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So this game seems to be selling out before its even hit the shops. Anyone know where I can pre-order that still has stock?

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surprised so many of you want this game looks bloody boring to me :/


that piss-take youtube video was my thoughts towards it thats pretty much what i saw when i saw the orignal clip


25th I think...


Damn, I'm not going anywhere near this game. As a buisiness strategy, it's great but it's more the thing that I'd have a go on occasionally if my Mum had one, you know?


I know what you're saying but two things


1. The balance board looks amazing and I'm hoping for some games coming out for it


2. I need to do more exercise, lifes too busy at the mo and ive stopped playing footy, tennis and badminton. Although I'm hoping to get back into them I really need to do SOMETHING. This is the best bet. Sad? Maybe...


Oh, and a 3rd. My girlfriend really wants it!


Generally though, it's a new experience and I love that stuff


I always liked The idea of WiiFit, but I wasn't overly excited, but now I REALLY want this. I have weak health (nothing serious thankfully), and I'm very weak, so I need to do more exercise, WiiFit is great to start at my own pace with no pressure. And my dad said he'll buy me, since it's supposed to help :P


I think that I'd rather get fit by going outside tbh, cos i work on a computer most of the time. Also, there are so many mini-games that I can take and I just see this sitting by the wayside about 2 weeks after I've bought it.


Only thing that has really interested me in this game is the yoga type of stuff. Measuring balance is something that only the board can do. But I still don't see myself getting around to doing it!

I think that I'd rather get fit by going outside tbh, cos i work on a computer most of the time. Also, there are so many mini-games that I can take and I just see this sitting by the wayside about 2 weeks after I've bought it.


Only thing that has really interested me in this game is the yoga type of stuff. Measuring balance is something that only the board can do. But I still don't see myself getting around to doing it!


Sure, this is not substitute to going outside/doing sports, but it's a good stepping stone and a pretty good incentive.


I can't wait for this now. It's gonna be a present for my grandad (even though he STILL loves his wii sports) - Yet I'll be using it too. My fiance is also looking forward to it aswell so we should have some good laughs together with this. :) Wonder if it will outsell GTA...controversy!!

I can't wait for this now. It's gonna be a present for my grandad (even though he STILL loves his wii sports) - Yet I'll be using it too. My fiance is also looking forward to it aswell so we should have some good laughs together with this. :) Wonder if it will outsell GTA...controversy!!


The epic battle of this generation; forget Blu Ray vs HD DVD, PS3 vs 360, it's all about GTA vs Wii Fit.

The epic battle of this generation; forget Blu Ray vs HD DVD, PS3 vs 360, it's all about GTA vs Wii Fit.


I know :o


I think someone on here should mesure how much weight they lose on wii fit against what they put on playing GTA.


Is there any places online where I can get it cheaper than £69?


I'm really looking forward to the game, but man, I could get two great games for the same price, so it'd make a bit more sense if I could get it cheaper.


Thanks for any recommendations!

I know :o


I think someone on here should mesure how much weight they lose on wii fit against what they put on playing GTA.


Do people seriously lose weight playing this game? Are there any stats from Japan? I really can't see how by standing pretty much still and just tilting your body can help you lose weight or get fit in anyway whatsoever...

Do people seriously lose weight playing this game? Are there any stats from Japan? I really can't see how by standing pretty much still and just tilting your body can help you lose weight or get fit in anyway whatsoever...

Daily mail or guardian did an article on it and proved that it makes you loseas many calories as a running machine would


I saw an advert for this the other day too - it was like the preview ads they had for the Wii before it came out, where they showed the remote but didn't say what it was. They showed the board (now called the 'Wii Board' and not the 'Wii Balance Board') and someone stepping onto it, but no footage of Wii Fit, which I assume is to come in the next few weeks.


Game are starting processing preorders, this time i know that i won't get it till Thursday 24th April, after the small Mario Kart confusion. :D


Got this pre-ordered in my local GAME store now. Mum decided she wanted it so pre-ordered for me and getting it on release (surprisingly).


Processing already? Jesus talk about early.


In two weeks we could be seeing another massive amount of wii coverage in Britain. It seems to be starting already. (With utterly confusing adverts!)


I was reading the IGN impressions and was concerned at Chobot beating Cassamassina on the pushup exercise. Even though Matt completed all reps and Chobot fell on her arse. God I hope it's accurate and doesn't have 'exploit' written all over certain sections.


Mine is being packed ready to ship, it's now out until over a week away! Whats going on? Will they ship really early?


Looking forward to this game, hope it does give you a good workout and hope even more I actually want to play it!

Mine is being packed ready to ship, it's now out until over a week away! Whats going on? Will they ship really early?


Looking forward to this game, hope it does give you a good workout and hope even more I actually want to play it!


To be honest, i think their lying. They won't have the games picked/packed and then dispatched till next Wednesday. You'll get it next Thursday.


To be honest I don't care I'm away filming my short until the early hours of friday morning! My girflriend is coming down that weekend though so she'll love the fact I'll have this! :) Mario Kart and Wii Fit all weekend!

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