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Russia vs Britain- who would win?


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Seeing as relations between Britain and Russia are becoming thinner, who do you think would win a war between the two great nations?(God forbid).


Here's some facts about them.



Official name- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Pop- 60 million

Most important city- London

Biggest city- London

Does it have nuclear weapons?- yes

4th largest economy in the world.

Friends- United States, France, Australia, Canada



Official name- Russian Federation

Pop- 148 million

Most important city- Moscow

Biggest city- Moscow

Does it have nuclear weapons?- yes

6th largest economy in the world

Friends- China, Cuba


I think the UK would win. Do you?

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im sure russia economy isnt sixth. i mean its USA, Japan, Germany, UK, France, China, Italy. i could be worng though coz its part of the G8.


id say russia would win, more nukes, more military (numbers) and a larger population. its probably still the second strongest nation after USA, closely followed by china.

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Who would win? In what terms?


Are we talking about a war b'cos that's obvious, but are we allowed allies, nuclear weapons? Or winning economically? Then again that can be subject to controversy. To conclude, what a pointless thread.


im sure russia economy isnt sixth. i mean its USA, Japan, Germany, UK, France, China, Italy. i could be worng though coz its part of the G8.


Yeah Russia arn't sixth. The highest they could be is ninth since the G8 are infact the G7 plus Russia.

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With allies, we would no doubt win.


Well the UK and the US are unliked across much of the middle east and I'm sure that if the UK and US launched a joint offensive against Russia we would see China and maybe even North Korea pose a threat. China and Russia are inseparable in international relations and China and Russia standing side by side would be a humongous (sp?) threat.

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yeh we've clearly learnt : peace:


expects russia not to invite UK to next dinner party? worst comes to worst, they kick out the UK diplomats.



on the other note, china and russia alliance would be something tasty to see. the red army awakens! then we can have a C&C game besed on it.

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If it goes nuclear, Russia, by a long shot.


In a conventional war, probably us, we have massively superior military, technology wise, from infantry weapons to tanks to planes to aircraft carriers.

There is also the small matter of the RAF.

A lot of you seem to forget how well the RAF faired against the Argentinian Airforce in the Falklands war, which had the same planes as the Russians have, and better (French) long-range missiles. The RAF now, in addition to Harriers, has Tornadoes and soon the Eurofighter. Against old MiG-22's , regardless of numbers, we should fairly easily attain total air superiority.



With our allies, almost definitely, especially if the Septics get involved. For a start, no one likes being bombed by a plane your radar can't pick up.

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well, id say nukes won't be used on the simple ground that its mutual destruction. in the 70's, we had a 4 min warning on nukes on the uk, which was enough to launch a counter strike, im not sure if its the same or longer now, but a counter strike would easily wipe out wich ever nation fired first.


bear in mind that a single nuke attack on britain would reduce out numbers to medival levels, with a few nukes there would be next to no survivors in either country.


ontop of that, ireland would be there, to bear the aftermath of a nuke in the uk, and chances are the international council wouldent take kindly to an uninvolved nation bearing the aftermath of a nuclear blast, which would be devistating.


so say, for no particular reason, it became a war, and neglecting the issues of were it would be fought, you have to bear russia's military history in mind. granted, they are huge, there army is larger then their health service, but numbers mean little in a technilogical war, as hundreds of men can be whiped out in seconds, idts really about who can deploy the cleverest tactics and use the most advanced weaponry. The UK army is considered one of the best trained in the world, and with the support of many of the largest economies in the world, the uk can afford greater tech, whilst russia is a relitivly poor country, that said, their current army is pretty massive any way, theres little need for a monitary backing, and with the possibilty of china as allies, they stand a pretty good chance.


oh, and russia aint popular with the middle east either, their invasion of afganistan wasn't well recived.


ultimatly, i can't see any actual fighting occur, russia need the london stock exchange and the uk needs the russian money, there should be little more then saber rattling.

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true, it was a hell of a lot worse back in the 60's where people thought they wouldn't wake up the next day as russia had launched or the US had, for those 2 weeks, people thought they were going to enter world war 3, this is pretty much nothing next to that :P

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UK would win, with allies or not. Russia's numbers won't do them any good if they have to ship they're soldiers, they can't keep the canon fodder like they did with Germany. And technologically UK surpasses Russia by far.

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