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Isn't this being developed by Left Field? You know, the Excite Bike 64 guys.


Apparently 4 games have been delayed, but they've only told us about Nitro Bike.


This game looks pretty poor, but what else are Ubisoft supporting the Wii with this holiday? Last time I checked RRR2 is only one game, and while it looks good, it's still only one game :/.

Isn't this being developed by Left Field? You know, the Excite Bike 64 guys.


Yup. The guys who made the BMX PSP/Wii racing game that was absolutely awful. Who are noticeably using the same game engine for this.


I'm still secretly hoping and even expecting this to be a bit of a surprise. I'm looking forward to it anyway and pretty glad its delayed so they can improve it, but also because theres too many games coming out before xmas as it is. My only fear is it coming out close to mario kart.

Some new pics - graphics seem to have improved so maybe the delay will be worth it?






Those textures are blinding!


Although i'm quite optimistic about this game, its from the same guys that made Excitebike 64, which was a blast. This is on my pending list...

  • 2 months later...

From IGN


Nitrobike Hands-on

We unleash our inner beast with Ubisoft's answer to Excite Truck. First impressions, with 480p direct-feed footage included.

by Bozon

US, January 7, 2008 - When looking at Ubisoft's Nitrobike, it's pretty obvious where development team Left Field Productions got its original concept from. The game features the same insane boosting and over-the-top air times as Wii's launch racer Excite Truck, this time created by the team that brought you Excite Bike 64 in a part-racing, part-trick arcade experience. We had a chance to go hands-on with the game recently, and while we're still gearing up for our final review, we figured it was high time to show off some of what Nitrobike has to offer an in official hands-on write-up.


As we mentioned, Nitrobike has a ton in common with Nintendo's own first-party racer Excite Truck, which of course is a throwback to the classic Excite series from N64 and NES. Players compete with up to ten other bikers, ripping around tracks in hopes of hitting huge jumps, cashing in trick combos for added boost, and taking first place. Just like its initial inspiration, Nitrobike is heavy on the arcade control, and very light on any sort of sim racing, definitely appealing to the type of gamer that drops quarters for a few minutes of an adrenaline rush. Tilt control is of course embraced, so players will hold the Wii-mote in classic NES position and tilt to steer, use the 1 button as a brake, 2 as gas, d-pad for boost, and a combination of directions and the 1 button mid-air for tricking. Every time you trick, your boost bar increases just a little bit, allowing you to push the limits of your bike further and further throughout the race. Bail, however, and your bar starts to decrease again notch by notch.


Ten racers will enter turn one. We're pretty sure at least a few will make it to turn two.

With as much in common with Excite Truck as Nitrobike has, players will undoubtedly come to ask themselves why exactly they should drop cash on Ubisoft's offering when Nintendo's design has been on shelves for well over a year now. The truth is, Nitrobike won't be for everyone, but we're convinced it'll find its following just the same. A head-to-head comparison isn't exactly fair, since we'd have to favor in the direction of Excite Truck, as the experience is extremely polished. With that being said, Nitrobike brings more variety to the table from what we've seen so far, so if you don't mind a little less polish all around, you're going to get more depth in return. The full-blown career mode makes use of tons of different race challenges, having you fight for superiority in multi-race tournaments, complete time trials, or participate in Hoop Havok courses that combine speed with bonus rings made up of flaming circles of glass. Burst through them, and time is added to your clock, making it not only necessary to rip through levels, but also hit specific jumps and course sections to gain back time you spent driving to the finish.


The track design in Nitrobike is also more traditional than its Nintendo-made rival, so while Excite Truck had players blasting over canyons and jumping lakes with a single boost, Nitrobike focuses on closed tracks with more technical turns, with the occasional exploding bus or random burst of flames thrown in for good measure. Things can get a bit crowded with ten racers all stetting up at the line to begin a race, and because of it you get some frame issues along the way, but for the most part the experience is pretty fluid and fast. We'll need to spend more time with it before making any final judgments, but there's a definite change in feel when you combine boosting power with a more enclosed track, and it makes for some pretty challenging course design. As you progress through career mode the courses begin to open up a bit more (tier three has you leaping over bridges and racking up hang time of over five seconds per jump), but the general feel remains to be enclosed and linear, as opposed to some of Excite Truck's more open environments.


Another aspect that is definitely upped from Nintendo's launch racer is the overall depth of the career mode, specifically when looking at the amount of challenges and levels. Nitrobike's career mode is made up of nine tiers, totaling over 65 events when all is said and done. Most of the time you'll be racing against a pack of nine other riders, but every once in a while specific events (such as the elimination races) will drop the amount of rivals for a different feel. During these events, stakes are higher, often dumping out the person in last place or having riders race for the chance to earn new bikes or characters to use as the career goes on. Trick Attack events also make their way into the career mode at around tier three, having players nail specific tricks in the fastest possible time to medal in the challenge. Nail gold in every tier's package of events (as well as completing the game 100% throughout) and you'll be rewarded for your efforts once again.


And then there're the online options. Since we're playing off a pre-release build right now we won't have a chance to get into online competitions until much closer to release, but with Wii's online game list leaving much to be desired, the addition of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection support could give Nitrobike a serious push in the hardcore community. Thus far we've raced locally, and also opened up the bowling mini-game, and both have been pretty entertaining. Once we get online, we'll be back with more to share in the multiplayer department.


Be sure to check back for more on Nitrobike as we near the game's final release date. Also, be sure to check out our new direct-feed video of career mode and bike bowling in action, captured in 16:9 and 480p display. Nitrobike hits store shelves next week on January 15, 2008.




So this is Ubi's idea of next gen wii games. Look at that lovely octagonal bike tyre. And the guy wearing the cyan, red and yellow outfit needs a punch in the face. Hate him already. But I suppose it all looks better in motion.

I may just pick this up you know.


Looks and sounds good, and the online mode is another selling point!


Anyone else?


Yup I might just pick this up too - see what the reviews say but so far so good! :bowdown:


The graphics look craptastic, but the gameplay doesn't seem to be too shabby and it is from the guys behind Excitebike 64. I'm going to give it a wait and see approach and even with that said, I'm not spending $50 on it.


(BTW, ExciteTruck kicks ass and the only game to beat it is Motorstorm).

Might just pick this up...I really do need a door stop. When I play generic games like these on the 360 or PS3 (with the same gameplay, features etc) I can never go back to actually buying them for Wii.


Please the controls alone make that impossible.

Why? It's made by the staff that developed ExciteBike 64 if memory serves.


People need to remember that just because a developer's name is the same, it doesn't mean it has the same staff that were around 10 years ago and it's the staff that define a team and their games.

Why? It's made by the staff that developed ExciteBike 64 if memory serves.


It uses the same game engine as the last game these people made - the BMX racing one. Which is said to be the worst game on the PSP.

People need to remember that just because a developer's name is the same, it doesn't mean it has the same staff that were around 10 years ago and it's the staff that define a team and their games.


It also doesn't mean the opposite. I think a game developed by a developer with good track record has a better chance of being good rather then if made by one that was always crappy.

Also notice that I talked about staff and I said "if memory serves", so try to pay more attention before posting.


Well it looks pretty good to me, and scrap my earlier post about Gameplay....


GAME have now dropped it down to £19.99 with free delivery!


Online play for a mere 20 quid? I'm in. If only all Wii games were £20.

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