regular outfit.


Wonder could i get in contact with that person...maybe she'd sell me the dress and I could then get my girlfriend to wear it:indeed: :heh:



I've seen her before in her normal Sheena cosplay outfit. And I think it does her waaaaay more justice.



My personal fav

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... she (the model) could loose some pounds though...


*starts running with a headstart*


FALCON PUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Although she probably could have reconsidered some of her Ada poses in another cos play. But lets not add to the whole size zero debate. Women have it hard enough. :P

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Nintendo Power transcript:


Interview with Teruaki Konishi and Tsutomu Gouda


- Symphonia highest selling Tales game in the US and still selling better than Abyss (then how about porting it?)


- Planned as a spin-off, later decided to expand the scale and make it a direct story sequel

- Project started summer of 06.

- Nintendo specifically asked them to gear the game for a hardcore audience

- Monster system implemented to make the game more enjoyable for newcomers without watering down the full Tales experience; catering to hardcore Tales fans first and foremost - no changes made for casuals.


- Light use of the Wii remote, activating shortcuts without watering down the Tales experience: pointing at what you want to shoot with the Sorcerer's Ring; click and drag the world map and select destination with the pointer.

- Might be looking at adding more motion-control features to the NA release (no comment)


- Scenario writer for DotNW wrote the original game. Few other design staff from the original game, but majority are new to the series. (where the f*ck is Team Symphonia? don't tell me they're on Vesperia)

- Character proportions changed to stay faithful to new designs

- Fujishima was too busy to do the character designs, so Daigo Okumura (art director for Symphonia and Abyss) did it. (he was available to do vesperia though, f*ckers)


- Monster capturing system intended to be strategic (certain monsters are more useful in certain situations) and a collect-a-thon. Difficult to collect all monsters the first time through the game, though.

- Affection system present in the monster attraction aspect, no story changes as there were with the original game. Optional side quests available.

- Cooking system returns, but now the Wonder Chef teaches you recipies for monster food, which will change your monster parameters or aid their evolution.


- Ratatosk was in the original game but was dormant, and has now awakened.


- Whenever Emil et al find a new spirit, Lloyd is there trying to stop them - why?




Not part of the interview, but a quote from Gouda at the end of the reveal article:


This game is not Tales of Symphonia 2 [noting the many experimental aspects of the game's structure and mechanics]. In terms of the storyline, however, Symphonia 2 is exactly what it is.


Also from the article:


Of the 8 surviving characters, all are playable at some point in the game - Zelos in,

Kratos out (but he's the narrator of the intro)

. Emil and Marta are the only permanent human characters, the rest of the party of 4 is made up of monsters and guest appearances.


About half of the locations and dungeons are rehashed from the original game (though quite a bit different due to changes in the world).


Monsters recruitment is determined by the element of the battlefield compared to the element of the monster, and influenced by the monster from your party you use to sway them.


11 hours of voiced event scenes and character skits. Event scenes feature realistically proportioned characters, cinematic camera angles and motion-captured character animation. "Prospects looking good for fully voiced skits and perhaps even actual theme-song vocals in the game's North American version." (about time!)

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Judging from that interview, it seems this game will be much better than I originally thought.


And it also seems that both Namco and Nintendo know that the Tales series has everything to make success in the west (in Nintendo consoles).

Last generation, many Tales games ended on PS2 because that's were it sold well. It seems they might change their focus to the Wii.


Which really makes me wonder why the hell they're making a Tales game for the Xbox 360. It makes no sense whatsoever.

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Judging from that interview, it seems this game will be much better than I originally thought.
I'd say the existence of Vesperia, and the fact that it looks like it's frickin' taking most talent, budget and personel says otherwise.
And it also seems that both Namco and Nintendo know that the Tales series has everything to make success in the west (in Nintendo consoles).

Last generation, many Tales games ended on PS2 because that's were it sold well. It seems they might change their focus to the Wii.

They only sold well in Japan though; a month after Legendia came out in US Symphonia already sold double that on a month's average, on GC... a lesser selling console, no less.


Namco is still oblivious to it though, they're most likely aren't releasing the just released Tales of Destiny Remake: Directors Cut (who came out January 31st) in US, let alone Europe.


Sure it's market and all, PS2 was leading, but how the hell do we explain a X360 Tales game now?


Although *gasp* I don't believe Tales of Vesperia needs confirmation for the Ocident, I mean, otherwise they'll sell ~5 copies in Asia.

Which really makes me wonder why the hell they're making a Tales game for the Xbox 360. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Right, it doesn't, and apparently it's taking Team Symphonia while they train n00bs on the Wii, Fujishima's character designs (the guy who was too busy for this spin-off) and well... it's done from the ground instead of recycling world locales changing weather settings and minor things; oh... and it has better character models and detailed shadows, for no good reason, bonus stuff.


Fanservice-spin-off sequel to pay off a X360 game, this is; and I'm buying it.

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Thanks for the info as always Pedro.


Its encouraging to read that they have been putting a fair deal of thought into this- Nintendo asking them to gear it towards the hardcores is reassuring and its nice to see that Nintendo place some importance on this game.


However, Namco have put a weakened team onto the job? Hmm, lets hope that despite that, they are still qualified to make a worthy go of it.


Two things I'm still not sure about is why are they making a Tales game for the Xbox 360? There is a slight RPG scene building on the 360, but even so... put them on the Wii! The other thing is... the lack of a world map in Dawn of the New World- they better prove to us that its done like this for the better.

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However, Namco have put a weakened team onto the job? Hmm, lets hope that despite that, they are still qualified to make a worthy go of it.
Seems like it, and I'm not happy in the slightest, the only reason I was letting this game slide (lack of detailed shadows, lack of new scenarios, recycled) was because this was supposedly a Team Symphonia game.
Two things I'm still not sure about is why are they making a Tales game for the Xbox 360? There is a slight RPG scene building on the 360, but even so... put them on the Wii! The other thing is... the lack of a world map in Dawn of the New World- they better prove to us that its done like this for the better.
Moneyhatted RPG scene, since no japanese company in it's right mind would develop exclusively for it otherwise.
The reason for putting Tales on the 360 simply has to be money. Microsoft probably threw a wad of cash at Namco and seeing as videogaming is a business they would be foolish not to accept. It will probably end up on the PS3 at some point though just like Eternal Sonata.
They should be obliged to port it for the Wii, like they did with ToS PS2. On another note, I've seen nothing in that game that can't be done on the Wii, the town geometry is low-polygon like hell.
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